Girl Power!!

Standard* osoling


doomage009 says... #1

Dungeon Geists , Blind Obedience , Hands of Binding , Niblis of the Urn , Sleep , and Downpour I believe will allow her to get a lot of damage through simply because the won't be able to block, and the tapping goes perfect with tamiyo's second ability

July 12, 2013 2:34 p.m.

osoling says... #2

doomage009, those are great suggestions! Thanks!!

July 12, 2013 3:34 p.m.

smackjack says... #3

July 12, 2013 4:13 p.m.

osoling says... #4

smackjack, I wish I had some! We will go trade soon.

July 12, 2013 4:27 p.m.

Formortiis says... #5

Out of the cards that are already in the deck, ones that you probably want more of are Lyev Skyknight, Lyev Decree (Very underrated at least from a limited perspective), and a full playset of Azorius Charms even though the other 3 would cost you about 3 dollars. You could probably remove the angels, Guildmages, and Vassal Souls to make room for these cards.

Additionally, a cheap rare that is fairly decent and fits with the "Girl Power" theme is Lavinia of the Tenth to go in instead of Isperia.

Also, as this deck is looking like it's geared more towards control, you might need more land. Even after implementing these suggestions you'd still be trying to cast a 5 drop on 20 land which is still rather difficult and could frustrate your daughter since she'd have a difficult time actually casting higher end stuff. You might want to bump the land count to either 22 or (more preferably) 23.

July 12, 2013 4:40 p.m.

osoling says... #6

I played the darling daughter twice today while we visited the lgs. The first time, we played open handed and I showed her how the cards worked. She won. The second time, I left her to her own devices. She countered my Necropolis Regent TWICE, put two Wolfir Silverheart back into my deck and Runner's Bane d my Deathrite Shaman . I was frustrated and proud at the same time.

July 16, 2013 5:23 p.m.

Formortiis says... #7

In general you should probably look to the many detain-focused decks on the site such as My Detain and Arrested Development for inspiration on what you can do with this deck.

Aside from that, though, the deck could probably use a stronger finisher than Serra Angel. Although it's a bit spendy money-wise, a great choice would be Angel of Serenity .

July 16, 2013 5:31 p.m.

osoling says... #8

Reworked the mana curve a little bit. No wonder she was struggling with plains. I actually only had 6 in there! She's at 22 land now, equally split. Formortiis, those are great decks and I love the feedback you're giving. Any thoughts on sideboard for her? (or me when she decides not to go to FNM!)

Also, Formortiis, would you take a look at Altered Selensya when you get bored? I would love your feedback on that deck.

July 16, 2013 7:01 p.m.

Formortiis says... #9

The best thing I can think of is possibly more counterspells against control such as Syncopate and Dissipate . There's also Rest in Peace against reanimator decks. Apart from that, though, my knowledge of what control usually sides in is limited.

July 16, 2013 7:29 p.m.

osoling says... #10

Formortiis, great ideas for sideboard. I'll start gathering. Now, I just have to teach her what a sideboard is...

By the way, was just checking out your profile page. You give great advice. I'm glad for the feedback you give, what's up with the folks giving you a hard time. You're direct, yes, but what's up with that? Seems odd to me...

July 16, 2013 8:41 p.m.

BoogieBear says... #11

M14 suggestions:

Banisher Priest > Azorius Arrester

Frost Breath > Lyev Decree (Detain only disables things for 1 turn, this gives her 2 turns.)

Detention Sphere > Paralyzing Grasp (It can remove any non-land permanent, not just creatures.)

Ajani, Caller of the Pride when Tamiyo, the Moon Sage cycles out.

If she is mostly going with flying creatures, Warden of Evos Isle may be worth a look. Not a super strong creature being a 2/2 for 3, but every flyer after makes up for it.

I'm not even sure where to put it in, but Fiendslayer Paladin just flat out may be one of the best cards in M14.

Imposing Sovereign also slows down opposing decks. Will give her another turn to make things happen and avoid haste decks.

Tidebinder Mage for a green or red sideboard, if she gets to having one.

July 19, 2013 11:58 p.m.

