Xindlepete says... #2
Wow! Gobby AND Inuyasha fan?! Nice. And since I know you have good taste, I appreciate your +1 even more.
I used to run Goblin Lackeys and Goblin War Strikes originally, but I dropped them when I decided to bump the deck up to modern. I used to enjoy Goblin Lackey very much, but it always caused me one major problem: I would ALWAYS run out of cards in hand by turn 3 or 4. Warren Instigator, while good in theory for this deck, would actually be worse because double-strike triggers his ability TWICE. :P They were meant for gobby decks with higher top end mana creatures, such as popping in Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Siege-Gang Commander.
Goblin King is alright in my book. But the big difference between him and Goblin Chieftain is mountainwalk vs haste. And haste is a MASSIVE priority for this build. Turn 3 Goblin Chieftain into turn 4 Krenko, Mob Boss means I almost always get at least one uninterrupted tap that produces a bunch of 2/2 haste tokens. It ramps up the damage quotient immensely!
I do hold a special place in my heart for Goblin Grenade. It always had my back when I needed it. But I pulled them in favor of Goblin War Strike because it was a win condition, and then I pulled those for Massive Raid because that was in modern with a similar effect. I do miss them sometimes though. :(
Sorry for the book, but I hope these explanations give you some ideas with your own gobbys! Do you have a gobby deck posted that I could peek at?
March 18, 2013 1:02 a.m.
PriestessKikyo1 says... #3
Yeah, I'm slowly getting cards together to build a Goblin deck. I'm actually considering trying putting in some black, with things like Mad Auntie and Knucklebone Witch. But it's probably going to be a while down the road because of my financial situation. T_T
Goblin Lackey and Goblin War Strike are cool- so are Goblin Warchief and Brightstone Ritual. I'd just like to get my hands on pretty much all the best goblin stuff, then I can decide whether I want to go for supercheap speed gobs or getting tokens and +1/+1 counters or other strategies. I even would like to be able to use Wort, Boggart Auntie and Wort, the Raidmother in EDH decks. I guess I've always been kind of a Vorthos-y type player. I'm just a sucker for flavor! :3 And it doesn't bother me to chit-chat either, especially if you like Inuyasha, teehee.
March 18, 2013 9:06 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #4
Yeah, Lorwyn block gobbys were pretty fun. Hence my carry-over of Boggart Shenanigans. It was one thing I couldn't bring myself to get rid of. Depending on how far back you're digging for gobbys, I have a few recommendations.
If you like Knucklebone Witch, take a look at Weirding Shaman and Warren Weirding. I've had some fun with those. Also, don't forget Boggart Shenanigans. Sac a cheap gobby you no longer need or want dead, such as Goblin Arsonist with the Warren Weirding, triggering Boggart Shenanigans. 2 mana gets you two 1/1 haste gobbys, two damage to an opponent, and a +1/+1 counter on Knucklebone Witch. Then you have gob tokens you don't care as much about so you can keep propogating your 1/1 gob tokens. :) 4 mana can be a bit heavy for it though, but it can ramp up rather nicely, especially if you use Skirk Prospector or Brightstone Ritual, as you mentioned.
In case you haven't noticed, I very much so love my gobbys.
March 19, 2013 12:36 a.m.
PriestessKikyo1 says... #5
Wow, thanks for the cool combo idea! Another Goblin I'm kinda partial to is Lightning Crafter. Some people don't like the idea of championing, but the 3 damage ping just makes me drool, haha.
