Glass Cannon Vengeance (Turn 1 Win)
SCORE: 921 | 345 COMMENTS | 186321 VIEWS | IN 481 FOLDERS
pheonix_222 says... #3
I agree but there's not much I can do about it. Side in Thoughtseize in those matches I suppose.
August 8, 2012 7:56 p.m.
this deck is amazing! the one thing that might hurt this deck is Fog , but even then, you have pact of negation! and who runs fog anyway.
just playtested, this thing is unbeatable... that, or i am getting really lucky with the pact of negation draws. +1
August 22, 2012 4:44 a.m.
pheonix_222 says... #15
There's quite a few ways to deal with this deck, but yea. It's quick and consistent.
Inquisition of Kozilek /Thoughtseize will usually ruin your hand,
Spell Pierce or Mana Leak etc, nuff said.
Path to Exile will stop me from winning right then and there, but you can still use Griselbrand 's ability a bunch of times.
not to mention Relic of Progenitus /card:Tormod's Crypt.
August 22, 2012 12:55 p.m.
AmericanTrnksta says... #16
All your arcane spells have splice, so i don''t see why your not using Through the Breach for even more splice!
August 22, 2012 9:17 p.m.
pheonix_222 says... #17
I used to run 4 Through the Breach and 4 Seething Song but I swapped them for Footsteps of the Goryo and Crimson Wisps . If I had neither Through the Breach of card:Goryo's Vengeance in my hand I didn't know if I should discard Griselbrand sometimes. Now that I'm pure reanimation I know he belongs in my grave in any case.
I also don't need to run 4 Crimson Wisps because I can draw into it so this left a few extra slots for Pact of Negation and Soul Spike .
I've never used the splice mechanic while playing this deck, It just by chance has a lot of arcane spells.
August 22, 2012 9:32 p.m.
locustPLAGUE says... #18
Is there room for Not of This World in the sideboard? Most people are going to assume all they need is removal to stop this deck, and Pact probably isn't enough to handle that on its own.
August 23, 2012 6:34 a.m.
pheonix_222 says... #19
Maybe, But any spell that actually will actually target Griselbrand (Go for the Throat , Path to Exile , Oblivion Ring , Maelstrom Pulse , etc) can only be cast once he's in play, and once he's in play I can use is ability as many times as I can even if any of those spells are still on the stack. Drawing 14+ cards before Path to Exile resolves will usually get me at least one Pact of Negation which I can use to counter it.
The real stuff I need to worry about is Inquisition of Kozilek /Spell Pierce . If I get hit with one of those turn 1 I'll likely lose my card:Goryo's Vengeance and will have to hope for some lucky draws and even then I'm likely going to run into more disruption.
Thanks though, I'll consider it in the future, I hadn't even thought of it.
August 23, 2012 5:11 p.m.
patomaluco says... #25
WTF what is the percentage of success making the combo in turn 1?
Clarkesius says... #2
this deck has a tough time against black discard
August 8, 2012 7:46 p.m.