Goat Mommy Likes Slow Games

So you want to play in without being a wizard or a monk! Wait Zedruu the Greathearted is a Monk... and A Minotaur?? Ok nevermind, not a goat... But maybe you want to play with opoents cards without being one of those Sen Triplets players?


Ok well this deck is not one that plays many threats if at all and just tries to hang on and survive buy controlling other players boards, decisions and simply outpacing others in card advantage to keep controlling the board until we can resolve one of our wincon cards, locks, or tricky instakill oponent cards only Zedruu can do!

Lets discuss :)

We first need to establish a way to protect our life total before we can snowball with Zedruu the geathearted lifegain and card draw. Our defensive lineup consists of:

as well as some of our hard to even attack me pieces:

Here lets talk about a key mechanic of Zedruu the Greathearted She loves it when our opponents are in control of permanents that we own meaning the more crap we throw at them, the more we draw to keep throwing crap

Giving away our stuff seems to set us back if we are only giving things away... But what if we get something in return? Exchange cards like below give us something back in return for our troubles. Zedruu does not care how they got there! Its just there! She doesn't need to know!

Some cards are only here to give away others or themselves for benefit such as

So how do we give our opponents cards we own without giving them much if any benefit? Easy! And we can also do this while also providing major board control. We can get the cards effects and then give them away to someone that will not get any benefit out of these enchantments (Not to Sac or blink decks!)

Statecraft: This card doesn't hurt us to have on our field but it rather hurts an opponent that needs to do combat damage! Be sure to give this to someone swinging to win

  • Illusions of Grandeur: Play the card, get 20 Life. Cool. But now we gotta pay the upkeep or else we lose that life. Sad :( But what if we give it away so they are stuck paying that tax and will lose that 20 life.... Quite the damage bomb there!
  • Solitary Confinement: Works wonderfully in this deck! We are required to discard a card each turn as well as skipping the draw step BUTTTT What if we already plan to draw a bunch of cards from Zedruu the Greathearted each turn aside from our draw step? Now we have hexproof and all damage is prevented from hurting us. Deal!
  • Delaying Shield: Uh Oh, Our opponent hit us for 30 damage and we only have 20 life! Not so fast as we will just put 30 counters on this card to be payed on upkeep with either 1 life or (Solemnity will prevent this counter increase and keep us from taking damages). But now we will die on upkeep you may say? Not if we give away the card with our commander for giving that damage debt off to someone else to foot the bill. Very fun and deadly :)
  • Transcendence: Strange card but basically we try to play this when below 20 life (or have an Angel's Grace to play) and gift it to someone at 20+ life for them to insta die on the spot. They just fall over. No sound... Fractured Identity also does exist in case we have a table of overzealous people bringing us way too low!

We have a couple cards that can get us into a win state Approach of the Second Sun is a fun win that we can cast to do nothing on the first cast but win on the 2nd. We don't need to wait many turns to redraw as our commander draws quite the bit of cards each turn

Decree of Silence + Solemnity is a combo that locks all opponents from ever casting any spell again leading to most likely a scoop

Chain of Plasma + Swans of Bryn Argoll is a combo that lets us draw as many cards as we like in case we are trying to draw into something specific. The combo works by targetting the bird with Chain of Plasma drawing the three cards from the bird taking damage and then discarding a card to repeat this as much as we like

Brand the nuclear button in case we gave too much away and need to reset


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99% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 10 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.14
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Treasure
Folders My actual decks
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