March 19, 2013 8:26 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #6
I like him too. Definitely useful in many situations, and again a great card to cheat into play with Goblin Lackey or Warren Instigator. Personally, and again based on how far back you dig, I found that Embermage Goblin has better synergy with Goblin Lackey. Turn two hit with Goblin Lackey, drop Embermage Goblin, then search for another. That way you can drop your higher cost gobs for free earlier in the game, AND keep your hand full by replacing missing pieces with fetch gobs. Other goblins that are useful for refilling your hand are Goblin Ringleader or Goblin Matron. And since we both enjoy the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block, don't forget about Tarfire, Boggart Shenanigans, Boggart Birth Rite, Warren Weirding, and Fodder Launch. Since they are tribal spells- goblin, they are for all intents and purposes treated as goblin cards; this makes them legal targets for the fetch gobs. :) Goblins are just so full of shenanigans! :D
March 20, 2013 1 a.m.
PriestessKikyo1 says... #7
I was finally able to scrape together enough cash to buy a few cards. I did purchase a few goblins! These are the ones I got: Warren Instigator, Boggart Mob, Knucklebone Witch, Boartusk Liege, and Weirding Shaman in foil since it was only a dollar for it! :::::dances around the room:::::: I've also been looking for a Bloodmark Mentor, he's pretty nifty. So are those tribals you mentioned. I only just got back into playing withing the last year, so I've really been trying to build up my card collection. It's very pricey though. You really can't play much competitively without a deck full of rares!
March 21, 2013 8:29 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #8
Interesting. Definitely building up a good start. :) One question though, why Boartusk Liege? Are you planning a tri-color RBG? That could be interesting but you may be going too diverse. If you want to run a Gruul gob-rush you should look into Flinthoof Boar, Jund Hackblade, Wort, the Raidmother, Tattermunge Witch, Boggart Ram-Gang, and many more. I've just never had much luck with a full Jund gobby deck. Tell me a little more about what you have in mind. I'm curious to see what you come up with...
March 21, 2013 10:29 a.m.
PriestessKikyo1 says... #9
Oh, I wasn't buying those specifically to put in one deck. Just to add to my collection in general, haha. I'm not sure if a goblin deck is going to be my next deck project, it's just one of several decks that I've got floating around in my head, and I've slowly been making purchases toward those. Wow, you sure know your Goblins though. You said you haven't had much success with Jund Gobs, have you tried any of the izzet-style Goblin decks that have been around recently?
March 22, 2013 7:41 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #10
Personally, no. I traded most of my Guttersnipes awhile back to get some necessities for my Bolas Beatdown. In my opinion, I'm not a fan of relying on that much burn/control. I find that cheap, hasty gobbys can typically overwhelm opponents quickly enough that I don't have to worry about control so much. Plus my local meta is RIFE with control decks and counterspells, and I just don't have the mentality to match that play style well. Which I'm sure you could tell by the deck list alone. How many hasty gobs do I have here? ... 18 out of 32 creatures have haste, and 4 of those (Goblin Chieftain) give everything else haste too! I'm just not a big fan of sitting around and waiting to see what everyone else is doing first, you know? That's another reason I like mill play styles too. Like with my Dim-mill or Mill-a-riffic! decks. If they have counters, so what? I cut that stuff short by throwing it in the junk pile before they ever see it! HA! :P
Anyway, back to Izzet gobs... Sorry for the tangent. Like I said, haven't had a lot of opportunity to play them myself, but if you were looking for advice or recommendations I'm always here to help out! Any specific build ideas you've been mulling over?
March 22, 2013 9:29 a.m.
-2 Massive Raid -3 Boggart Shenanigans -3 Quest for the Goblin Lord +4 Lightning Bolt +4 Goblin Grenade. -8 Mountain +4 Arid Mesa +4 Scalding Tarn the deck thinning works wonders. Also you might want to think about Teetering Peaks and Contested War Zone.
March 22, 2013 10:19 a.m.
for creatures i suggest +4 Goblin Bushwhacker somewhere because hes pretty busted. Warren Instigator isn't great since you don't run Goblin King to take further advantage of his double strike and he can't help you cheat out Hellrider. If you're worried about counter spells i guess Cavern of Souls is always an option.
