Give Hugs, Not Drugs

Commander / EDH NoPantsParade

SCORE: 140 | 82 COMMENTS | 32626 VIEWS | IN 99 FOLDERS

landcaster says... #1

You need Piracy , Mana Drain , Power Sink , Energy Tap , and all the elves

June 8, 2014 1:11 p.m.

you could run Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Palinchron both are solid, especially together

June 10, 2014 7:43 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #3

I have Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , but I just haven't gotten around to putting in my deck irl. I don't really like Palinchron simply because he would most likely put a target on my back, and he doesn't really fit the theme.

June 10, 2014 8:23 p.m.

justiceavery says... #4

Hey put in Ashnod's Altar . What's better then going "Oh your gonna Exile X, I'll Eat if for 2 mana." or in response to DoJ

June 10, 2014 10:55 p.m.

EDHdad says... #5

Undiscovered Paradise will work well in this deck. Better than City of Brass for sure. Its drawback isn't really a drawback when you have this much ramp. Plus you can use it to manipulate your hand size (for cards like Psychosis Crawler ) or give you extra landfall (for cards like Lotus Cobra or Avenger of Zendikar .

I see a lot of creatures that cost a lot of mana to cast, but I don't see many cards that actually make use of huge amounts of mana once they're in play. Helix Pinnacle is about the only one I see at a glance.

If you're playing Kruphix with Prophet of Kruphix , Seedborn Muse , Doubling Cube in a multiplayer game, you might run into a situation where you have 1,000 or more floating colorless mana. You want to be able to make use of that mana.

I'd recommend taking Hydra Broodmaster out of your Maybeboard and putting it into your deck.

Mindshrieker can win you the game pretty readily if you have a lot of colorless mana floating.

Myr Matrix is a good contender. Especially with Craterhoof Behemoth

Staff of Domination can also win the game. With enough mana you can draw your entire deck, hopefully picking up Helix Pinnacle or Laboratory Maniac along the way.

June 18, 2014 11:48 a.m.

NoPantsParade says... #6

Thanks for the suggestions! I don't have a Hydra Broodmaster right now, so it is in the maybeboard. Otherwise, I would put it in. Unfortunately, there is a Myr deck in my group, so I can't really use Myr Matrix . For right now, I'm trying to keep this deck within a budget as this was made from cards I had, so Staff of Domination will have to wait. I never did consider Mindshrieker , so I will have to find one and test it out. Thanks, EDHdad.

June 18, 2014 11:08 p.m.

EDHdad says... #7

A couple of budget-friendly cards to help you soak up extra mana: Soothsaying and War Tax . If you have 100 floating colorless mana, you can place each card in your deck into whatever order you wish. If you have enough floating mana, War Tax can shut down all attacks.

You can also protect a lot of your fat creatures with Spearbreaker Behemoth .

Some medium-priced options include Steel Hellkite , Primordial Hydra and Green Sun's Zenith .

Memnarch and Thassa, God of the Sea are a little pricier, but worth considering.

June 19, 2014 9:39 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #8

I do have a Memnarch and I am looking for Thassa, God of the Sea for my God collection. But why do you suggest Memnarch ? Would a Sensei's Divining Top do well enough? I have one in my Jarad deck, but I don't really need it in there. I just use Tooth and Nail for the Green Sun's Zenith , which usually wins the game with Psychosis Crawler and Prime Speaker Zegana if I have enough cards in my hand. I'm looking for ways to draw more cards, really. I may have to use War Tax in the sideboard whenever someone in my group plays Mayael or something.

June 20, 2014 9:11 p.m.

murp says... #9

Skyshroud Claim over explosive vegetation.

get the top in the deck since it has some weird synergy with Omniscience so in a pinch with enough draw you can start "scrying" through your deck and grab good stuff a little bit quicker

also you got a crap ton of etbs so Deadeye Navigator and Cloudstone Curio

June 22, 2014 10:11 a.m.

NoPantsParade says... #10

Yeah, I switched to a semi-group hug theme, and I'm trying to find room for Deadeye Navigator , but I am not a huge fan of Cloudstone Curio . I prefer the explosive veggies over Skyshroud Claim because it can get Islands, too. I would put in Sensei's Divining Top but I I'm trying to find a replacement in Jarad EDH.

June 25, 2014 10:47 p.m.

rrankin15 says... #11

+1 for the name

July 2, 2014 10:19 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #12

Wondering why you are playing Clone instead of Phyrexian Metamorph . Whats up with that?

July 22, 2014 10:40 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #13

I seriously have never thought of that. Guess I forgot I had one.

July 22, 2014 10:42 p.m.

murp says... #14

pseudo omniscience if ya get hated on a bunch. Myojin of Life's Web

July 24, 2014 10:23 a.m.

NoPantsParade says... #15

I did consider him, but I can't find room for him and enough reason to remove other cards. I emphasize card draw more to get the combo out. I generally don't play Omniscience until I have the mana to play Enter the Infinite and Omniscience , which isn't hard for this deck. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

July 24, 2014 11:01 a.m.

quicksilv297 says... #16

Forest: Forest. Seems good to me. This seems like a really fun deck. +1

July 28, 2014 1:56 a.m.

NoPantsParade says... #17

Thanks! And it is a blast to play with and against. My friends don't complain, even when there's a Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur .

July 28, 2014 8:14 p.m.

Beautiful! +1Makes me rethink my own kruphix deck.

September 6, 2014 11:04 p.m.

4runner117 says... #19

I was going to make my own kruphix deck but this is too good to not try. +1

September 9, 2014 8:01 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #20

Hey, thanks 4runner117 and orionwinterfire! It is a lot of fun to play with and against because the combo can easily be stopped but when it works, it's invigorating.

September 9, 2014 9:04 p.m.

will_jace72 says... #21

Magus of the Vineyard is good for early mana and good group hug idk what would come out for it though, and the mana is good for kruphix to come out early and mana to flow for him

September 11, 2014 1:43 p.m.

burtson29 says... #22


September 11, 2014 7:18 p.m.

NoPantsParade says... #23

I had considered Magus of the Vineyard but I didn't really know what to take out for it like you said. The deck already has enough hugs anyway. Thanks for the suggestion, though! And yes, burtson29, lots and lots of hugs. They come at a price though.

September 13, 2014 7:35 p.m.

Hurts2Pee says... #24

Eldrazi Conscription looks like a mean card guy. Maybe if you do get out Omniscience then you can play Enter the Infinite and Beacon of Tomorrows . Then you have infinite turns for the laughs to do whatever you want with most likely slowly mill them with Jace Beleren . Remember there's no such thing as too much hug.

September 18, 2014 6:14 p.m.

happyman379 says... #25

September 24, 2014 7:52 p.m.

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