Gisela's Reckoning

Modern* brizzle


1-2 Heartless RB —Dec. 17, 2011

Against a heartless summoning R/B deck I faired well. Controlling the beat stick was paramount. Early slagstroms knocked out the mana producing myr's. Won game one with Gideon, game two started with crap. Game three muliganed to five and we ended with 2 and 0 life. Very close, but with the orginal starting hand in game 3 I wouldve won easily if i knew what the first 2 draws were. The decks control is out of this world. I always find myself with just enough fiend hunters/ bonds of faith/ slagstorms to have the board. Quite happy so far with the deck design. On a side note played the self mull again and a 14 spider spawn turned my gideon avenger into a giant beat stick.

Atmosck says... #1

I like it! Have you taken this to FNM? I'm curious how it does against the field. For mympart,mimwould take out both Mesa Enchantress es and a Slagstorm for a Fiend Hunter and 2x Day of Judgment .

December 16, 2011 3:23 p.m.

IAmKingTony says... #2

A neat combo just came to mind when I looked at this. Get your Sun Titan out. Then next turn you use Fiend Hunter and target your own Titan. Then you drop a Day of Judgment and wipe out everything, except you get the Titan AND another dude back (the Titan re-enters the battlefield)...

Pretty cool deck. +1 from me!

December 16, 2011 3:28 p.m.