March 22, 2013 10:30 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #13
@bigv435: Have you playtested this deck as is? You would be surprised as to how well it functions. And I don't understand what you're saying about Warren Instigator , since I don't even have him in the deck. Also, this deck is as competitive as I care to make it, and dropping $100 apiece per playset of Arid Mesa and Scalding Tarn is way out of my price range. The only reason I run Hellrider is for his ability, it isn't a huge deal if he's not a goblin. And I am not dropping Massive Raid for anything. It is my 3 CMC bomb. I appreciate the feedback, but I'm not looking for deck help with this one. Just showing people how to make a consistent, powerful gobby deck for cheap and on the fly. :)
March 22, 2013 9:40 p.m.
PriestessKikyo1 says... #14
I haven't done any u/r goblin builds either.. I don't play much control (or mill) in general. I'm sure I will have my day with it eventually, since I go through periods of time where my interest varies. Atm, I'm mostly trying to put the final finishing touches on my Merfolk deck, I've also got a Golgari deck I'm working on but I don't have it posted yet. Since those are almost done I'm probably going to be moving on soon- to what, I don't know yet. I've got a lot of contenders- artifacts, vampires, Bitterblossom faeries, zombies, a Swans of Bryn Argoll combo deck, a treefolk/saproling deck, elves... and of course Goblins!! My local shop had some copies of Vexing Shusher that I really wanted, but somebody scooped them up from under my nose before I had a chance to get them. :P
March 23, 2013 9:41 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #15
Ooh, bummer on the Vexing Shusher s! That would have been a great catch. :( I must say, as a boy I used to hate faeries because they are stupid and frilly. But they did have some ridiculous combo shenanigans back in the day. Though I never made a deck of them myself, I certainly played my fair share. :P I do have a mono-black vampire deck, as well as a mono-green elves deck posted to my main page, if you're interested or looking for some other ideas. Trust me when I say I know my tribal stuff. :D If you're too lazy to click over two links, you can get to them here:
Let me know what you think of them, or if you have any question some of the lesser played tribals, like changelings or giants. Pick a creature type, and have a ball! :D
March 23, 2013 6 p.m.
oh my god a goblin deck that don't have a piledriver?-man your deck is awesome, it does a real good job seriou, i like it :Dbut, in my opinion i think Goblin Arsonist is better than Raging Goblin
April 12, 2013 10:13 p.m.
Xindlepete says... #17
In case you didn't notice, this is a MODERN deck, meaning Goblin Piledriver doesn't have a place here because he is legacy. :P And I'm sorry to say, but Raging Goblin is THE paragon of goblin-kind. He is cheap, hasty, efficient, and absolutely, 100% expendable. :D The other thing is, Raging Goblin is a stronger card in modern, because it helps put creature pressure turn one. Especially against elves, because putting early damage against cheap mana-chump elves is a priority in modern. But appreciate the feedback, and the +1!
April 13, 2013 12:53 a.m.
Man this is the 3rd time this week I see a modern deck thinking about legacy... sorry bro
I'll send this deck to a friend, he wants to build a goblin deck without piledriver and this one will help he thinks about the cardlist. I'll send to you the decklist he'll build :D
April 13, 2013 1:16 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #19
Sounds good to me. Always willing to help a fellow gob-friend! XD
April 13, 2013 1:21 a.m.
Vexing Shusher against counter deck
i like this deck +1 : )
April 20, 2013 2:50 a.m.
OK. Couple of things.
One, why no Tarfire or Lightning Bolt . They are great for early pressure and removal, especially as bolt kills most creatures in the format.
I feel like you want possibly AEther Vial here, or Stingscourger here as well.
Goblin Grenade is also good for pushing damage through. Cavern of Souls and Mutavault are fantastic at helping you put goblins out.
