Gobbys Galore

Modern* Xindlepete


bigv345 says... #1

the three Bloodmark Mentor should probably be the 4th Foundry Street Denizen , Mogg War Marshal and Goblin Wardriver . I like play sets

April 20, 2013 10:04 a.m.

Xindlepete says... #2

I too enjoy playsets, but I find that Bloodmark Mentor is a little too good to cut out. That extra first strike for defenses can be ridiculous. For example, if for some unlikely reason I don't see a Goblin Chieftain , this could happen:

T1 Mountain + Quest for the Goblin Lord

T2 Mountain + Mogg War Marshal

T3 Mountain + Bloodmark Mentor + Raging Goblin (count 5 goblins = +2/+0 from quest)

T4 Mountain + Krenko, Mob Boss

In fact, this set up is how I won my first Planechase Game. :D An army of 3/1 first strike gobs is a rather daunting wall to fight through. >:D They shall charge at us as men, but fall to us like goats! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

April 20, 2013 10:11 a.m.

KingSorin says... #3

Lol yeah oops... Didn't c that :D, and the other 2 are quite expensive to play (mana-wise) but in my goblins casual it's just so fun dropping coat of arms with 10 on my bf, or instigating into a siege-gang on turn 3. If you're worried about emptying your hand too quickly then something like Reforge the Soul may be a good choice

April 20, 2013 7:17 p.m.

TheGutterPup says... #4

I'm digging on this deck. I, too, have a special love for our little green friends.

Goblin Lobbin.

My list looks like that.

I was wondering if you had any thoughts on it? I notice that your deck is more creature intensive than mine, and that you're not running Goblin Grenade.

So far I have pretty good success against Splinter Twin (4/5), Infect (4/7), and the RDW mirror (4/7). I haven't been able to run it against anything else yet.

April 24, 2013 12:36 a.m.

bigv345 says... #5

Modern Gobbles went all in on the playsets. Didn't have any room for four drops so it just feels wrong. Even legacy goblins runs some four drops lol

April 24, 2013 8:59 a.m.

PixiRex says... #6

I played tested+1 from here Quest for the Goblin Lord is really good 4x of themI don't now about Massive Raid . Some situations is it good, but most of the time you just cast your goblins instead and never be able to throw it down before its over.

I feel Arms Dealer should be in the Sideboard just like Skullcrack Tin Street Hooligan maybe against artifacts including 4x Stomping Ground Foundry Street Denizen has potential 4x of

But overall this is just a fast and good deck.

May 10, 2013 1:41 p.m.

Xindlepete says... #7

Thank you sir! Support is always appreciated. :D

Like I say in the description, I mostly use Massive Raid as a "tidy-up" spell. It's also insanely helpful for large scale multiplayer games like Emperor, two-headed giant, or free-for-alls. Playing against tempo or mid-range decks that have mid-size creatures or stall mechanics can make it difficult to get those last few hits in. So cards like Boggart Shenanigans and Hellrider ensure they are taking damage whether or not my gobbys are getting through to their life-total or not. Massive Raid can be that 3 cmc "5/6/7/etc damage" spell to finish off those last few points of life.

And like you said, more often than not it's a zergling rush strategy- just keep throwing out gobs and launching them at the opponent. That is why I decided to only run 2x of the Massive Raid instead of 3x or 4x.

May 10, 2013 4:25 p.m.

Xindlepete says... #8

Oh, almost forgot. I used to have Quest for the Goblin Lord at 4x, but I found that I ended up drawing it more often than I needed. And really only 1 on the field is required, and a lot of games I can manage wins without it. So cutting it to 3x seemed like the better idea, since maximizing goblin output is the highest priority.

May 10, 2013 4:27 p.m.

PixiRex says... #9

I see what you mean. Quest for the Goblin Lord is probably better as a 3 of.

And 2x Massive Raid is the right amount when running it in here.

May 11, 2013 6:18 a.m.

Try adding in a Shared Animosity or two.

May 31, 2013 6:34 a.m.

HexproofHarry says... #11

Great goblin deck, but it's missing Goblin Grenade . You have a pretty solid deck so I don't know what you could take out. +1, check out my deck? Krenko's Comandos

June 1, 2013 4:53 a.m.

