GMC - What a Truck

Standard Bromjunaar


3/21 FNM, 3-1 Once again —March 23, 2014

Well, went 3-1 once again. This time I lost in the final round of the night at table 1 in a match-up that I wasn't all that confident with in the first place. I think I might need to tune the SB a bit to help vs UWx Control as those games have been my biggest bane so far with the deck.

Round 1: Grixis Mill, 2-0

This was a younger and more casual player whose deck seemed to be wanting to go in a couple different directions. Almost lost game 2 due to keeping a 1 lander and missing my turn 2 and 3 land drops. Managed to win with 4 cards left in the library.

Round 2: Rw Burn, 2-1

Guy was using a fairly standard list of Ash Zealots, Chandra's Phoenix, Satyr Firedancer and the such. He won game 1, I got games 2 and 3 after ripping his hand apart and then removing the creatures he had left over.

Round 3: UG Flash deck from last week, 2-1

Couple close games, he got mana flooded in one game (I think it was 2) and a little bit again in the last game.

Round 4: UWR control, 1-2

American control deck with a ton of draw including Izzet Charm, Quicken, Divination, and Sphinx's Revelation, and Azorius Charm. His game 1 win conditions included Assemble the Legion but for games 2 and 3 he switched over to Psychic Spiral and just milled me out by drawing a ton, countering stuff, killing stuff, and discarding stuff, until he had a lot of cards in there and then he would Spiral or Elixir of Immortality to put it all back in. Just buried me in cards that he kept drawing.

I seriously need to work on how I want to approach this type of match up (the entire UWx control family really). Discard would probably be a way to go but do you guys have any other suggestions?

Also, thinking about looking into Scavenging Ooze for this deck. What do you guys think?

Mr.Mill says... #1

lol, I've always loved golgari, great deck!(+1)

March 19, 2014 7:49 p.m.

Advice170 says... #2

Desecration Demon is $5. With the amount of removal you're running he's going to be better than Polukranos most of the time.

do it.

March 20, 2014 1:08 p.m.

Bromjunaar says... #3

Wow, he dropped a lot...

March 20, 2014 1:28 p.m.

reozataku says... #4

Have you thought about using Bow of Nylea with Polukranos, World Eater ?

You attack, Before blockers are declared you use his monstrosity ability. With Bow of Nylea out he has deathtouch when he attacks, target as many creatures as possible.

I run Golgari and love this trick.

Hope this helps.

March 20, 2014 2:51 p.m.

Bromjunaar says... #5

@reozataku, I have used that trick before in a Mono Green Devotion build but I'm not sure that it would be worth using the Bow for that one interaction. If this was a more creature heavy build where I could use more of it's abilities consistently, I believe that it would have a strong chance of being good. But I don't believe that this is the build that could use it effectively and to it's greatest potential.

March 20, 2014 4:59 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #6

I really like this deck! I don't know how I feel about Courser of Kruphix in here though. I really like Scavenging Ooze in its place. I've one a lot of playtesting with it in my Golgari deck and it just seems better in a lot of situations.

Check out my Golgari Midrange deck here: Golgari Midrange [Competitive]

+1 From me! Awesome deck.

March 21, 2014 3:09 p.m.