Warren Instigator can also help you put out an impressive amount of goblins. I've run him in my goblin deck, where you can go turn 3 Krenko, Chieften,
April 20, 2013 3:54 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #22
@LeaPlath Thanks for the recommendations! Though a couple of things:
I find that AEther Vial and Warren Instigator actually hurt this deck more than help it. Since everything is extremely low-cost anyway, and I have no way to refill my hand, playing cheap gobs for free doesn't necessarily make the deck faster. Also, playing AEther Vial turn one means no damage, where with this build I'm virtually guaranteed 1 damage, possibly 2. That kind of combat pressure that early in the game is never to be underestimated. Even if I play 2nd, they T1 Llanowar Elves and I follow with a T1 Raging Goblin , who does that trade favor? And if they don't block, then bully for me. Warren Instigator is a 2-drop without haste, which means swing turn 3 with a 1/1 double strike. Not the most powerful T2 drop, even with its ability (which doesn't guarantee free gobs, especially in modern or extended).
Goblin Grenade is nice, and it still holds a very special place in my heart, but I swear half the time I draw it I either have no gobs on the field, or it's a moot point because I have win-con on the field regardless. Lightning Bolt is also extremely useful, to be sure, but again I prefer to force pressure through combat phase. And with Legion Loyalist granting first strike/trample to everything, and either the Quest for the Goblin Lord or Goblin Wardriver giving bonus power on top of that, I'm not usually too worried about removing creatures from the warpath. Let them fall under a wave of fearsome gobs!!! >:D
I do actually have Stingscourger s lying around, I just always forget about him! So thanks for the reminder! XP And finally, Cavern of Souls is still like $100 for a full playset right now, which is practically as much money as I put into this deck as is. So a hefty investment. I'm hoping they will go down in price when they rotate out of standard, and I'll probably buy them then. :) Again, thanks for the recommendations! +1, maybe...? ;)
April 20, 2013 4:18 a.m.
he's a bit expensive, but Siege-Gang Commander is powerful once he hits the field. Coat of Arms is also just fun, and Warren Instigator is good being a 1/1 double strike for 2 with a cool eff. I'd also consider Cavern of Souls seeing as the deck has 30 creatures that are all goblins, so their Mana Leak doesn't screw your krenko
April 20, 2013 8:58 a.m.
-3 Boggart Shenanigans -3 Quest for the Goblin Lord +4 Shared Animosity +2 Massive Raid . If animosity isn't your thing you should run the fourth quest. Seems like an all in type of card. shenanigans looks just awful I'm curious as to why you run it at all. +1
April 20, 2013 9:11 a.m.
Xindlepete says... #25
@KingSorin May I refer you to my comment immediately above your own? :P
@bigv345 I appreciate the upvote! Now onto your recommendations...
Shared Animosity is a wonderful card, but I already have a significant chunk of 3 CMCs, and dropping the 1 CMC Quest for the Goblin Lord isn't worth the swap. In fact, I specifically chose Boggart Shenanigans over the Shared Animosity . The Boggart Shenanigans is a 3 CMC enchantment that counts as a "goblin" (for triggering a quest counter for Quest for the Goblin Lord ), and effectively turns every goblin in the deck into a Goblin Arsonist . And since this is a Modern deck, there are board wipes EVERYWHERE (Wrath of God , Damnation , Marsh Casualties , etc.) that just ruin low-cost gobs. Since the majority of these wipes are 4 CMC, dropping a Boggart Shenanigans turn 3 makes control decks rethink a board wipe. And when paired with Hellrider , it guarantees that no matter what happens during my combat phases, somehow my opponent is getting hurt. BAD. I think if you give it a chance you'll be pleasantly surprised. :)
PriestessKikyo1 says... #1
As a girl, I used to hate goblins because they're stupid and ugly. Well, somehow they've managed to grow on me, so I always enjoy checking out a good goblin deck. Have you ever thought of Warren Instigator or Goblin King? I also think Goblin Grenade would go really well in here, especially since you generate tokens. +1 from me, thanks for sharing.
March 17, 2013 7:54 a.m.