Ghost Daddy and his life extending friends

Standard Pcbino


RandomRaven7 says... #1

The Underworld Connections as I have learned from my MBDevo deck, Bleeding Devotion is extremely useful. The only thing i'm concerned about is the BB1 CMC being difficult to obtain early on, being that most of my deck is white. HOWEVER... the benefits outweigh the deficits in my opinion. I'm sure i'm going to find a way to incorporate x2 at a minimum. +1 to your deck good fellow.

December 9, 2013 3:36 p.m.

Pcbino says... #2

RandomRaven7 Thank you sir! - Of course it would be ideal to have Underworld Connections out fast - but then again, getting the Jedi out or Path of Bravery and then wait a turn to dump UC doesn't hurt too much in my opinion. I like the card advantage, so I'd say it's worth the slot(s).

December 9, 2013 3:43 p.m.

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