As a prelude to putting money into the deck online, I decided to borrow the physical deck and give it a whirl. My friend's not a sideboard user (in spite of my best efforts), so I tossed together the initial one above (4 Auramancer, 4 Centaur Healer, 3 Pithing Needle, 4 Sundering Growth). Only change was that due to access, two Voyaging Satyr were used in place of Sylvan Caryatid.
- vs Golgari Something ~ These games were short, so I couldn't even tell what he was playing. Deck decided to make a strong opening for the night by flooding out like a madman. Overall, probably three lands per nonland while kill spells ensured I was getting smacked by a couple little critters. (0-2)
- vs Izzet PyroControl ~ First game was a loooong one. Killed his Pyromancer (a la Soul Tithe) before it could do much damage, and with his control, it took a while for anything but Angelic Accord to stick. Eventually it came down to cracking a Grove of the Guardian with Trostani and two Accords out to win this one. With little time on the clock, I sided in both creatures and went aggro mode. It worked. (2-0)
- vs Gruul Devotion Aggro ~ God hand for game one. T2 EoT (him tapped out) Selesnya Charm for a Knight, followed by T3 Unflinching Courage
and T4 Angelic Accord. On the defensive, he managed to kill the Knight, but it was immediately followed by another Courage on the first Angel. Second game was longer, with Soul Tithe mucking up his ramp and myself on the defensive (and below ten life multiple times) until I could stabilize. Trostani + Courage is better than I thought. (2-0)
- vs Dimir Control ~ He flooded out game one, which let me pseudo-combo-off rather quickly. Game two was longer, with most of my threats not living too long. Still, three Trading Post and an Angelic Accord managed to stick. Between getting all that out, we played a silly game: He cast Soul Ransom on Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, and I followed it up with Soul Tithe on the Ransom. Goats ended up chumping her for the rest of the game after he put a Hands of Binding, Puppet Strings, and Dark Favor on the poor Dryad. (2-0)
That match one flood ended up slaughtering my tie-breakers, and I barely missed Top 8. Still netted a booster pack for my troubles. Plus another pack for just playing the event, I'd say I got my money's worth out of the $6 entry fee.
The night helped build confidence in the deck. While I haven't tested / taken on the likes of Mono-Black or Blue Devotion, I think this could at least put on a show. Soul Tithe was a house and screwed up many an opposing plan, which is just what I wanted to see out of it.
And most importantly, I enjoyed myself.