Xindlepete says... #12

@HarrisonHarry: Thanks for the support man! :D I used to have Goblin Grenade in here, but decided against it. I preferred Goblin War Strike as my original 1cmc "I'm done. I win now. Good game though!" card, but I decided to update the deck to modern so I dropped it. Massive Raid is the only other card with a similar effect, and it has worked out well for me in the recent past. Honestly, I don't even play it (if I even do play it) till well after turn 3, in those games where control/tempo decks stall me past turn 6. Then I usually hang on to as many gobs as I can, play a few here or there so as not to attract too much attention, then BAM! Massive Raid massive blowout. :D It's just the kind of response a rowdy group of gobs would have. :D Though I REALLY wish they would reprint Goblin War Strike or something like it. BRING BACK TRIBAL DAMMIT!!!

June 1, 2013 5 a.m.

HexproofHarry says... #13

I too wish Goblin War Strike was modern. IT WOULD BE GLORIOUS!!

June 1, 2013 6:04 a.m.

SeniorBlopi says... #14

after some playtesting i find that the Foundry Street Denizen doesn't actually do much, Id much rather have something like Goblin Bushwhacker . I also think that running cavern as a 4 of wouldn't be a bad idea seeing as how the only non goblin in the deck is Hellrider . You should also consider getting your hands on some fetches like Arid Mesa or Scalding Tarn to thin the deck out (less land topdecks, more creatures) other card to consider are Goblin King and Blood Moon (Depending on your meta)

June 11, 2013 3:34 a.m.

Xindlepete says... #15

@SeniorBlopi: the Foundry Street Denizen is actually my preferred turn 1 play, depending on the hand of course. Take a look at this:

Turn 1: Mountain + Foundry Street Denizen

Turn 2: Mountain + Goblin Guide + Legion Loyalist , swing for (3 + 2 + 1 =) 6 first strike, trample, can't be blocked by tokens on turn two. And as long as I keep dropping 1 or 2 creatures a turn, he can keep stacking damage rather quickly. He should definitely not be underestimated.

Goblin Bushwhacker is fantastic, to be sure. But I decided against him long ago simply because most of the creatures I have here already have haste, or I can manage bigger power bonuses through the use of Quest for the Goblin Lord , Goblin Wardriver , and Goblin Chieftain .

I'm not against running a playset of Cavern of Souls , it's just that I don't have the money to put towards finding the other 2x to finish it off at the moment. It is definitely on my to-do list though.

Honestly, I cut the deck down to 20 lands from 22, and I haven't really had a problem with it. Certainly not a big enough problem to make investing in playsets of fetchlands worth my time/money.

Goblin King is pretty cool, and he used to be my "anthem/leader" for the deck, until they printed Goblin Chieftain . I don't have nearly enough other RDW or Goblin players in my local meta to keep him around in the sideboard, so I just put him back in my binder for now.

Blood Moon is cool and all, but I prefer to keep this deck on point- all the damage, as fast as possible. Boggart Shenanigans is as off-point as I will get with this, and that's only because a turn 3 drop that makes my opponent rethink a field-wipe is practically necessary for a cheap aggro build like Goblins. And it makes swinging all-out, all the time less painful when you keep hurting your opponent no matter what they do. So I'll have to pass on the Blood Moon as well.

Thanks for the thoughts/critiques, and the +1 as well! :) Do you have a goblin deck of your own that I could check out?

June 11, 2013 3:51 a.m.

Xindlepete says... #16

And a question for anyone viewing this deck, but what are your opinions on possibly swapping out Hellrider for "Ogre Battledriver" when he prints in M14? They are both incredibly potent 4-drops, especially for a goblin deck.

Here's the link for those of you who haven't seen the spoiler:

Ogre Battledriver

June 11, 2013 4 a.m.

SeniorBlopi says... #17

I have a goblin deck but not up here, I see if i can put the list up later today, I'd stick with Hellrider because ogre battledriver only affects things when they enter the battlefield and you olny drop him when you run out of other things to play. I was mentioning Goblin King and Blood Moon for possible sideboard choices, although with how greedy manabase is in modern you could get away with 2-3 maindeck Bloodmoon. I also think that investing in fetchlands would be good, but i see how the price barrier might deter that thinking. I also feel that your manacurve is low enough to justify 18 lands. that would give you 2 more slots for shenanagains

June 11, 2013 10:38 a.m.

SeniorBlopi says... #19

My goblin deck Crying goblins, It works very differently compared to your though relying more on Kuldotha Rebirth as apposed to one drops, Still quite effective

June 12, 2013 12:40 a.m.

megawurmple says... #20

No Warren Instigator ? I'd rather him than Bloodmark Mentor if I were running this deck. Other than that, I can't see much wrong with it. I would run Goblin Grenade over Massive Raid , but that's just a personal choice. It works well with Goblin Shenanigans.

By the way, sorry for taking so long to get round to this, I've just been fairly busy these last 2 weeks.

June 21, 2013 5:27 p.m.

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