Glissa the Traitor: Metal Rock

Commander / EDH Stefouch


Stefouch says... #1

The deck have been completely revamped. I will soon post an updated list.

I archived the previous list here: Glissa the Traitor : Metal Rock Old V2

October 7, 2016 4:35 a.m.

Enral says... #3

This looks well refined but I would strongly recommend putting back Mana Crypt and Ancient Tomb...the things you can accelerate with this is incredible. I play a ton of midrange EDH deck and is never sad to see them as life is merely a resource till you lose. If you are concerned with lifegain, cards like Basilisk Collar or even Batterskull wouldn't be bad. You do already have Wurmcoil Engine for lifegain too.

July 3, 2017 2:54 p.m.

Stefouch says... #4

Many thanks for your inputs Enral. I will reconsider these cards.

I am frequently the target in my meta ("kill on sight"), mainly because I have another unfair deck. My life total has become a valuable resources to spare.

July 5, 2017 4:19 a.m.

Stefouch says... #5

I'm going to post a big update to the deck.

According to me, I have too much tutoring cards:

  • 2 generic tutors
  • 6 creature-specific tutors
  • 4 land-specific tutors
  • 1 creature or land tutor (Traverse the Ulvenwald)

That's 13! ..and I just removed Entomb in the last deck update!

I plan to remove Eldritch Evolution who's suboptimal (limited scale and card-disadvantage) and Green Sun's Zenith.
GSZ is limited to green creatures, but here we have a tricolored deck: green, black, and artifact. GSZ isn't the best creature tutor, but still I am hesitating with Chord of Calling.

OUT: EE + GSZ + Dryad Arbor.
IN: Tireless Tracker + Defense of the Heart + another land.

About the Pod strategy, only Birthing Pod needs a strong chain of ascending-cmc creatures. That's only 1 card that dictates the shape of the deck. I will change that.

OUT: Golgari Thug, Acidic Slime, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger.
IN: Hex Parasite, Treasure Keeper, World Breaker.

It's not over: I still have other cards I want to insert (Mana Crypt, Ramunap Excavator, Craterhoof, etc.) but cuts start to be difficult by now.

July 10, 2017 8:28 a.m. Edited.

Stefouch says... #6

Updated primer description and decklist.

June 13, 2018 6:04 p.m.

MillionLittleE says... #7

actually not hating this list

August 29, 2018 1:04 p.m.

Skullclamped says... #8

Hey great deck! Been really enjoying piloting it, a few questions, is your move away from artifacts the main reason you don’t run as many eggs like Conjurer's Bauble/Urza's Bauble?

What do you think of some of the new cards from the new sets?

Soul-Guide Lantern a better Scrabbling Claws

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove additional Exploration and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to turn on Cabal Coffers

Nylea's Intervention capable of grabbing multiple utility lands and land combos

Castle Locthwain in the event you fail to find loam and cycling lands

Some other considerations: Plaguecrafter over Fleshbag Marauder

Scrap Trawler for more resiliency

February 24, 2020 9:21 p.m.

Stefouch says... #9

Thank you for your upvote! Let me answer your questions:

Conjurer's Bauble/Urza's Bauble: I've already 4 eggs that cantrip. It feels almost enough. Still, I would like to find a free slot in the deck to add a 5th egg (Urza's Bauble). I didn't try a heavy egg version with more of them and Salvaging Station (SS) along because I've already an artifact deck with SS.

Soul-Guide Lantern: This can even be an upgrade to Nihil Spellbomb. Play both in graveyard metas.

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove: I don't play Wayward Swordtooth so I won't play the Dryad for its sole first ability. But the second ability might be interesting, except it's on a weak permanent type. With Cabal out, it'll be killed on sight. And I've already multiple access to Urborg: tutors and opponents.

Nevertheless, both abilities on the same creature might worth a test in place for Nissa, Vastwood Seer.

Nylea's Intervention: The card is good. But it won't make the cut here because I'm already struggling to find a cut for Scapeshift.

Castle Locthwain: No, it's bad. and multiple life to draw a single card is too much for my taste.

Plaguecrafter: Yes, it's an upgrade for Fleshbag Marauder. It wasn't changed in this list because of personal nonsense reasons about the art of the card.

Scrap Trawler: Never tested here, but I've the feeling I don't have enough artifacts in this list to make it shine. It can recur only lesser CMC artifacts, which reduces by a lot the number of time this can work.

March 2, 2020 9:52 a.m.

Stefouch says... #10

Currently, I'm testing:

December 30, 2020 2:48 p.m.

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