Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go.

Commander / EDH Grantley91


albino_ninja says... #1

ya this deck might lose you some friends...in the best way possible haha might want to look into Banisher Priest since your doing the control thing

July 22, 2015 1:44 a.m.

hark says... #2

do not collect 200$

July 22, 2015 2:02 p.m.

hark says... #3

so wait i can pass go and buy this deck and deny others go yes

July 22, 2015 2:03 p.m.

MTGcamel451 says... #4

Maybe think about Banishing Light since it's like a Banisher Priest except can't die to removal and can exile other things besides creatures.

July 22, 2015 2:10 p.m.

Grantley91 says... #5

hark and it costs less than $200 so you can afford it after passing go! ;)

MTGcamel451 I knew there was another card like O-Ring but I couldn't think of it. Thanks for reminding me what it was!

July 22, 2015 2:19 p.m.

MTGcamel451 says... #6

Grantley91 No problem :)

July 22, 2015 2:25 p.m.

hark says... #7

Grantley91 thats the point you pass go and deny others go

July 22, 2015 2:57 p.m.

nayrash5 says... #8

Enlightened Tutor would be good with all these Enchants. With all these token producers, have you considered Smokestack as a way to further deny resources to your opponent? Null Rod is probably better than Stony Silence, though it's a bit harder to find.

July 22, 2015 3:07 p.m.

Baffler says... #9

Oh god i built this deck for the mod part except for a few modifications and I love stoping every combo, creature or other problem with a simple thought process like.. hmmm that looks scary. NOPE!

July 22, 2015 5:38 p.m.

MegaCereal says... #10

Enlightened Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, and Academy Rector would all fit great since you run a lot of enchantments. Also, you could try running Crackdown which synergises well with Blind Obedience. Return to Dust is also a great card for almost any white deck.

July 23, 2015 10:24 p.m.

Scorprix says... #11

Haha, great name.

"Do not collect $200."

July 24, 2015 10:19 p.m.

Grantley91 says... #12

Scorprix yeah I was gonna throw that on the end but I'd rather make you think of it yourself. :)

MegaCereal those are all pretty good suggestions but I don't know what to take out... I could get rid of the soldiers theme but then I'm not sure what my kill condition would be other than just digging/praying for Starfield...

July 24, 2015 11:48 p.m.

MegaCereal says... #13

Tribal decks can become hard to keep tribal once you find really good cards. My monowhite angel deck turned into monowhite good stuff starring angels.

A few cards I would consider cutting if it were my deck is Cloudshift since you don't have a lot of ETBs that change the game a whole lot. If you want something so you can bounce cards then I think Cloudstone Curio might help, though you may want to run it with Vedalken Orrery.

Brave the Elements seems pretty meh to me. It can be a neat trick, but if your opponents want something gone it will probably go.

You could also cut a plains for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

It is kind of hard to cut things, but my advise, and it is kind of a "well, yeah" moment, is to just play games and if a card isn't working the way you want then cut it. If you have a game and you draw a card and it doesn't do anything then it can probably be cut.

Swift Reckoning and Pacifism are good cards, but you have a lot of removal already you can probably cut a couple of the weaker ones.

Coat of Arms is better than Obelisk of Urd in my opinion. It can also be a win con. With that and 3+ creatures you have a pretty threatening board. If you add in Akroma's Memorial it is just that much more threatening.

A few other cards I just thought of are Replenish and Sun Titan since he can hit most of your creatures and enchantments.

If you have Starfield of Nyx, and I assume that is the card you were referring to when you said starfield, then you can probably cut a couple creatures since you will most likely meet the requirement for amount of enchantments for them to all be creatures.

Creatures I might consider cutting are Platinum Emperion, Platinum Angel, Topan Freeblade, Master Decoy, Serra Avenger and, Serra Avatar unless you can give it trample, then its great otherwise it just gets chumped all the time and barely gets in for damage. The platinum creatures are good, but in my experience they don't stick for long and do their job. Decoy, to me, doesn't do a lot for you and Serra Avenger is worthless until turn 4 and on turn 4, at least in EDH, a 3/3 flyer doesn't amount to much. Serra Ascendant is really good and can be cast turn one and is a constant problem for your opponents.

My goal isn't to have you spend an arm and a leg on a mostly casual format, but just to let you know of other possibilities.

July 25, 2015 11:10 p.m.

I feel like Hixus should have vigilance. Just because of his name. I mean, he's the warden. Vigilance is his thing.

Have you thought of Door of Destinies? In my experience, running it with a tribe that has flash is hilarious and radically increase your damage output in a combat.

July 26, 2015 2:58 p.m.

orikon says... #15

You might consider Faith's Fetters over Pacifism.

July 29, 2015 9:23 p.m.

I feel that Hixius is not the most suitable commander, but perhaps that's due to my lack of understanding the card.

