
Artifact (3)

Sorcery (2)

Gatecrash Revision

The curse is a place holder for who knows what, last 3 cards are still up in the air

Currently in the works but having access to another 4 dual lands makes me want to put it back together again. Still waiting on the rest of the spoiler but this looks like a good core to start from.

DKA Revision

Burden of Guilt added, manabarb/sanc combo moved to sideboard for ramp decks. Tap and exiles deal with undying creatures quite well. May add whipflare in depending on token deck frequency.

This deck fits the current meta quite well. With all the rampant weenie decks running around slagstorm makes quick work of early aggro decks. The deck is loaded with enchantments which most decks have no answer to. Since everyone is running artifact hate decks enchantments are kind of forgotten. Manabarbs ruins ramp decks, and what creatures that do tap for mana boost gideon's avenger. Gideon taps out the opponents creatures and sunblast angel sends them all to the graveyard. Balefire provides another board wipe. Bonds of Faith is a premo card in this deck. It locks down beat sticks or moves Fiend Hunters out of slagstorm range. All and all very happy with the deck thus far, time to playtest.


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Against a heartless summoning R/B deck I faired well. Controlling the beat stick was paramount. Early slagstroms knocked out the mana producing myr's. Won game one with Gideon, game two started with crap. Game three muliganed to five and we ended with 2 and 0 life. Very close, but with the orginal starting hand in game 3 I wouldve won easily if i knew what the first 2 draws were. The decks control is out of this world. I always find myself with just enough fiend hunters/ bonds of faith/ slagstorms to have the board. Quite happy so far with the deck design. On a side note played the self mull again and a 14 spider spawn turned my gideon avenger into a giant beat stick.

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Date added 13 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 5 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.11
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