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Ghosts 'N' Stuff (Esper Spirits)

Modern Aggro Competitive Spirits Tempo Tribal WUB (Esper)




Description Outdated. Under Construction

Spirit Tribal Tempo deck that utilizes evasive creatures to attack while playing an attrition based spell suite to dismantle the opponent's hand and threats.

Feb 21: I've rebuilt this deck to be more much more aggressive. It is no longer about countering our opponents spells through counter magic while building up our spirits with lords but about heavy hand disruption while going wide and chipping with lots of flyers.

Table of Contents

1. Card Choices
2. Sideboard
3. Match-up Testing

Card Choices



Mausoleum Wanderer:
The main one drop if we don't turn 1 Inquisition/Seize. Puts pressure on the opponent to not tap out early game to cast non creature spells, swings for 1 most of the time. Triggers from Lingering Souls and Drogskol Captain's anthem can make these guys big and scary and can keep opponents from casting things like coco or Breach.

Our ideal turn 2 play is casting this guy on the opponent's end step allowing us to play our creatures on their turn if we have the mana. This creature is very flexible. We can use him to flashing in to chump block, protecting our more important spirits like Queller, Captain or even Selfless Spirit if we want to hold onto him and not sac right away. Another useful combat/counter trick is to flash him in as a surprise +1 +1 to our Wanderer's for attack/blocking purposes. Resolving this guy can single handedly change how some decks play against us.

Selfless Spirit:
Insurance against sweepers. Flash/Sacing this guy tends to be a blow out for the opponent for creature based decks and a massive frustration to Control decks who may need Damnation or Supreme Verdict to stabilize against us going wide. Also useful for when we want to clear a clogged board and swing all in, which may force the opponent to block just to stay alive with our only casualty being a two drop.

Spell Queller:
Counter magic attached to 2/3 body, despite the 3 toughness this guy has already proved himself in a few tiered Modern decks. Pretty much our entire creature suite has the ability to keep this guy alive somehow. Pretty self explanatory card, exile gets passed spells like Supreme Verdict which can't be countered. Countering the opponents Collected Company/Wrath of God while putting a body out always feels good.

Drogskol Captain:
This is the guy that can make our deck faster than some people expect. Hexproof is very very relevant and if this guy isn't answered before one of the other functional 6 (5-6 being Phantasmal Image) come in it becomes very hard to interact with our creatures. Selfless and Rattlechains can help keep this guy from being removed outside of Path to Exile and the +2+2 our Wanderer gets when he comes in can keep him from being immediately taken out. Just an overall great Lord.

Phantasmal Image:
An honorary spirit, we run 3. You're going to want to try and copy Captain more than anything, but our other creatures are all very good situational targets. Lets us copy our opponents dudes in case we need to block a Tarmogoyf or something else.



Fatal Push:
The new premier remove spell in Modern, this guy takes care of about 90% of the formats main played creatures without revolt and with revolt triggered (which we can activate through our 8 fetches or just chumping with a Spirit Token) it hits most of the other creatures played outside of Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Tron's creatures like Wurmcoil Engine.

Path to Exile:
For the other 10% of creatures Push does not hit, also situationally if we get mana screwed we can path one of our own things to grab a basic.

Go for the Throat:
Good cheap creature destruction that hits most threats in modern without the drawback of Path.

Inquisition of Kozilek:
Our main spell for hand disruption and our optimal turn 1 play. This card doesn't really need an explanation.

More disruption, better than Inquisition but T1 Fetch, Shock, Seize always feels horrible.

Collective Brutality:
A newer addition to Modern, every one of these modes can situationally relavent. And putting Lingering Souls in the yard to escalate is a great feeling. With Snapcaster we don't feel bad sending spells to the graveyard either. Usually we'll use the Drain and Discard modes, though if neccessary the -2/-2 can be good against some creatures. to Duress, Gain 2 Life, Make the opponent Lose 2 Life and Flashback a Lingering Souls we discarded to escalate is pure value.

Lingering Souls:
Midrange kryptonite. Putting evasive bodies on the field is never bad. +2 +2 for our Wanderers on the field when it comes out. Mid/late game casting and flashing this back on the same turn giving +4+4 to our Wanderers can be a blowout.



I run 4 Deltas, 4 Strands and a Marsh Flats 9 fetches has been good at getting what we need.

I run one of each Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain and Watery Grave, everything in my deck has only one of each mana symbol at most and I've found little reason to ever need to grab more than one shock in a game. Turn 1 Fetch into Watery Grave is usually how you'll start off the game, with the only time other shocks coming in is for an emergency need to flash in a selfless spirit or flash back lingering souls after a wipe or something. Otherwise they'll come in at your opponents end step when you don't need the mana.

I run 2 Mystic Gate, a lot of times we will either need or by turn three and these lands facilitate that when we aren't running into our fetches early game

I run 3 island,2 plain, one swamp, most of the time your fetches post the first shock will grab your islands. Singleton swamp is more for protection against Blood Moon.

Some counterspells just in case. Hits most of the things we can't hit with our removal like Artifacts, Enchantments, Planeswalkers. The damage is nice too.

Extra removal against things like Blood Moon or Chalice.

Blessed Alliance:
Neccessary Life gain against Burn, Sac effect can be situationally useful against decks utilizing Death's Shadow.

Relic of Progenitus:
Keeps opponents graveyard clear without hitting our Lingering Souls like Grafdiggers.

Kataki, War's Wage:
Our choice of artifact hate strapped to a 2/1 Spirit. The body earns Kataki a spot over Stony Silence.

Surgical Extraction:
Good for getting rid of problematic lands like Urza lands. Can also strip out opponents fetches which can hurt decks like Abzan Coco which usually run 10 or so. Gets rid of combo pieces and other generally problematic cards. All for Free if you want.

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner:
Extra protection against grindy decks like Jund or Grixis Control, can leave them with a handful of spells they can't use.

Ghost Quarter:
Hits Urza lands or other annoying lands.

Match-up DataI have removed the data I had since how the deck fundamentally worked has been scrapped and rebuilt.



Updates Add

A lot of fundamental changes to the deck.

More coming soon.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 6 Rares

18 - 7 Uncommons

3 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Emblem Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Spirit 1/1 W, Vampire 2/2 B
Folders Ideas, spirit deck ideas, Future Decks, Cool Decks, Fun Decks, Interesting, modern ideas, khans, Ideas and interresting stuff, not budget ideas
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