This deck is a lot of things. It's a solid amount of group hug, a weird selection of combos, and a tiny bit of chaos. It does everything in its power to get the win, and it takes the game on a wild ride in the process.

You will like this deck if:

  • You want relatively consistent success out of incredibly varied lines of play.
  • You want to create unconventional board states.
  • You want to play with cards you wouldn't otherwise use.
  • Win or lose, you want a story to tell.

You will not like this deck if:

  • You want to start each game with a defined game plan.
  • You like to have some control over the game.
  • You are afraid of enabling your opponents too much.
  • You or the people you play with are set on never playing a combo, no matter how ridiculous.
This deck aims to add a multitude of choices and consequences to a multiplayer EDH game, as well as increase the political intensity of the game. Zedruu the Greathearted works well as the general for this deck by allowing for unique JANK interactions with my opponents. I can give them ugly stuff like Illusions of Grandeur or Steel Golem . I can also help them if I so choose.
This deck is full of political cards. This deck strategy is to give cards to my opponents with Zedruu as needed, some of the "gifts" are:

1) Illusions of Grandeur -> Make them possibly take a 20 life loss.

2) Aggressive Mining -> stop them from playing lands.

3) Steel Golem -> no more creatures.

4) Statecraft -> creature neutralization.

5) Rust Elemental -> start getting rid of their artifacts.

1) Illusions of Life Loss:

1.) Cast Illusions of Grandeur to gain 20 life

2.) Donate it away

3.) Oblivion Ring the grandeur to lose them 20 life

4.) Capsize the O-Ring with buyback.

5.) Return the O-ring and Capsize back to your hand and Grandeur to the battlefield under your control, gaining you 20 life again.

Rinse and repeat these steps...

2) Transcendence Jank:

Transcendence is a very special card, and of course Zedruu-ish wincondition. It is very situational though, as you need to have less than 20 life, while your opponent needs to have more than 20 for the win condition to work. If the circumstances are right though, simply cast the Transcendence and gift it to an opponent of your choice who's lifetotal is over 20 life.

3) Enchantment Bomb

Enchanted Evening on board , turning all permanents into enchantments, then cast Austere Command . In response you could cast Boros Charm or after it resolves, Faith's Reward , so all your stuff has indestructible or having them return to the battlefield, while everyone else has nothing left. While this doesn't technically win you the game, you sure will win in the next few turns, as no one will be able to catch up with you in time.

4) Infect on Zedruu?!?

Inkmoth Nexus in play, then equip the Sunforger on it. Then cast Boros Charm and go for the attack and swing with 10 Infect damage.

5) Aetherflux Reservoir :

I don't think I need to explain.

1) Serra's Sanctum + Enchanted Evening -> A ton of white mana.

2) Paradox Haze In order to trigger Zedruu's ability twice, if you have Alhammarret's Archive or The Locust God on board, you will certainly get a huge life gain, a ton of value or tokens.


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93% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

62 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Goat 0/1 W, Gold, Insect 1/1 UR, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Soldier 1/1 W
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