
Enchantment (3)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (5)


Yes, goblins in standard. Will this win an FNM...maybe. Will this win a grand prix...NO!!!. I do not build competitive decks, I build decks that make you smile and have fun. It's kitchen top magic in the standard world. Now that this is out of the way here is the deck.

The intention here is that this is a fun, fast paced, tribal deck. It goes WIDE. Also, runs some recursion. This is designed with new players in mind and young players alike. YOUR KID WILL LIKE THIS DECK. It also, will not hurt your wallet.

See abbot and swift spear had a little argument. So now Swiftspear is seeing some new guy on the block named Stormchaser mage. But our playa Abbot of the Keral Keep has some tricks up his sleeve and doesn't need that hoe.

Mana-Base: 20 mountains. Not fetch burn no problem. The deck should be conssistant without it. Sure run the 8 fetches if you like. But this is a budget build.

Goblin Glory Chaser = Ideal turn 1 play. Swings in and typically can get through in this slow format. The menace is a nice touch too. Won't kill anything though but it will open the door for some other creatures to get their damage.

Goblin Piledriver He is the back breaker...pile get the point of him. His pro blue is great and that bro storm chaser mage. Also, he creates an additional threat by buffing with multiple creatures attacking at once. So it forces your opponent to think about how he blocks. Does he block the pile driver and kill his big guy or menace blocks the Glory chaser or Free Runner. He is no Rabble but he will have to do.

Abbot of Keral Keep - He is for card advantage and enabling SURGGEEEE. Give him haste with Reckless Bush Wacker for max damage.

Reckless Bushwhacker This bad boy is an enabler. Boosting the team on surge. Just like his older brother Goblin Bushwhacker, but not as good. We finish out the game with him. You would be surprised how much extra damage giving all your tokens that just came in haste if you have pile driver on the field.

Goblin Dark-Dwellers - Recursion. Straight up. He comes in and give you three tokens for free. He comes in and burns something. He comes in and he firecrafts. This got the spot over heelcutter for obvious reasons. Just value. 2 of because 5 mana.


outpost siege - Psuedo card draw for hand destruction like Thoughtseize Seer. I have one many games playing mono-red in the past with this card alone.

card:Goblin Heelcutters - Can't burn the rhino? Neuter the rhino.

Roast - Or as I like to call it Rhino-side (like pesticide but for rhinos).

Rending Volley - Mantis Rider and Stormchaser mage. Or allies in certain circumstances.

Magmatic Chasm - Ulamog may of come in but he is not gonna block. Play this against board stalls and eldrazi. This is also another surge enabler.

Thunderbreak Regent - Heavy spot removal, and slow states. He also brings the heat against eldrazi due to his size.


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We went 3-1 tonight.

So this was a very unique night. I faced down a lot of control so the odds were stacked against me.

So I am not going to do a game by game breakdown. I simply was too quick in my wins to know what I was playing with players being dead on board T4. Outpost siege is a must against these decks as the game goes on and on. Also, Dark Dwellers are THE FINNISHER. You either flash back your burn or make the board larger. Most games will finish when he hits the board.

I was also able to get double outpost siege out on Game 3 of the third round and was able to come back against lifegain at 2 life.

Have fun.

If they post the standings here is my proof:


Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 6 Rares

16 - 6 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
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