Gobbo Wobbo

Modern* CrovaxTheCursed


ImpeyBarbicane says... #1

Maybe splash in a little white for Privileged Position and Avacyn, Angel of Hope ?

Also, maybe Coat of Arms ? (for tokens/ mirror match)

You should add Kiki-Jiki if you have the money, and/or Foundry Street Denizen .

Overall a pretty neat deck!
+1 from me.

August 6, 2014 12:12 p.m.

Thanks, ImpeyBarbicane, I'm glad you like it. I will be keeping this mono-red, and Avacyn is way too expensive. I do like the idea of Coat of Arms though, but again is a little expensive. If I were to add a Lord artifact, it would probably be Obelisk of Urd because of the Convoke. Kiki-Jiki could be fun, but I'm not sure what I'd target with him. This deck focuses more on flooding the field with little guys and boosting attack rather than a baddie that I could duplicate. I do have Kiki somewhere in my collection, I just have to find him (I got him back when Kamigawa first came out). If I can find him, I'll put him in for the dragon and see if I like him better. Thanks!

August 6, 2014 12:40 p.m.

I found Burn at the Stake sitting in my trade binder and slapped myself for not putting in here sooner. I'm still testing with it as a one-of so I haven't seen it perform yet, but the potential for it with Krenko is scary. I took out Voracious Dragon for it for the moment so I don't have too many 5 drops.

August 7, 2014 10:11 a.m.

ImpeyBarbicane says... #5

I agree. Burn at the Stake is quite powerful, especially when used with Battle Hymn .
The Hymn can also give you extra mana, if you have a lot of extra creatures.
Maybe you could have another Burn at the Stake , in the main/side, and have similiarily 2x Battle Hymn
Any thoughts on that?

I also may want to build this deck, once I playtest it more. :)

August 7, 2014 11:50 a.m.

Ah yes, I hadn't considered Battle Hymn , that could be interesting to dump my hand against 8Rack and what not. After playtesting with Burn at the Stake , I will definitely be getting another one for the sideboard since it rips apart control/pillow fort decks. These are all cards that I own, so I will put a dummy sideboard card in until I get another BatS. The Hymns I do have and are going in the sideboard. Thanks a bunch! Glad you would like to build the deck, it is incredibly fun and is usually winning by turn 4 and 5. Plus it's not all that expensive for a Modern deck all things considered. Although the Goblin Guide and Warren Instigator might hurt the wallet quite a bit, I happened to already have most of them so I think I only spent 50 bucks on the deck once I decided to build it. But for the power you get with this deck, it beats spending 500 bucks on a nasty control deck (I'm partial to aggro myself).

August 7, 2014 11:56 a.m.

ImpeyBarbicane says... #7

Same here. I love aggro decks. Especially burn. My friend made a goblin deck that was similiar to this, but involved more sacrifices to Devour cards.
Also, Goblin Guide could be used with a burn deck.
By the way, Elixir of Immortality can be used to shift through your deck. Replace a Mountain with it, you have too many lands for a rush deck, or maybe a Krenko's Command .

August 7, 2014 12:04 p.m.

I was just thinking 21 may be one too many lands, but I really want to be able to cast Purphoros and Burn at the Stake as soon as possible. But to your point, the Elixir can definitely go a long way for me, 5 life is nothing to sneeze at and the recursion is nice.

August 7, 2014 12:06 p.m.

ImpeyBarbicane says... #9

You should add at least one Stoke the Flames to you main. It goes a long way to deal some damage, especially with the tokens.

Vexing Shusher maybe? It can help a lot. Put in side if you want.

August 8, 2014 2:44 p.m.

Stoke the Flames may work, although the guys I tap to Convoke it would probably be dealing more damage on their own by attacking. Now Vexing Shusher is a fantastic suggestion! I actually have some of these but forgot I can use them in mono-red, plus he's a Goblin to boot. :P They are going in the sideboard now, thank you.

August 8, 2014 3:56 p.m.

Maybe add in 2x Searing Blaze as back-ups? And is Cavern of Souls a viable option?
Also, you need someway to protect your creatures!

August 8, 2014 6:01 p.m.

Well, I had been thinking a slight splash of white would be a good idea for Boros Charm and Chained to the Rocks (Path to Exile if I can get some), that would fix the board wipe and board stall issue. I actually sold my Cavern about a year ago, along with all my fetches. >:(

August 9, 2014 2:01 p.m.

You really should splash in white, it gives you more options.
Have you slapping your past self yet?

August 9, 2014 9 p.m.

You really should splash in white, it gives you more options.
Have you slapped your past self yet?

August 9, 2014 9 p.m.

Every time I see my Misty Rainforest I slap my past self. That's the only fetch land that I have left. I busted two boxes of Zendikar and they were littered with fetches. I probably had 20 to 25 all together, and now 1.

August 9, 2014 9:44 p.m.

Well, at least someone else, somewhere, must be happy that they have a bunch of fetches.

Also, Shattering Spree in the side?

August 9, 2014 9:58 p.m.

Yeah, exactly lol at least someone can enjoy them. I have been on the fence about whether to use Shattering Spree or Vandalblast in the sidboard. I like the Detonate and the Tuktuk Scrapper because I can get some damage out of them. But I definitely think I need a more global artifact destruction. I'll go with the Shattering Spree I think because 5 mana for Vandalblast seems like it would be too late when Affinity wins on turn 4 consistently.

August 14, 2014 10:59 a.m.

Also Valakut? You are running mono-red after all.
Or do you want to go two-colored? For green's creatures?

August 17, 2014 4:22 p.m.

Valakut I had thought about, but I typically never hit more than 5 lands so Valakut wouldn't work well. If I were to splash a color it would be white for Path to Exile , Rest in Peace , and Boros Charm . Unless you have some green suggestions?

August 18, 2014 10:52 a.m.

I dunno, Genesis Wave or something along those lines?
Also, maybe another Purphoros, for added purpose? 2 will give you a better advantage, as another wincon, and one that deviates from control decks exiling Krenko.

August 18, 2014 3:10 p.m.

I like the idea of adding another Purphoros. He's so good with Krenko and his Command. GWave is a little too green intensive, although would be killer to pull off in this deck. I'm thinking if I splash anything it will be for White for the cards mentioned earlier, and black for Mad Auntie and possibly Spike Jester .

August 19, 2014 8:43 a.m.

I've added some black goblins to the maybeboard in consideration of a black splash.

August 19, 2014 8:48 a.m.

I'm not sure how black will fare in a modern goblin deck. Maybe go with your original idea and splash white for Boros goblins and spells?

August 19, 2014 1:17 p.m.

Well I was thinking of doing both actually. Mad Auntie seems too good to pass up and I really like Frogtosser Banneret getting Krenko out on turn 3. Path to Exile is the best removal in Modern I believe, and Boros Charm seems good in any aggro deck. The potential for Knucklebone Witch seems really good in this deck and I don't know how Earwig Squad isn't a more expensive card. Then there's Wort who can get all my dead guys back to reuse. So I'm not sure if I want to splash one of the colors or both. I have the lands to do it either way so I'll just have to test it with other colors and I may even keep it mono red.

August 20, 2014 9:10 a.m.

Actually, splashing black seems pretty good over white. But, you still need to worry about your manabase when splashing! Maybe add a few Dragonskull Summits and Blood Crypts? Or definitely Auntie's Hovel ? Or bounce lands?

August 20, 2014 2:09 p.m.

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