Gifts of the Sun (Titan)

Modern MindAblaze


I'm not sure if Terminate and Counterflux really warrant the addition of red.

2x Sun Titan s might be overkill, or not since I see you're going with a 3 cmc permanent theme.

As much as I liked Phantasmal Image as well, for me it ended up being a SB card cause of my meta. Then I ended up dropping it cause the one guy who ran geist changed decks lol.

Are Ajani and Jace in there due to Sun Titan recursion, because otherwise they seem underwhelming.

Is the Silence there to try and force plays at they're upkeep, so that you can try and land Gifts without hassle?

Wall of Denial is great at buying time, but do you really need all the time it gets you? Lingering Souls buys time, has value in the GY, and after a wipe, they can begin to put pressure on your opponent.

Also food for thought, Noxious Revival is basically free, and can make Gifts piles harder for opponents to deal with.

September 5, 2013 10:46 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #2

I quite like Noxious Revival and have been wondering how to squeeze it in. I could potentially make some space for one copy.

The two Sun Titan s are there because I wanted to play something Solar Flare-esque, but am finding it hard to play 4-5 color control with that many slots dedicated to Phantasmal Image . Since the rules change it's very much deteriorated in value. I keep one just in case I want to tutor for it to help finish a game off. I'm not too attached though. I may be able to drop the red to go more Solar Flare though.

Ajani is mostly there for double strike and flying on a fatty. The fact he's recurrable with Sun Titan is just gravy but he doesn't really fit in a control shell. Jace on the other hand keeps my hand full and comes back with the Titan too. He supports the game plan very well. I'd recommend trying him in your deck if you've got a flexible slot.

I really like the tempo advantage a Silence on their upkeep gives me. I'm cruel that way. Snapcasters make it possible a number of times too.

I could probably cut Wall of Denial too, it stalls the game perfectly but I'd rather it was something that could attack. Lingering Souls was the other card I was seriously considering from your build.

So I'm thinking -1 Terminate -1 Counterflux - 1 Wall of Denial +1 Noxious Revival +2 Lingering Souls and moving Iona to the sideboard in favor of another Titan. Should I consider making room for another Phantasmal Image over Ajani?

What are your thoughts on Restoration Angel or a third Snapcaster?

September 5, 2013 11:26 p.m.

You might want to try Iona first, then boarding into a 3rd Sun Titan . If you sit down across from a RDW, then Iona would help more Game 1 lol.

I don't need jace, because besides Gifts, Life from the Loam and Trade Routes make a very nice draw engine.

I really like that Silence play as well, I'll have to try and cram one in.

Another Image over Ajani sounds like a Meta call. It can net you a lot of value, or be a dead card.

I have been really considering a Restoration Angel one of as well, since it can do so much for ETB effects. It's probably better than a third Snap.

Something to consider Merchant Scroll . I picked up 2 as basically 2 more copies of Gifts, and for more early plays.

September 6, 2013 12:49 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #4

Yeah, that's true. I hate RDW. I'd like to say the sweepers would help hold them off, especially against a goblin version, but from looking at your game log I'd say you're probably right.

I like the Life from the Loam engine you run, it makes tutoring for a land a much more reliable play. On that note, is your Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth there exclusively to make Raven's Crime more viable?

I'm really going to have to think about Resto. I don't have as many etb abilities to abuse, if I was using Sin Collector vs Tidehollow Sculler then maybe. I'm also considering Fiend Hunter but again, it's a meta game decision and I couldn't speak on my meta too much. The guys are so wishy-washy

September 6, 2013 1:17 a.m.

Yes and no on Urborg. The main reason is to get major value out of Raven's Crime , but there have been games where my starting hand was Lily, Boseiju, Temple Garden, Urborg and 3 other cards. With Urborg I could keep.

Note* I really only try to go for Raven's Crime when I play my Splinter Twin bud or a random control/combo deck.

I was having the same problem when deciding about Resto, I only have 5 ETB effects, 6 counting Iona. But Resto could also be used to have Iona or Elesh Norn dodge removal.

I started out with Sin Collector cause I really like the permanence, but not being able to snag Blood Moon or Splinter Twin or Geist of Saint Traft or another Lily really hurt me more often. Tidehollow forces them to waste resources to get back whatever you took, essentially buying you extra time to Gifts FTW.

September 6, 2013 9:14 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #6

So I decided to add the Resto. One day I may decide to drop the Ajani too, but for now we'll test this and see how it goes. My Gifts should show up in the mail soon...

September 9, 2013 6:03 p.m.

Pithing Needle , Ray of Revelation , and maybe Ancient Grudge in the sideboard for anti-graveyard hate. Pithing Needle is versatile anyway, and can be brought back with Sun Titan .

Sheoldred, Whispering One could be interesting.

Groovy deck!

September 10, 2013 3:44 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #8

Pithing Needle is very nice as a consistent sideboard option. It can even lock down their fetchlands if I wanted to be a jerk.

Ray of Revelation would be good value even if kind of narrow. I like Golgari Charm and Abrupt Decay for that too, but if I put all 3 in the board then I'm guaranteed to get an answer.

I've been wanting to try 5-color. Mostly because I'm insane, but Rakdos Charm kills Splinter Twin on their turn...

September 10, 2013 4:05 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #9

Thoughts on Mimic Vat ? Too gimmicky?

September 10, 2013 4:47 p.m.

Yeah, the Needle is good for that too lol. I suggested Ray of Revelation mainly due to the Flashback capability. Yeah you can cast it from your hand, then Flashback it later for double the value, but if you don't have a Snapcaster handy, Abrupt Decay and Golgari Charm aren't as useful. Well, Deathrite makes use of everything, but you know...

