Why do you have Bloodstained Mire and Wooded Foothills because you aren't running mountains they are worse than basic landsSwampForest(because of the life paying) if you want to look for a land play Verdant Catacombs
November 7, 2015 3:52 p.m.
justinhays says... #3
I can't play Verdant Catacombs in this deck because it's not standard legal
November 7, 2015 4:08 p.m.
Besides fetches for mana control it looks solid. Maybe a few Hangarback because of synergy with Anafenza, but you would have to sacrifice some control to do that.
November 7, 2015 4:58 p.m.
justinhays says... #5
I dont feel hangarback is good in this deck. My friend plays a similar deck and he has them and they are just so easy to exile so it's a waist of a spot in my deck when I could have more control instead
November 7, 2015 5:06 p.m.
haysmafia1 says... #6
Make it 60 cards only. You are not getting Gideons, so might as well take them out.
November 8, 2015 8:08 p.m.
November 8, 2015 8:21 p.m.
justinhays says... #8
Thank u for the advice psychosocial I will consider silkwrap but idk about duress but ill consider it and thanks for the + 1
November 8, 2015 8:30 p.m.
haysmafia1 says... #9
You are a creature deck, you don't want Languish. Replace with Duresss as it will allow you to get board-wipe spells (Languish, Planar Outburst, etc) & planeswalkers (Gideon, Ob Nix would wreck you) away from the opponent.
Managorger Hydra is so weak right now, it dies to almost all of the common removal in the meta.
You really want to be at 60 cards (61 max). This way you can have consistency in your draws.
Here is the winning decklist from SCG Open Philly: Abzan Aggro
November 8, 2015 9:12 p.m.
haysmafia1 says... #10
You can borrow: 3x Wingmate Rocs, 2x Utter Ends, & 3x Hangarback Walkers.
Sideboard changes:
- -2x Aligned Hedron Network
- -2x Languish
- +2x Managorger Hydra (taken out of Main deck. This is only good against Eldrazi & G/R Atarka/Landfall decks)
- +2x Transgress the Mind (take away opponents' Ulamogs, Gideons, & Wingmate Rocs)
November 9, 2015 11:56 a.m.
Other than removing the 'budget' hub, I have nothing to say here. Great deck!
November 17, 2015 9:44 p.m.
justinhays says... #12
Thanks..it was a budget deck until i added the gideons lol.. i'll have to take that out of the name thank you for compliment.
November 17, 2015 9:48 p.m.
haysmafia1 says... #13
1) Replace 3x Hangarback Walkers with 3x Heir of the Wilds. Reasons: Heir is a better blocker against other aggro decks, you really don't want to/can afford to keep mana up to pump Hangarback, and you can't get Hangarback back from underneath Silkwrap with Dromoka's Command. Plus, it gives you a counter-fight trick when paired with Dromoka's Command.
2) Run 26 lands, cut down to 20 creatures. Run a minimum of 10 fetches (most Abzan list are running 12). This is an aggro deck, you must get your creatures out on curve or you will fall behind. Run 4x Flooded Strand & 4x Windswept Heaths and probably 2x Wooded Foothills & 2x Polluted Deltas. Then, you can run 2x Sunken Hollows for a fetchable black source.
3) Move Utter Ends to SB and bring Murderous Cuts mainboard. You are an aggro deck, your plan is to attack troublesome planeswalkers and you can bring in some utilizes from the board.
haysmafia1 says... #1
-2x Caves of Koilos
+2x Shambling Vent
The vents can be activated into creatures and provide a little extra lifelink to help you stabilize.
Your mana-curve looks good. It appears that your sideboard is an attempt to morph into Abzan control. If that is the case, look at these cards:
- Despise (instead of Ultimate Price)
- Complete Disregard
October 23, 2015 3:59 p.m.