
The basic idea is to keep making tokens and win with attrition. I took out all the major combo pieces (no infinite) and just focused on making zombies using the ability of Gisa, if your going to win it is through making a zombie.

When I look at a zombie card or a card for sacrificing, I factor the following:

  • Is there recursion and what price does it cost to bring the creature back. Most resurrection involve sacrifice, which reduces the potential.

  • Power and toughness, the power needs to be on par with the casting cost unless it is greater than the casting cost.

  • Does the ability in any shape or way help Gisa produce more zombies?

I try to keep a third of the deck dedicated to zombie fodder and tokens to make sure the horde stays alive. The rest of the deck is geared towards attrition and sustaining mana.

First we start off with building the mana, I put explosive low drop mana spells such that you jump start your zombie making. Towards the higher part of the curve I put in pieces that have duel functions rather than just mana sources.

Thanks to recent sets, draw is built into the act of making a zombies. You will be rewarded draw when your making zombies with Gisa. The deck sustains itself when we run into draw engines due to the control that got added in. If you can't draw, then top decking may yield slow turns until the end game.

Utility includes the control needed to hold off combo and other aggro decks for the most part, you can lock the board depending on the state of things. We use deathtouch, sacrifice, life loss, menace, and Contamination to shutdown combo players.

Fodder, anthem, and token producing is the key to making a swarm of zombies with Gisa ability. Out of the three, fodder has to be the highest amount. If you don't have any zombie you want to sacrifice with Gisa then your just sitting there dead in the water. That being said, you will need help with your token producing via alternate effects, like Endless Ranks of the Dead. The two go hand and hand with more emphasis on fodder. The anthem part is the trickest, you do not want just a vanilla anthem effect. You need to have your anthem do more than just their designed effect, Bad Moon is a bad anthem where as zombie dad is a good one.

I made of the mistake of thinking you need a lot of anthem, but realistically you will probably pull on average 1-2 a game. A good place to cut is the anthem section if you have to many like I did, went from 12 to 10.

To keep up with my build philosophy, there is a way to kill everyone at the table by using the kill switch. Making the game a complete draw is low in odds, but it is possible.


Updates Add

Updated a few cards from Commander Legends and Throne of Eldraine. You will notice how all the major categories have reached an about an average of 14% of the deck.

We should see better draw and more control as we pilot of Gisa , remember that with all the new engines putting her out on the board is reserved for later turns in tougher meta.

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99% Casual


Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.09
Tokens Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms, Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, The Monarch, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Army 0/0 B, Zombie Knight 2/2 B
Folders Other peoples deck, Watch, Finished decks, Combo, Comander, EDH Decks, blk, Black EDH, Neat Stuff, Interesting Decks
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