5 color can be hard and perhaps inconsistent, however Deathrite makes it viable.

Wouldn't any removal hose Twin if they don't have a counterspell? That is, Go for the Throat on Deceiver Exarch or Naturalize on Splinter Twin .

Mimic Vat is a beast of a card, given the right deck. I've been brewing ideas around it. I don't think it fits well here.

September 10, 2013 6:40 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #11

Rakdos Charm wins style points in my book....Oh you make an infinite number of tokens? Well, they each deal one damage to you.

I like the value you get out of flashback. Innistrad reminded me how good flashback is.

You're right, I'd have to skew my removal AND my permanent base to get the most of it. I just saw magical christmas land where I could get two Titan triggers per turn.

Oh, and I had considered Sheoldred. Still thinking about it. I'd have to be convinced. I like the slow sweep effect, and I could add an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to get some swampwalk up in

Ok, so I'm adding a Golgari Charm , Pithing Needle and Ray of Revelation to my sideboard. Sweet.

September 10, 2013 6:55 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #12

Why not Wrath of God over Day of Judgment considering you have no regenerate function? And would you consider a different flicker besides Restoration Angel ? These are the ones I'm thinking of, Cloudshift , Momentary Blink , Conjurer's Closet and Nephalia Smuggler . Cloudshift and Momentary Blink works well with Snapcaster Mage and may be worth putting another one of him in there for it. However none of them work well with Unburial Rites so its up to you on how to change things.

I may be completely off the mark with these, I've never used Gifts Ungiven as a control function, but as a guarantee combo win function.

I second ChiefWannaHacka's suggestion on Merchant Scroll , though I'm not too sure what you should remove for it ... maybe the Ajani, Caller of the Pride ?

September 10, 2013 7:55 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #13

Wrath of God if you weren't going to use the Golgari Charm that's in your side at the moment, I didn't see that card.

September 10, 2013 8:11 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #14

Is "I own a Day of Judgment " an acceptable answer? I'd run a WoG instead if I had one though.

I don't want to run too much blink, and Resto has a decent flying body. It's mostly there as backup protection for my fatties. I'm also looking for a Vendilion Clique and that would have decent synergy with my Titan and Resto.

Merchant Scroll is looking really good the more I think about it. When I find two I will put them in over 1 Ajani and 1 Path.

September 10, 2013 8:19 p.m.

Abrupt Decay is soooo good, it might even be better to put the 2 in your SB in now over Ajani and a Path.

They have A LOT of high value targets, and there's nothing they can do about it.

"Hi my name is Abrupt Decay , you must be Sword of Light and Shadow . Well I'm gonna blow you up now and you can't stop me!"

September 10, 2013 10:18 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #16

But...I don't want Lili to decay abruptly...

September 10, 2013 10:29 p.m.

When your opponent has one and you don't you're gonna want to lol.

September 10, 2013 10:38 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #18

lol. This is true.

September 11, 2013 11:15 a.m.

Jay says... #19

A few thoughts:

I'd drop Baby Jace for another Lily. 99/100 times she's better.

Spell Snare is a beast if you can fit it in, but if not it's not necessary.

PERSONAL PREFERENCE: Dismember > Go for the Throat

I'd up the count on Lingering Souls . Killer card in gifts.

Where is Kitchen Finks ?! I'd run 2-3 in here.

Raven's Crime + Life from the Loam could be a fun combo in here, if you can find room.

Things I would drop:
Silence : Really only good against a select few decks, and as a singleton especially I doubt it'll do more good than harm.

Perplex : I get that you can use it to search up a Lily or whatever, but that's what Gifts is for.

Tidehollow Sculler : It's unlikely he'll stick, and although you can recur him the fact that it's temporary makes it impractical for a deck that drags the game out.

Good luck! I've been planning on building a deck based solely on Sun Titan for a while now, so maybe I'll pull an idea or two from here. I'll let you know ;D

October 15, 2013 10:22 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #20

Wow. Thanks for that, you've made a few good points and hit on some of the things I had already been thinking about.

I'd totally run another Liliana of the Veil if I had one. For the interim Beleren works. He gets better the longer they let him live, three cards for three mana is nice, or he eats an attacker. The Sun Titan recursion is just gravy after that.

Spell Snare is great in-format. I'll keep an eye out for one but my bias against its very specific nature will likely keep me from searching for it.

I like GFTT because sometimes the threat is bigger than 5/5 and if I'm killing a mana dork or something it hurts to pay the life early. I already eat a lot of life loss from shocks and fetches.

This is also why I only run 1 Lingering Souls , so I have space for a Timely Reinforcements which I'm never unhappy to draw. Kitchen Finks would stall fairly well though wouldn't it? Hmmm....

I dont know how Life from the Loam didn't make the list, it's in the IRL version. I like Raven's Crime too, I even have a playset that I bought that is just sitting around. It could slot in for Tidehollow Sculler but I like how the sculler forces the opponent to deal with it or lose something permanently. Either way it's a 1:1 trade, barring some form of "this creature must block" scenario.

As far as Perplex goes it gives me options. I can hard counter something, force them to pitch their hand or tutor any number of CC three cards to hand. I'll see how it goes for now but it's definitely on trial.

I love Sun Titan . I'm sitting in a place where I need to decide on going more Reanimator or Solar Flare because I feel like they're competing for playing time. We'll see how it goes. Let me know what you think!

October 16, 2013 11:38 a.m.

Jay says... #21

Something mean I put in my SPF 5000 is Fulminator Mage . Pretty brutal for most decks.

October 16, 2013 12:01 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #22

Gah! I saw Fulminator Mage play a big role in Living End decks. Thats cruel

October 16, 2013 2:43 p.m.

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