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Gisela beatdown (1st place KLD games day)

Standard GW (Selesnya)



This deck went 5-0-1 at game day and took me to first place.

Sylvan Advocate nice early attacker and blocker with late game power too. Also synergises with Nissa, Vital Force in sideboarded games

Selfless Spirit Protects my other more important creature, and can often chip in for a few damage, also post sideboard can activate Archangel Avacyn  's flip trigger.

Thalia, Heretic Cathar 3/2 first striker that often draws removal from opponents som their creatures can enter untapped, nullifies creatures with haste and protects from flash blockers.

Tireless Tracker Provides card advantage if the game goes long and can boost to be a large threat on it's own

Aerial Responder great stabiliser against aggro, being able to chip away at opponent's life and gain some every turn whilst staying on defence too.

Gisela, the Broken Blade Beats most creatures in combat that can block it and produses an 8 point life swing if unblocked, generally leads to a win especially if followed by.....

Verdurous Gearhulk worst case 8/8 trampler? Of course i'll play it. Being able to have an 8/7 gisela is game ending

Thalia's Lancers 4/4 first strike is okay but the main value is being able to serach for Bruna or Gisela pre board games and effectively adding an extra copy of each legendary angel i can bring in from the sideboard.

Bruna, the Fading Light Good to have in longer games as a way to break board stalls with cast trigger and melding with Gisela.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar a 5/5 indestructible creature that can make 2/2's and provide an anthem effect, but usually just another beat stick that can punish slow starts

Declaration in Stone Great to remove blockers to push through damage and can completely blow out some decks. Great to use against prized amalgam or colossus so they can't keep coming back

Blessed Alliance all 3 modes can be useful against different decks.

Seasons Past great against removal heavy control decks to reload my hand after exhuasting opponents of removal

Archangel Avacyn   bring in against decks with plenty of low toughness creatures to wipe the board with her flip trigger and against decks that have no flyers as an extra evasive flyer

Sigarda, Heron's Grace provides protection from certain strategies like emrakul's cast trigger and aetherflux reservoir.

Fragmentize provides some protection against vehicles and aetherflux reservoir

Fumigate good if i'm going to be the control player to allow my opponent to build out a board and have the buffer of life gain

Nissa, Vital Force her emblem is great against control to maintain card parity with them. And her +1 can swing games as an extra attacker to push through final damage.

Linvala, the Preserver Another card to bring in to move to a more controlling build.

Bruna, the Fading Light an extra copy to bring in against slower decks to increase possibility of melding brisela

Blessed Alliance good to bring in against decks that have a few big threats that can evade declaration and aginst aggressive decks to provide more life gain.

Tireless Tracker bring in against control to accrue card advantage


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1st match 2-0 vs Naya Energy In the first game we traded off a few early creatures and removal spells until i had a couple of flyers won me the game. In the second game my opponent boarded in take down to keep my flyers in check, i was playing around a potential sweeper as my opponent wasn't putting any creatures on the board so i held back a verdurous gearhulk in my hand until i could swing for lethal with the extra damage.

2nd match 1-1 U/R colossus/aetherflux reservoir This was a great match that unfortunately went to time in the last game but it was a great match. 1st game i lost after my opponent had a reservoir in play and cast paradoxical outcome with a foundry inspector and herald of kozilek out so he could recast prophetic prisms and metalspinners puzzleknots for free and draw almost his entire deck to deal 50 to me. In the second game i brought in Sigarda to protect against aetherflux and avacyn to have more flyers to fly over colossus and fragmetize to take out the reservoir. I managed to win the second game thanks to the flyers, although it was selfless spirit that did the most damage and i cast fragmentize on a reservoir that was played so my damage stuck.

3rd match 2-0 vs ? I have no idea what this deck was as it was running 4 colours and the only creature i saw in both matches was Oviya pashiri. game 1 was over due to flyers that i had and in game 2 my opponent mulliganed to 5 with no lands in hand and didn't hit a land until turn 3.

Top 8

2-1 vs Colossus/reservoir This was the same opponent from earlier so we both had a good idea what to expect, i lost game 1 due to aetherflux reservoir dealing 50 to me. i was ecpecting to lose the first game as before and i had faith that my sideboard plan was enough to win. I won game 2 thanks to a fast start with 3 sylvan advocates and enough removal to keep the board clear to win before any of my opponents win cons were played. game 3 my opponent cast a reservoir and cast paradoxical outcome during my turn to draw loads of cards, and increase their life total from the 3 i'd got them down to up to 36, luckily i had sigarda to protect my life total and drew a fragmetize to destroy the reservoir to stop the lifegain, and managed to beat them with flyers.

2-1 B/R vehicles The first game was very back and forth until skysovereign took out my gisela and I couldn't didn't draw any threats that could survive skysoverign's bolt. I sideboarded in the 4th blessed alliance to combat the vehicles and avacyn to have a 4 toughness flyer. In the second game i managed to protect gisela with a selfless spirit when skysovereign entered the battlefield and attacked on my turn with gisela to bait out a crew of the skysovereign so i could hit it with declaration in stone I had an aerial responder to finish off my opponent in the sky. In the 3rd game my opponent was drawing only red mana so half of his spells were uncastable and i won the game.

Final 2-1 Mono U Colossus

This colossus deck was using sanctum of ugin to search up more colossus and was running some elder deep fiend. I won the first game thanks to a turn 4 Gisela into turn 5 gearhulk to have an 8/7 Gisela that manged to get in 2 swings before my opponent managed to remove it thanks to 2 panharmonicons and skysoveriegn to take out a tirless tracker and deal 6 to gisela then finish her off with a spatial contortion. I was able to cast declaration on his colossus that he could cast for 0 to clear the way the turn after for gearhulk to deal the final 4. I lost the second game after my opponent had the best colossus draw with turn 2 prophetic prism turn 3 cultivators caravan turn 4 hedron archive and another prism into 2 colossus. In game 3 i managed to get another 8/7 gisela, 4/4 gearhulk and a gideon on the board with my opponent at 3 life to attack for lethal through a caravan a skysovereign and only one creature to crew.


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(7 years ago)

+1 Aerial Responder main
-1 Seasons Past side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #2 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 8 Mythic Rares

27 - 4 Rares

6 - 1 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.14
Tokens Angel 3/3 W, Clue, Emblem Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Knight Ally 2/2 W
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