Today was the big day; a week of preparation leading into the week's end big one! There were a lot of different deck types represented and I will admit I started sloppy and it was those amateur mistakes that kept me from the gold.
Round One: Boros Burns (1-2): This was pretty much set to be whoever was on the play wins, but despite this I managed to lose in game three due to extremely novice mistakes. A near mirror match; I knew he could still have his Searing Bloods in his deck and yet I continued to play my creatures and took key damage that more than likely set the match.
Round Two: Boros Burns (2-0): Yet another Boros Burns deck; it caught me off guard how many of these I saw. Keeping in mind the mistakes I made in round one and abusing priority and responses; I was about to wrap things up and take the win.
Round Three: Gruul Something (2-1): It was the kids first Friday Night Magic and I guess I got paired down for it. He did alright, and was content with the win in the second match. I passed down what knowledge I knew of the game with him and his father and wished him well in loving the game as much as me.
Round Four: B/R Minotaurs (2-1): This was the one that caught me off guard the most! His deck was arguably amateur, but it had enough creatures and damage in its brute combos to understand how it pushed through the prior matches. It trashed me pretty bad in round one, but Satyr Firedancer kept his everything under wraps and tossed more than enough triggers to keep me safe.
Quarter Finals: Mono-Black Devotion (2-0): My obvious ideal match up; it went pretty text book. Any time she used life to gain a lead she was punished; everytime she didn't... she was still punished!
Semi Finals: Orzhov Weenies (1-2): The first two matches were pretty close and rather enjoyable. My third game opening hand was six good spells and Sacred Foundry
. I kept with high hopes, but the next land was several turns away and once it was drawn; it was already too late.
I had a lot of fun tonight and fourth place isn't half bad! I got three packs out of it (nothing but junk, but it was well earned), and I plan on using it a lot more often. I will be using my other decks during the week to understand the different matches a little better.