
This deck works around the Heroic mechanic, as well as some other smaller mechanics. I have some trouble against well made control and burn decks, but in general it fares fairly well, about a 75% win rate in casual I would estimate. Feel free to give it a go or share it! Price is certainly within anyone's range.

(This deck has won on turn 4 more than you would think, Mystic, Iroas, Fabled, Orzhova, Giant Growth)


Gideon, Champion of Justice - A card easily defended by these creatures, gives you time to build up for that ultimate ability.


Chronicler of Heroes - Nice for a bit of card draw, and works prey good on the same turn as a Temple of Plenty. 3/3 for 3is fair too.
Akroan Skyguard - Put him back in here because its simply too good to pass up. 1/1 for 2 may seem bad at first, but sorceries and instants will quickly make him a staple flying creature.
Elvish Mystic - No excuse NOT to have this card.
Fabled Hero - Heroic Double Strike, once again, no excuse not to have this in a heroic deck.
Favored Hoplite - Great 1/1 for 1 who, with enchantments, can be a formidable force indeed.
Hero of Iroas - Both my enchants are auras, so I figure you can't go wrong with one (or three) of these guys in here!


Time to Feed - A more expensive version of Prey Upon, but the best at short notice. I mean 3 life isn't worth 2 extra mana, but I think with the sheer power of this deck this card will prove useful.


Dauntless Onslaught - Fantastic when attacking with more than one Fabled Hero, or indeed any heroic creature.
Giant Growth - A keystone of this deck. 1 mana to possibly bring a 1/1 up to 6/6 after blockers declared - not bad.
Gods Willing - I do love scrying, its a personal vice, and protection from a colour after blockers are declared can be OH so lovely. Fantastic with Fabled Hero for that final swing.

MANA (you need more mana!)

Plains - It's got white cards in it.
Forest - It's got green cards in it.
Temple of Plenty - As I say, I do love scrying, but a g/w land works well in a g/w deck


Gift of Orzhova - Once again, fantastic with the heroic deck because not only does it add +1+1 AND counters on the creatures, but also lifelink and flying, making them difficult to block for most. Card art is fantastic too.
Trollhide - Regeneration is something I would like to have on my strongest creature at some point in the game, just in case, and a permanent +2+2 isn't too bad either.

This deck hasn't been updated to Journey into Nyx yet, but as soon as I get to play with the new cards and get a feel for which ones would work well, be prepared to see a bit of an update!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 1 Rares

13 - 6 Uncommons

17 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.22
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