GMC - What a Truck

Standard Bromjunaar


3/7 FNM —March 8, 2014

Went 3-1 at FNM last night and had a lot of fun doing so.

Round 1: 2-0 vs Burn/RDW

Though he got a bit mana flooded (it looked like a slower build of the archetype) he managed to get some damage in usually before I entirely stabilized. Courser of Kruphix was an allstar in this matchup, since the lifegain from the lands brought me well out of burn range. Mutavault did the most damage of any card in this matchup. (Smashing face for ~16 damage before another creature that I can attack with showed up)

Round 2: 0-2 vs Tier 1 Esper

Game 1 mulled to 6. Managed to topdeck a Devour Flesh for the first Blood Baron of Vizkopa he played. Never got the other Devour Flesh for the one he threw down the turn after. Game 2 mulled to 5 due to lands (Forest and Mutavault for hand full of black first hand, nothing in the second) and scooped after his second Sphinx's Revelation when he was already well up with ~11 lands, Detention Sphere and Supreme Verdict already in hand, and the vast majority of the Reaper of the Wilds and Mistcutter Hydra of mine already in the graveyard.

Round 3: 2-0 vs Heroic/Large Boros Build

Guy was playing a deck with stuff like Titan's Strength, Mortal's Ardor, Stormbreath Dragon, Phalanx Leader, Favored Hoplite, and Tajic, Blade of the Legion. Game 1 I kept removing his threats and eventually got a Reaper out and ended the game. Game 2 he got stuck on 1 land for about 5-6 turns while I kept swinging with Mutavault. We played a game 3 for fun and I actually got to see the deck in action but it had a similar result to the previous games.

Round 4: 2-0 vs Homebrew MonoBlack Devotion

Game 1 and game 2 proceded in similar fashion with him playing stuff like Disciple of Phenax, Marshmist Titan and the such. He couldn't get anything to stick around long enough for a good amount of devotion to make stuff click and start going off.

After rounds I played three games against a friend who was playing a W/U enchant deck. I kept 2 for 1ing her by removing the creature after she put an enchantment on it. In game two she managed to get me down to about 4 health after having 2 or 3 Gods Willing in hand for responses to the removal I was playing.

One thing I might look into for the deck is whether or not to cut a removal spell or two in order to add another couple threats. The deck has a hard time getting aggressive when I want it to be so that I can capitalize on the opponent not having a board state.

SpaderAce says... #1

Ever thought about Desecration Demon or adding white or red for cards like Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Rakdos's Return ?

March 6, 2014 11:41 a.m.

Bromjunaar says... #2

As far as Desecration Demon goes, he is powerful, but I don't have any, he is bringing more than I would like to spend on him, and I would rather not go down the path of making a poor MBD. (So no great reasons.) If I had any, I would try them in the slot I have Polukranos, World Eater in.

I have given a little bit of thought to splash, but I don't have the lands to go adding another full color (missing one set of shocks from each possible splash, same for temples). Though I do have some Stomping Ground and Temple of Abandon ... Might look into a very light red splash for stuff like Dreadbore and Rakdos's Return .

March 6, 2014 2:04 p.m.