Gitrekt Monster (now with sideboard)

Standard* Rex_JB24


Rex_JB24 says... #1


August 30, 2017 3:46 p.m.

hullos says... #2

Hour of Promise seems good, it ramps you pretty hard then almost 100% you get two zombies.

August 31, 2017 12:21 p.m.

Rex_JB24 says... #3

@hullos Funny you mention it, I had considered Hour of Promise and initially had two copies of it in place of Liliana. However, I decided that ramp for this deck was unnecessary as only 9/60 cards cost 4 or more mana to play and I have nothing high cost requiring the land jump from 5 to 7. More lands are useful for the strategy but in testing, with the card draw and double land drops, the deck hasn't stalled on mana.

August 31, 2017 12:30 p.m.

Rex_JB24 says... #4

hullos sorry, like I said new website.

August 31, 2017 3:54 p.m.

Argy says... #5

I'm about to head off on a long haul flight tomorrow.

24 hours from Sydney to the US.

It will take me a while to playtest your deck and give you feedback but I can't WAIT!!

This is one of the most fresh and exciting builds I've seen in a long time.

September 1, 2017 12:10 p.m.

Rex_JB24 says... #6

Thanks Argy! I'm looking forward to your review.

September 2, 2017 7:19 p.m.

JDHammer says... #7

Sweet deck! Never//Return might work well here to deal with larger creatures (maybe take out 1 or 2 grasp?). But yeah, great deck and it's fun to see other frog brews!

September 6, 2017 8:43 p.m.

Rex_JB24 says... #8

JDHammer Believe it or not, I just removed the two copies of Never//Return and a 25th land to add the three Vessels which I feel would improve consistency. Of course, Never or Ruinous Path could easily live in the decks sideboard.

September 7, 2017 8:54 a.m.

Argy says... #9

My apologies.

I am travelling at the moment and haven't had a lot of time for deck testing.

tbqh I also got the shits with someone on TappedOut and it made me not want to hang out here.

I don't have much feedback for you other than the deck is REALLY good.

Very consistent, with lots of paths to victory.

Vessel of Nascency was an excellent addition.

I played this a few times before that change but I noticed it as soon as I started playing this tonight.

You've got the correct amount of removal in the Mainboard, imo. Kudos for using the best version of Grasp of Darkness.

My only suggestion would be Murder instead of Warping Wail, but that is probably a personal preference or meta call.

Nice deck. Solid building. Fun to play.

Easy +1 from me.

September 9, 2017 2:22 a.m.

Argy says... #10

Just to let you know, I have featured this deck on my Profile.

September 9, 2017 4:03 a.m.

Rex_JB24 says... #11

Argy, thank you so much for the review nd I'm glad you like the deck. Warping Wail is a meta call, mostly to counter Fumigate or other boardwipe effects. They can certainly be crippling, but I feel that Warping Wail hasn't been used in the local meta for a long time. For that reason I believe it will be a surprise to my opponents and potential backbreaker against control.

September 11, 2017 8:02 a.m.

ckirtap says... #12

Hey there, thx for commenting on my Deck.I really miss Evolving Wilds in this deck, did you try them?Often times I get my one of Wastes with my Evolving Wilds to cast a turn 4 TKS, do you have problems finding the coloureless sources for that without a Wastes and Evolving Wilds or are you happy with seven sources?I like the Grasp of Darkness in your list, i had problems with resolved Glorybringer when i could not discard them beforehand.Easy +1 for me, i will try your list (+ Evolving Wilds and a one of Wastes) on Saturdays Standard Showdown and give review.

September 11, 2017 11:07 a.m.

Rex_JB24 says... #13

Hello ckirtap. As my deck currently sits 7/23 lands produce (just over 30% of lands), in addition to a high percent Vessel has made hitting them much easier. Having one colorless source and a TKS on turn four has not been an issue because of these, even without a Wastes. Evolving Wilds you ask? In the case of this card, my deck wants to be aggressive. I've already trimmed a pile of ETB tapped lands. As is, the deck has such solid / fixing between Quagmire and Marsh that I believed the fixing Evolving Wilds would provide was unnecessary.

In the case of Glorybringer, the card is kind of a mixed concern. There are plenty of answers between main and side, but it's still a huge threat the turn it comes down. There are some mainboard answers, like Grasp and TKS, but it also can beat anything on my field that comes down before turn five. This card is the main reason why my sideboard has such a heavy concession to flyers in Plummet and Ulvenwald Hydra. Lost Legacy and Never can also tackle Glorybringer but have other utilities as well.

I appreciate the input and I'm looking forward to your Standard Showdown testing. I will be using it in Standard this week as well and between us we'll probably have a good series of testing.

September 11, 2017 11:27 a.m.

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