BoogieBear says... #12

Heck, with 4x Warden of Evos Isle , you may even look at Windreader Sphinx . With one or two Wardens out, you could make Windreader viable and a GREAT source of card advantage in a flyer deck!

July 20, 2013 12:05 a.m.

Formortiis says... #13

Not too thrilled about Windreader Sphinx, but the rest of the cards BoogieBear suggested are worth it.

July 22, 2013 8:23 p.m.

Dritz says... #14

AEtherling really pulls its weight and is worth less than $5 US a pop. Beyond that there is also Isperia, Supreme Judge which is worth less than $1 a piece. It gives a lot of air-power and synergizes with the Warden of Evos Isle suggestions.

August 3, 2013 10:57 a.m.

aloehart199 says... #15

if your wanting her to be able to win a game or 2 at fnm then here's a couple changes that absolutely need to happen

swap Cancel for Dissipate . Dissipate is strictly better than cancel for the exile. It stops a lot of the graveyard stuff that seems to be popular right now. I'd also swap the control enchantments for 4 Pacifism and 3 Oblivion Ring as both are the white upgrades to the blue spells.

AEtherling is easily one of the most powerful creatures you could stick in a control deck, but it seems more like shes playing a tempo deck than strict control. So going on that I would drop Lavinia of the Tenth as well as the decree's and put in 4 Ghostly Flicker . It would be a good way to teach her about blocked creatures remaining blocked after the creature blocking goes away, also lets her reuse her detain creatures

also depending on your budget there are some rare changes you could make that would greatly improve her chances. With the rotation coming soon, powerful control cards like Terminus and Entreat the Angels are dropping fast in price. If she enjoys control decks that would be a good investment to play between the 2 of you. But it would make her creatures worse and since shes playing more like tempo now I wouldn't use terminus for this deck.

Glacial Fortress has gotten a lot cheaper thanks to not being reprinted. For the next couple months she could use them in tournaments and they will likely be reprinted again in the future so a good buy.

OH before i forget. A card she'll love that is a bulk rare is Cyclonic Rift . The overload bounces everything but her stuff and it would be a good way teach her about the importance of instant speed. Overloading it at the end of your opponents turn can be crazy powerful.

hope this has been helpful :) feel free to comment on my page if youd like advice on other archtypes. I build a lot of decks and i work with new players at my LGS as a rules advisor.

August 3, 2013 11:16 a.m.

I agree with AEtherling . The game's prettymuch over when you have enough mana open to defend the cast and then bounce it.

August 3, 2013 11:42 a.m.

Feeling of Dread is worth considering over Lyev Decree .

Hands of Binding might be interesting what with all of your detain and evasion.

August 3, 2013 12:53 p.m.

Azure124 says... #18

i won't recomend any card worth more than 1 dollar mid tcg price

-4Serra Angel +3Seraph of the Sword ($0.88 each) +1 Lavinia of the Tenth ($0.62 each) the seraph's help stall the board until you can swing through and the extra lavinia helps improve consistency

-3Runner's Bane +3 Pacifism ($0.14 each) pacifism is just a better card as it has no restrictions

-4Paralyzing Grasp +4Oblivion Ring ($0.43 each) same reason as pacifism

-3Cancel +3Dissipate ($0.53 each) exiling the card is just strictly better

-3Lyev Decree +3Syncopate ($0.47 each) the extra counterspells will help keep control of the board later on

-1Seraph of Dawn +1 plains upping the land count to make sure you hit your land drops

for every change you would need to spend $9.40 if you bought every card at mid price

August 3, 2013 1:22 p.m.

Jay says... #19

It could be fun to lower the count on creatures and add some auras, and maybe Bruna, Light of Alabaster . Auras are pretty straightforward and can be deadly.

August 3, 2013 2:58 p.m.

osoling says... #20

Guys and gals, these have been great suggestions. She agreed to split the cost with me for the AEtherling set. I'm going to seriously look into the other cards as well. She's going to have a fine deck when she's done.

August 3, 2013 10:37 p.m.

You really only need 2.

August 5, 2013 7:14 a.m.

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