Have you ever wanted to play 100+ 5-power creatures and swing for the win in one turn? Do you like to cycle through your entire deck throw 80+ damage with the mountains and forests you own from seemingly out of nowhere? Well this land-based combo deck just might be right for you.

Based off of the simple idea of combining The Gitrog Monster and Omnath, Locus of Rage this deck has quickly given me some of my most bizarre and hilarious play experiences of all time. After having play tested this deck it has evolved into a more casual-combo type of deck where I have changed cards like Constant Mists for cards such as Nature's Revolt and Budoka Gardener which better suits my playgroup.

So this deck has basically 4 generals that will become powerhouses often on the turns they come into play, these would be: The Gitrog Monster, Omnath, Locus of Rage, Titania, Protector of Argoth and Rampaging Baloths. I chose Adun Oakenshield as the commander for insurance if any of these guys or other utility creatures are destroyed. All of these creatures have potential to take the game as soon as they hit the board, with cards like Scapeshift and Splendid Reclamation almost any of these guys can instantly create 10+ 4-5 power creatures. Of course if The Gitrog Monster is out then you just draw into all the card combos which is why he is my favorite of the generals.

A couple of my favorite combos are listed below.

Combo 1 -Land control

Turn 1

Forest + card:Bureoning, Then play at least 1 land during other players turns

Turn 2

Land + Crucible of Worlds, Then on every turn afterwards play Strip Mine =no one gets lands again!

Combo 2 -Destroy everyone else's lands

If at any time in the game Nature's Revolt comes out play any mass creature destruction spell like Toxic Deluge, then with the remaining mana in your pool play Splendid Reclamation to bring everything back. The card Squandered Resources makes this less mana intensive.

Combo 3 - Throw those lands

Play Seismic Assault or Land's Edge and The Gitrog Monster then with Dakmor Salvage dredge through your whole deck dealing easily 40+ damage anywhere, then with the Creeping Renaissance in the graveyard use its flashback ability for lands and deal the damage all over again! This Combo can also work similarly with Hermit Druid instead of with The Gitrog Monster and Dakmor Salvage since this deck only has a few basic lands.

Combo 4 - Going all-in (lets say with 12 Lands)

Have on the board a Titania, Protector of Argoth + Omnath, Locus of Rage + Rampaging Baloths, Altar of Dementia and either a Zuran Orb, Squandered Resources or Sylvan Safekeeper. First play Scapeshift which will create 12 5/3 elementals from Titania, Protector of Argoth, 12 4/4 Beasts from Rampaging Baloths and 12 5/5 Elementals from Omnath, Locus of Rage, assuming you now have <80 cards in your deck you use Altar of Dementia on 16 of the 5/3 and 5/5 Elemental tokens which leaves 8 5/5 Elementals and 12 4/4 Beasts. On the safe side of things we will say that you have 4 lands still in hand so only 30 lands hit the graveyard, this will create 30 5/3 Elementals. Assuming that Anger hit the graveyard we can now swing with 38 5 power Elementals and 12 4/4 Beasts for a total of 238 damage between 50 creatures.

Here's where things get really interesting.

If you play Splendid Reclamation then you will create an additional 30 5/5 Elementals and 30 4/4 Beasts which adds the total power to 508. Then Just simply destroy all of these lands with one of your land sac outlets like Zuran Orb to create 30 more 5/3 Elementals. In total this would create 38 5/5 Elementals, 60 5/3 Elementals and 42 4/4 Beasts for a total power of 658 to swing with. Of course we can always increase this amount with cards like Regrowth and card:Eterenal Witness to bring back Splendid Reclamation but if you didn't use Squandered Resources to sac the lands you might not have enough mana.

I Hope some people get some fun ideas to possibly use in their deck and if anyone has recommendations for new cards or combos It would be appreciated thanks!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors WU

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.78
Tokens Beast 4/4 G, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Marit Lage
Folders deck to buy ??, multi to check, jund
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