UW tron gift is, basically, a control deck that, unlike a lot of control deck, put pressure on the opponent with the card Gifts Ungiven , which have alot of utility, because you can fetch for whatever you want with it with one condition : your oppenent choose what goes in your graveyard and in your hand. The special thing with Gifts Ungiven is that you may choose up to 4 cards with different name. So, if you want, you can choose only 2 cards and they will automatically go in your graveyard, because your oppenent have no other choice but to put those cards in the graveyard. Thats how you pull off one of your combo : Unburial Rites + a fatties that shut down your oppenent, like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or Iona, Shield of Emeria.
-What else can you do with Gifts Ungiven?
1 . You can fetch for your 3 board wipe (Wrath of God, Supreme Verdict and Day of Judgment) and Snapcaster Mage to be able to wipe the board two time.
2 . You can fetch for your Mindslaver combo, which is : you play Mindslaver and Academy Ruins, active the artifact to take control of your opponent's next turn, pass your turn, tap all his lands, you may look at his sideboard (in response, he can surrender), then you put Mindslaver back on the top of your library, then pass the turn back to you, draw Mindslaver, then do it again. You will always draw Mindslaver so you wont mill out, but your opponent will. You need to have already have enough mana to do it. You Gifts Ungiven on Mindslaver, Academy Ruins, Crucible of Worlds and Expedition Map. Then, the possible cards you can have in your hand are :
2.1.Academy Ruins + Mindslaver
(If that happens, you just combo);
2.2. Expedition Map
(you use Expedition Map on Academy Ruins then you can combo);
2.3. Crucible of Worlds
(you cast Crucible of Worlds and then you play Academy Ruins from your graveyard onto the battlefield);
2.4. Academy Ruins
Expedition Map
(you play Academy Ruins then you put your Mindslaver back on the top of your library and you combo the next turn);
2.5. Academy Ruins
Crucible of Worlds
(you play Academy Ruins then you put your Mindslaver back on the top of your library and you combo the next turn);
2.6. Crucible of Worlds
Expedition Map
(you play Crucible of Worlds then you play Academy Ruins from your graveyard on the battlefield and you put Mindslaver on the top of your library then you can combo the next turn. Note that you can fecth for another Academy Ruins with Expedition Map then play it then put Mindslaver back on the top of your library and then combo the next turn insead).
3 . You can search for 4 cards that have hate agains the opponent deck (generally after you have sideboarded). For example, agains Twin Exarch, you will Gift ungiven on Ghostly Prison, Pithing Needle, Suppression Field and Torpor Orb.
In your opening hand, you should have at least 2 lands and not more than 4 lands. You need to be able to do something relevant in the early game, so you should not keep a hand with too many dead cards and/or gifts and/or lands and/or signet. Dead cards are : Emrakul, Iona, Elesh Norn, Unburial Rites, Sphinxs Revelation, Mindslaver and Crucible of Worlds.
You should use your Path to Exile and you Remand to buy some time until you can gifts and then, normally, win the game. Generally, you cast Thirst for Knowledge at the end of your opponent's turn when you saved your mana for counterspells or removals, but your opponent didnt cast anything significant that turn. You cast Gifts Ungiven, generally, when you think it will resolve and at the end of your opponent's turn.