Ghave's Horde

Commander / EDH jsttu


jsttu says... #1

Aside from the overrun effects this deck also has a couple of infinite combos. Juniper order ranger, mortician beetle, requiem angel, sigil captain, and twilight drover all allow infinite tokens and colorless mana when paired with ghave and Ashnod's altar, and even without the altar one can still create an impressive board presence with the mana on hand.

This deck is a blast to play and counter-intuitively resistant to removal because spot removal is insignificant to tokens and the deck can produce them at such a rate that you will have a field full of them a few turns after a board wipe.

My only complaint is that this deck is weak to flyers and persistant creature hosers such as lightmine field. Any suggestions to resolving either of these are very much appreciated.

June 16, 2012 1:23 a.m.

Paradoxator says... #2

You should give card:Cathars' Crusade some consideration.

June 16, 2012 1:37 a.m.

jsttu says... #3

i'll take out Blade of the Bloodchief for Cathars' crusade when i get my hands on one as it will perform a similar function yet work better overall.

June 20, 2012 9:34 p.m.

kavumaster says... #4

Spidersilk Armor would help against flyers, also Glare of Subdual

also i like the combo of Pollenbright Wings and Pennon Blade and i think it could go well in your deck (also the wings could help with fliers)

July 6, 2012 3:12 a.m.

smash10101 says... #5

I agree about the wings and blade could be good too, as for things like Lightmine Field or Pestilence , try adding some more enchantment removal, though you do have quite a bit, and lots of things that make people not want to continually kill our creatures

July 15, 2012 2:43 a.m.

smash10101 says... #6

Krosan Grip could be nice

July 15, 2012 2:44 a.m.

kavumaster says... #7

Aura Shards would be great enchant/artifact removal for this deck

July 17, 2012 3:26 p.m.

jsttu says... #8

@kavumaster: Aurashards is a good idea and I will make sure to keep my out for one. Similarly, I have been trying to trade with a friend for spidersilk armor and krosan grip for a while now, but he is proving annoyingly uncooperative.

As for pollenbright wings and pennon blade, I have actually had those in an earlier build of this deck and found that they are too conditional and expensive to be worth the card slot. A creature enchanted with 'wings has to hit an opponent and in order for it to be worth 6 mana and card disadvantage the creature needs to be huge and/or come with inborn protection, which isn't going to happen. Also the usual 2-for-1 issue with enchantments. As for pennon blade, it is just win-more. Either this deck has enough creatures out to win by itself or it doesn't have any due to a board wipe. There really isn't much in between. Making a single creature bigger for a huge mana investment isn't worth it, especially since it isn't even in counters I can cannibalize. Point is, I ended up taking those two out because they were too expensive and not needed. I will definitely keep my eyes out for the other cards you mentioned though.

July 22, 2012 12:20 a.m.

abdulbaqr says... #9

Privileged Position for the win. :)

August 23, 2012 10:36 a.m.

abdulbaqr says... #10

oh Primordial Hydra for lots of token generation with Ghave. Makes it's own gravy!

August 23, 2012 10:38 a.m.

DiamondFlavor says... #11

I haven't looked this over too carefully but Golgari Germination seems cool. Perhaps Forgotten Ancient for more counters?

September 25, 2012 11:53 a.m.

yamicannon says... #12

Golgari Germination wouldn't help so much 'cuz your nontokens shouldn't be dying and if they do it wont be often enough to make a difference but Forgotten Ancient is beautiful and could be just the card needed to make Pollenbright Wings worth putting into the deck between him and Twilight Drover and Ghave, Guru of Spores you have atleast 2-3 creatures that Pollenbright Wings could make serious use out of although it is expensive but i would suggest adding a Life and Limb to the deck and the cost wouldn't be a problem then also adding Midnight Guard and Presence of Gond is a 2 card infinite combo that can decimate extremely quickly and fairly cheap

November 21, 2013 11:13 p.m.

yamicannon says... #13

Also a Craterhoof Behemoth would be a great game ender

November 21, 2013 11:28 p.m.

MrAsianYellow says... #14

Parallel Lives ? Would be pretty sick if you have Doubling Season out too.

August 21, 2014 9:17 a.m.

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