Glissa Stax

Commander / EDH JovialKnoll


JovialKnoll says... #1


May 16, 2012 3:08 a.m.

Kootaroo says... #2

Don't mean to be a buzz kill but Sylvan Primordial is banned in EDH now. have you considered Grave Pact or Vraska the Unseen ? Also don't know if you are aware of Reaper of the Wilds since it is newer, but it is in my glissa build. i love him. being able to even out a draw and get a card back from the yard with glissa is always fun.

March 10, 2014 4:26 p.m.

JovialKnoll says... #3

Yeah, I just hadn't updated the deck in a while.

May 18, 2014 1:48 p.m.

leospartan2000 says... #4

look pretty cool i do like the reaper of the wilds and adrupt decay idea though, But anyways pretty awsome

May 25, 2014 7:42 p.m.

Zacoly says... #5

When I look at this deck I see a TON of destruction of everything. You will control other decks on all fronts by moving everything they have to the graveyard. I think you should consider adding more cards that attempt to be win-cons.

Using Chainer, Dementia Master to resurrect their creatures could prove to be deadly.

Rise of the Dark Realms is often a black deck win-con

Black Market Slowly becomes a threat by feeding you tons of mana. This card demands a response.

Mindslaver and Grappling Hook are GREAT artifacts with Glissa! Mimic Vat would also be a good choice considering the amount of destruction you plan on doing.

Weak cards:

Genesis Wave is normally an awesome card, but 1/4 of your deck is NON-permanents and 1/3 of your deck is lands. Other decks make much better use of this card.

Go for the Throat seems a bit excessive when you already have so many ways to abuse Glissa's deathtouch

Liliana of the Veil I find her to be a generally weak card. You have to discard too. for her +1 and her minus can only be used once before you have to hurt yourself. Garruk can at least build you an army and help you build up board presence.

Treasured Find and Regrowth both seem to be a bit underwhelming. Your deck is a much bigger place to look through, and is harder for others to screw with. Demonic Tutor might serve you better.

May 28, 2014 2:56 a.m.

Zacoly says... #6

+1 from me

Good deck, I like where this is heading, but I think it could be improved by trimming the fat and adding a bit more win-con options.

May 28, 2014 2:57 a.m.

NerdPounder says... #7

I think this is pretty cool! Unless you play against a lot of LD decks or something, I might replace the arty ramp with green ramp, like Skyshroud Claim and Ranger's Path . I know you can recur the artys with Glissa, but you probably won't lose your lands anyway and you don't have to wait to play your artifacts again if they get blown up.

September 3, 2014 8:42 p.m.

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