August 2, 2015 1:20 a.m.

Grantley91 says... #17

There probably is a better commander out there but I feel like using him will lull my opponents into a sense of relaxation since they'll think the deck is horrible but really its a huge pain in the ass. And I like commanders that have flash so it works out.

August 2, 2015 1:45 a.m.

griffstick says... #18

It curves out very nicely

August 2, 2015 2:05 a.m.

Radical_Larry says... #19

Hallowed Moonlight and Containment Priest both seem pretty good.

August 3, 2015 4:20 p.m.

Grantley91 says... #20

I thought about the Priest but I have enough creatures that it would hurt me too. The Moonlight might work better because its just a one-time thing.

August 3, 2015 4:30 p.m.

-Logician says... #21

Love the deck name! Instant +1

I figured I'd take a good look at your deck too and give you some critique.

I think that Crackdown is a really nice choice, as well as Luminarch Ascension. Opponent's will be afraid to attack you because of your commander, so your Luminarch's Ascension will hopefully get its counters easily. Spirit of the Labyrinth is pretty savage too. I would be too tempted to draw cards myself and wouldn't have the guts to play it (You can tell I'm a blue player). Starfield of Nyx is also a respectable choice as a secondary win-condition.

That said, here are some possible improvements.

  • Preeminent Captain serves only 7 cards in your deck. Seems less than impressive overall, to be honest. That 3-drop slot has so much potential. While it could be many things, I noticed you weren't running Council's Judgment, which is an extremely good card.
  • Swift Reckoning only destroys, and doesn't exile. Putting a creature into someone's graveyard isn't a sure-fire answer. Destroying instead of exiling is perfectly acceptable for Day of Judgment and Wrath of God because you're investing in the destruction of all creatures. As soon as you feel the need to spend a card in your hand and your precious mana to deal with a single creature because that creature demands that answer as soon as possible, you need unconditional removal. Whatever that is, it needs to be off the table. I wouldn't feel safe with Swift Reckoning. I see you're also running Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile, so that's good. Would switch Swift Reckoning to Mana Tithe just for the surprise factor.
  • I really like Mentor of the Meek, and I think he's easily one of the best draw-engines you can muster in white, but I don't feel like you're abusing him enough. While Mobilization isn't a bad, I think there could be more. Not something that's immediately disasterous. I'm just saying that you could break this card a little bit more. Think Pentavus. In fact, there's a pretty sick combo with Pentavus + Soul Warden + Archangel of Thune, and the best part about that combo is that each single combo piece is also good without the others. Hero of Bladehold and Brimaz, King of Oreskos plays extremely powerfully alongside Mentor of the Meek.
  • I noticed Return to Dust was in your maybeboard. That card is bonkers good. Just saying. It's a targeted 2-for-1.
  • I noticed a lack of Angel of Jubilation. She beats the Hatred blowout strategy. She beats Natural Order. And anything else that pays life or sacrifices creatures as a cost. When you use this card to shut down your opponent's Ashnod's Altar, let me tell you... there will be some salt.
  • Ballyrush Banneret could just be Pearl Medallion. Now it's all your white spells instead of a small subset. I do, however, like Hero of Iroas. He curves beautifully into Angelic Destiny.
  • Crescendo of War, for it's $ cost, is surprisingly backbreaking. That card will win you a game, and seems to fit your theme. The key thing to remember about this card is that it triggers on everyone's turn. While your opponent attacks for more too, they're not likely to have as big a creature team as you have. By the time it gets around to you, it will be stronger than it was on other players' turns.
  • Extraplanar Lens imprinting snow-covered plains could be a great way to cheat double mana and not giving your opponent's plains anything. This would of course require you to invest in Snow-Covered basics.
  • If you can afford it, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Avacyn, Angel of Hope are both absurdly powerful. Indestructible Platinum Angel seems good. You don't have to go as far as running Iona, Shield of Emeria, because that's just bullying. But the former two, you'll want those to compete on the same level of some other over-the-top strategies.
August 5, 2015 3:07 a.m.

Grantley91 says... #22

Honestly at this point I might just turn it into a Hatebears/Goodstuff deck and cut the soldier theme down to simply the most useful and deadly ones (Captain of the Watch, Hero of Iroas, maybe Odric) to make room for better things, like the Angel of Jubilation and Elesh Norn.

August 5, 2015 8:36 a.m.

hark says... #23

ahh man now it takes 2 times passing go for the money

August 5, 2015 1:49 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #24

You are running Armageddon. This pleases me. The salt must flow.

August 5, 2015 8:46 p.m.

Grantley91 says... #25

Is there any other white cards like it or is Armageddon the only one, ComradeJim270? I would love to run more than one of them because my mana curve is so low it'll burn everyone much worse than me.

August 5, 2015 9:06 p.m.

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