Ghoulcaller's dream

Pauper passimo


Arantes90 says... #1

Hi.(Not an english speaker, so excuse me)

I have a similar deck, althought I use Essence Harvest + Nantuko Husk (or Vampire Aristocrat, if you need the mana) instead of Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Gempalm Polluter.

I also use 4x Ghoulcaller's Chant and no Unearths, since the Ghoulcaller's Chant let me take 2 zombies for just one B, and since most of then just cost one or two manas, I can just put them in play on the same turn.

July 14, 2016 11:12 a.m.

Arantes90 says... #2

Don't know how to edit my post :(

Anyway, here's the list I use.

Any kind of help is welcome.

July 14, 2016 11:36 a.m.

passimo says... #3

Hi Arantes90 (I'm not an english speaker too, so don't worry), thank you very much for your comment and your suggestions.

I thought of using something similar to Essence Harvest or Rite of Consumption as an ending, but i used the Gempalm (that makes you draw too! It's very useful!) and the gray merchant instead because they can be used more than once, whit some little combo as the one with the Chant, and also the Gempalm can't be countered when you use its ability.

About the Chants, i've left 2 Unearth because it can be cycled if not useful, and because in some situatons I would like to spare the 1 mana I would use to play a zombie from my hand, but i'll think about this suggestion.

Thank you once again, i'll check your deck.

July 14, 2016 2:42 p.m.

HurricaneZach says... #4

I would run with 3xDisfigure and 3xTragic Slip. It seems that you could turn the Morbid trigger on more often than not and Tragic Slip handles the Ulamog's Crushers and Gurmag Anglers for only 1 mana. Also, I like Shamble Back instead of Vile Rebirth. Sorcery speed but it gains the 2 life that can be relevant in close matchups.

March 10, 2017 12:01 p.m.

passimo says... #5

Hy HurricaneZach, thanks a lot for your suggestion and for your upvote. I think you are right about Disfigure and Tragic Slip, thanks for the suggestion. I also like Shamble Back, but I use this deck also against non-paupers, and in that case I find it more useful to have an istant istead of a sorcery (maybe with an opponent Graveborn deck or one like that). I will put it in the Maybeboard anyway, thanks once again!

March 10, 2017 12:19 p.m.

passimo says... #6

Hey guys do you think that replacing 1 Victim of Night with Nameless Inversion and the 2 Unearth with 2 more Ghoulcaller's Chant would be good? Doing so I'd be able to take back the inversion from the graveyard to play it again, being it also a zombie card

August 18, 2017 4:56 a.m.

Arthaiser says... #7

this deck looks very good, but i have to say, i like asphodel, but he is in another mana curve entirely, the rest of the deck can be played at 2 mana, since the few cards that actually cost more are better if we cycle them (most of the time).

even the sb stops at 2 and the maybeboard so i have been thinking... maybe asphodel has to go? and maybe 2 lands have to go with him? a deck that caps at 2 usually plays 16 lands. but maybe this deck needs more mana than the average 2 drop deck so i am not that sure about that.

as for the additions in these hypotetical slots, 2 more Ghoulcaller's Chant are mandatory in my opinion, if you take the lands also, i can see Nameless Inversion there. in fact i can see that card in the deck more than Disfigure or maybe 50% of each.

just my two cents, please tell what you think about them.

September 14, 2017 1:27 p.m.

passimo says... #8

Hi Arthaiser, thanks a lot for your suggestions. I think you are right about the Merchant, but i love that card, and i'm not sure i'd be able to part from it! I'll test the deck anyway, so I can see how it would go without that card.

Thanks for letting me know your opinion about the Nameless Inversion/Ghoulcaller's Chant swap! I think i'll put it in. I was honestly thinking of replacing only 1 Victim of Night with it, because it costs exactly the same converted mana cost as the inversion, but i'm not so sure about it, also because it would be difficoult to find it in the deck. Should I remove also 1 Disfigure, in your opinion?

September 20, 2017 3:20 p.m.

Arthaiser says... #9

i cant say anything for sure, but i think that is all about the mana that you usually have open. if the deck can leave 2 mana open and still do something in each turn then -1 Disfigure or maybe even more. but if that is too much mana then you have to keep them for the aggresive decks

September 21, 2017 7:45 a.m.

passimo says... #10

Ok, thanks a lot for your suggestions

September 24, 2017 7:17 a.m.

5finga says... #11

August 7, 2018 4:02 a.m.

passimo says... #12

Hi 5finga, thanks for your many suggestions. I don't really like Voracious Null nor Gutless Ghoul because their active abilities have an additional mana cost (even though that cost is perfectly balanced in the case of Gutless Ghoul). I also never understood the popularity of Twisted Abomination (paying 6 for a 5/3?? , ok it can regen, but... Maybe only if cycled and then Exhumed). Similar thought for Gavony Unhallowed, it costs too much and for this reason Carrion Feeder is better. Cemetery Recruitment is good, but it would be perfect for a , with its 2 drop cost is replaced by the better Ghoulcaller's Chant. Also, it couldn't combo with Nameless Inversion, because it explicitly says "creature card" and not only "zombie card" as the Chant does. On the other hand, Wight of Precinct Six may be perfect, I don't know how I missed it! Thank a lot for this last piece of advice! I know it's a long answer but I wanted to write down all my thoughts about these cards.

August 7, 2018 4:37 a.m.

5finga says... #13

You're basically right about Voracious Null and so on... But I personally like Twisted Abomination for the swamp-cycle. Sometimes you need the extra swamp-land in the beginning. And the : regenerate -ability is rare in Zombie pauper. However, I am glad you liked Wight of Precinct Six.

August 7, 2018 5:06 a.m.

5finga says... #14

Also I forgot to mention these:

August 7, 2018 5:35 a.m.

passimo says... #15

I already know Mortuary Mire, but I never used it because the mana curve of the deck is all around the 1 drop mana cost, and having too much lands that come into play tapped is very risky for this kind of deck. It would anyway be a fine addition to the collection but I fear it would slow down the deck too much (and I don't think it would be good to switch the Barren Moors, I'll put it in the maybeboard anyway but I don't think I'll ever add it). I also knew the Grave Scrabbler combo (I suggested it too once), which is really good, also if you already have another scrabbler in the graveyard, but I don't really need it, and I wouldn't know what to remove: it's always the most annoying part in improving a deck, parting away from your beloved cards ='(

August 7, 2018 8:44 a.m.

Have you thought about Gurmag Angler and Shepherd of Rot?

September 16, 2018 4:14 a.m.

passimo says... #17

Hey Skjoldschoennemann (typing your name was quite difficult) thanks for your advice. Gurmag Angler is surely one of the best among big boys in pauper, but, it may sound stupid to you (because it is), I'm not playing it because it's too "mainstream", (everyone uses it where I go to play tournaments) and I prefere to focus on Gempalm Polluter and Carrion Feeder to deal damage. I already considered Shepherd of Rot, and I like it a lot, but I have no way to regain the lost life points (Gray Merchant of Asphodel is too late-game)

September 16, 2018 10:31 a.m.

Well, you should only use Shepherd of Rot if it's to your advantage. If you're just a little bit ahead of life it can be game-winning, and sometimes your opponent just can't do anything about. One time, my opponent actually used Shepherd of Rot to bring us both to zero in response to me winning the game. Well maybe it's a sideboard card, but I think it's worth a shot.

September 17, 2018 9:45 a.m.

passimo says... #19

I don't really know, maybe in some cases it would fit, but I don't think it would be a good switch. It isn't a side for a specified deck, either. I like it though, so I'll think about it

September 19, 2018 4:30 p.m.

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