GMC - What a Truck
3/14 FNM, went 3-1 —March 15, 2014
I'm really enjoying how the deck is turning out and I'm having a lot of fun with this. Still making small mistakes and I keep forgetting the Scry triggers on Reaper of the Wilds, but I'm getting better at it. I made the decision to switch from Read the Bones over to Underworld Connections. To be perfectly honest, this feels almost like a straight control deck that can sometimes have a quick and offensive start and I feel like Connections helps further that style of play more. Also, the interactions between Courser of Kruphix, Underworld Connections, and any form of Scry such as Reaper of the Wilds' triggered ability is freaking sweet. I also made the decision to try a single Vraska the Unseen in the side for the walker heavy control decks to act as Hero's Downfall number 5.
Round 1: UG Flash 1-2
Only loss of the night and with the right removal spell during game 3, I think I could have turned the game around. He got through games 1 and 3 by simply overloading my removal and countering everything else for the most part. Game 2 I managed to keep him down with a hand full of removal and finished by swinging in with Mutavault for most of the damage.
Round 2: Bant Control, 2-0
Bant control list that ran Sylvan Caryatid and Advent of the Wurm instead of all the walkers. He got stuck at 3-4 lands and a Caryatid game 1. Game 2 I ripped his Sphinx's Revelation with a Thoughtseize and proceeded to get in with Mutavault and Mistcutter Hydra.
Round 3: Esper Midrange Humans 2-1 or 2-0
This is the the Esper humans list that Makihito Mihara was running with Ephara, God of the Polis and Obzedat, Ghost Council. Game 1 came down to whether he could get in lethal with his Obzedat or if I would get in with my pair of Reapers. During the last turn he got me down to one life after trying to double Detention Sphere the Reapers. Next turn I had lethal. The last game I won mostly using Mutavault and removing his stuff as it hit the field.
Round 4: Big Boros/ Red Devotion 2-1
Game 1 I managed to keep his devotion down and creatures off the board. Game 2 he managed to get rolling on a Purphoros, God of the Forge, some cheap creature, followed up by Aurelia, the Warleader and an Ash Zealot I do believe. Game 3 he got an Assemble the Legion early and Boros Charmed to my Golgari Charm. Eventually I managed to get an Unravel the Aether for it at about the same time he started getting land flooded. There were about 4 times that if he had drawn something like Aurelia, he would have won. Lifegain from the Courser of Kruphix was huge here.