Barren Moor - works really well with
Life from the Loam. Like, really well. Also, cycle lands are quite nice in general.
Basalt Monolith - one half of the Four Horsemen combo, the other being Mesmeric Orb. Mill as much or as little as you like. Also makes infinite mana with Rings of Brighthearth.
Buried Ruin - a useful card in general, but with Ramunap Excavator and Mindslaver, you've got yourself a lock, as long as you have enough mana.
Burnished Hart - just solid ramp.
Codex Shredder - an extra Eternal Witness.
Command Tower - good land. Nice land.
Commander's Sphere - ramp, card draw in a pinch.
Cranial Plating - if necessary, get in those commander kills with Glissa.
Creeping Renaissance - there may be occasions in your life where you don't name artifact, but those will be few and far between.
Damnation - premium board wipe, should trigger Glissa's ability a respectable number of times.
Darksteel Citadel - good against land destruction, and then brings all the benefits of being an artifact that is wanted in this deck.
Darksteel Forge - just nice back-up.
Decree of Pain - board wipe, card draw, Glissa-firer. All-round all-star.
Desecrated Tomb - should be getting you a respectful number of bats.
Eternal Witness - retrieves cards in a pinch if Glissa isn't doing her job.
Everflowing Chalice - good ramp, and if on three with Voltaic Key and Rings of Brighthearth, infinite mana, which then translates into infinite untaps of any artifact(s).
Executioner's Capsule - just beautiful removal with Glissa. A must-have.
Flayer Husk - infinite with Krark-Clan Ironworks, Salvaging Station.
Fleshbag Marauder - will trigger Glissa nicely, as well as being pseudo-removal.
Forbidden Orchard - locks with Mindslaver.
Foundry Inspector - cheapens all your artifacts.
Golgari Grave-Troll - dredge 6.
Golgari Signet - ramp. I include signets in almost every deck I can.
Golgari Thug - dredge.
Hangarback Walker - infinite mana = infinite thopters. Also mana positive with Krark-Clan Ironworks.
Hedron Archive - card draw, ramp.
Herald of Anguish - sac outlet, cheap 5/5 flyer, opponents discard.
Ichor Wellspring - card draw for Krark-Clan Ironworks combo.
Jhoira's Familiar - artifact cheapen.
Junk Diver - a nice little pseudo Eternal Witness.
Krark-Clan Ironworks - just everything.
Life from the Loam - fake ramp, combos with the cycle lands.
Lux Cannon - with infinite untaps, infinite permanent destruction.
Marionette Master - a wincon.
Mephidross Vampire - with card: Triskellion, infinite creature kill.
Merciless Executioner - Glissa assistant.
Mesmeric Orb - Four Horsemen half-combo. Basalt Monolith.
Mind Stone - ramp, card draw.
Mindslaver - I mean. It's Mindslaver. You hardly get more iconic wincons.
Myr Battlesphere - infinite with Nim Deathmantle and Krark-Clan Ironworks.
Myr Retriever - another pseudo- Eternal Witness.
Nevinyrral's Disk - board wipe that Glissa gives back. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Also a tasty little lock with Darksteel Forge.
Nim Deathmantle - when combo'd with Krark-Clan Ironworks, goes infinite with anything that makes at least one fellow artifact creature - Myr Battlesphere, Wurmcoil Engine.
Noxious Gearhulk - removal that Glissa retrieves.
Oblivion Stone - again, a board-wipe that Glissa retrieves.
Polluted Mire - as with other cycle lands, works with Life from the Loam.
Powder Keg - Glissa gets back this removal as well. Instantly.
Primal Surge - you've seen the number of permanents we run in the main deck. Ninety three. That's quite a few. On average, you'll be getting 20 permanents for 10 mana.
Ramunap Excavator - works with Buried Ruin. Also, just smoothes out your land drops and mana base.
Ratchet Bomb - removal that Glissa gets back straight away.
Rings of Brighthearth - just goes with everything.
Salvaging Station - a part of several combos, and also good with Glissa.
Satyr Wayfinder - fills your graveyard and grabs you a land.
Scrap Trawler - retrieves artifacts nicely.
Slippery Karst - another cycle land to go with Life from the Loam.
Sly Requisitioner - Thopter-Sword but without the Thopters. Sword of the Meek.
Sol Ring - one of, if not the, best artifact ramp spells in Magic's 25 year history.
Solemn Simulacrum - the bot goes in most decks. Ramp, card draw, and retrievable with Glissa.
Soul of New Phyrexia - protection from board wipes, whether in play or in graveyard.
Splendid Reclamation - you mill your whole library? Why not get all of your lands!
Stinkweed Imp - dredge.
Stitcher's Supplier - nice graveyard filler.
Sword of the Meek - the other, more obvious half of Thopter-Sword.
Tranquil Thicket - cycle land. Life from the Loam. Again.
Treasure Keeper - a tasty little card.
Tree of Tales - goes with all the other artifact synergy.
Triskelion - infinite creature removal with Mephidross Vampire.
Unwinding Clock - untaps everything. Lux Cannon becomes real threatening. Many other benefits.
Vault of Whispers - artifact. For the synergy.
Voltaic Key - good card anyway with Lux Cannon, Hangarback Walker etc., and infinite untaps with Rings of Brighthearth.
Walking Ballista - infinite mana? Infinite damage!
Weatherlight - grabs you some nice artifacts whenever it hits someone. Nice.
Wurmcoil Engine - good card, infinite with Krark-Clan Ironworks, Nim Deathmantle.