Looking for feedback on how a deck like this would perform against MBD MUD and U/W Control and the variants of the 3. I've played around with it a bit but getting feedback for it would be nice.
A deck I'm working on so I can ween myself off of bant and play my true colors. (Simic). Seen this deck idea floating around and now I'm tweaking it a bit as the flavor text for Whelming Wave has me stuck on how awesome it'd be to run a deck utilizing all 3 major Merfolk ladies. Zegana, Thassa, and Kiora to drown the competition.
Arbor Colossus
Serves the purpose of adding an extra threat to the deck that can help with any issues with fliers.
Courser of Kruphix Is a house when paired with Kiora. It tells you when the best time to go for the minus ability and even if the draw is a bust as far as lands go, the next top could be what you're looking for.
Kiora, the Crashing Wave
Fixes one issue i've had with ramp decks this set. The heavy reliance on mana dorks in the absence of things like farseek, being able to be ahead of things in the land department puts me at ease as a board sweep in my other decks kills off my threats and any real hope in playing future threats.
Prime Speaker Zegana
Another big threat and refuels the hand.
Steam Vents Figured there's not a lot of blue in this deck so stacking it with a red to make sure i have what I need for BTE isn't too bad an idea. Its still under testing at the moment.
Sylvan Primordial It seems like a meh pick at first. But this thing does exactly what this deck wants. Planeswalkers? Lands? Both are viable targets for Sylvan Prime which then proceeds to ramp you up into more land as well as giving you more mana symbols for Nykthos along with reach. People are going to question Sylvan Prime but I promise with some testing your opinion will be swayed.
The rest should be pretty self explanatory.