I threw together a low cost Orzhov deck. Mainly it runs anti creatures, a little hand control, but mostly extort triggers. It is completely casual deck right now, but I'd like to try to make it tournament quality.
Extort is really powerful as a support ability. I'd like to fill my deck with lots of low cost spells with as much extort abilities as possible for the best of all worlds.
Mana - Yes I know that I don't have any Isolated chapels or Godless shrines, heck even Orzhov Guildgates would be better off, but this isa causal deck right now. If it ever takes the shape of a devastating deck then I'll invest the money for the lands.
Possible Changes:I really like the extort and discard combo idea. I think it could work out quite well. So the deck would change to a refined midrange creature control.
Balustrade Spy - Could be dropped completely. He's a great creature to have drop into play, chomp block something and then be brought back from the grave with Midnight Recovery. His ETB effect is pretty good for him being a common, but he isn't that strong for a 4 drop creature.
Ethereal Armor - Another droppable card. While if gives great control for those early out creatures, it really isn't as strong as I'd like. I'd need to find a way to add more reliable enchantments into the deck first then see about getting this card back in.
Executioner's Swing - Keeper card. Great for post combat removal of big creatures. Though it need chump blockers or a reliable wall to take the damage.
Holy Mantle - Currently this is the best enchantment in the deck. I want to put this out there and have Cypher abilities stacked on the creature as well. It's a long shot but it's been working in play testing so far. Defiantly a keeper but the 4 CMC is hard to get out.
Kingpin's Pet - Great low cost creature. Full of value, a 2/2 with flying ad extort. Yes please!
Mental Vapors - Repeatable discard ability. Hopefully cast it and cypher it on an evasive creature and then start removing cards from the opponents hands. Reads like a basic play book but the higher cost of the spell does make it hard to get to work.
Midnight Recovery - Repeatable chump finder. Hopefully by the time this hits the field, there is at least a good blocking creature in the yard.Its' also helpful just to pull back any ETB effects that would be nice to see again.
Prophetic Prism - Replaceable card. I would actually like to replace it with Staff of Nin. But currently it is helpful to get that other black or white mana for those double cost spells.
Purge the Profane - Basic discard ability. The extra life gain is nice, but not necessary. Looking into other discard abilities instead. So replaceable.
Security Blockade - Cutabble card. Mainly there for another blocker and enchantment on the field for Ethereal Armor. The damage reduction in nice too.
Shadow Alley Denizen - Cuttable card. Want to replace this with either creature control or another extort source.
Shadow Slice - Awesome card if it can be cast and cyphered to an evasive creature, but otherwise the 6 CMC is to high. Sadly a cuttable card.
Shrieking Affliction - Not as great as Lilliana's Caress or Megrim of old, but it does have its advantages late game. also the CMC 1 is fun for all those extort triggers.
Smite - Creature destruction pure and simple. Block a big baddy and remove it before damage. Winning!
Syndic of Tithes - Another value creature. Extort ability on a 2/2 for 2 mana? I'll take me a play set.
Tragic Slip - Another post combat removal spell. Great for those pesky 1/1 creatures too.
Victim of Night - Creature removal for the bigger threats. Low CMC means more extort triggers. Whee!
So overall there are a lot of cards that can be replaced, but I'm looking to make a fun casual deck with some hand control.
The deck need more hand removal and faster responses to threats. I'm thinking of throwing in some Tormod's crypts for the 0 CMC and the graveyard removal. Takes care of a lot of the graveyard based combos.
Liliana of the Veil is another must add, but she's rather expensive in Poland right now so I think I'll wait. I've been asked if I was going to add Sorin, Lord of Innistrad because of the color combination but I don't think he could find a place yet. He'd be able to make blockers but that's about it.