
just some fun stuff I tried to make using Goblin Gathering because who doesn't love army of dummies

Basically the idea is to get as many Goblin Gathering in the graveyard as possible before launching several copies of it in the same turn the idea was to go on that combo after getting at least one or two copies of Goblin Gathering into the graveyard: Goblin Gathering ==> Expansion ==> Mission briefing (targetting Expansion)

Here is the role of every card, I abbreviated Goblin Gathering using: GG

Goblin gathering: Oh boy i love this card, this is stupid and probably not solid enough to even try a deck around it but hey, we love stupid goblin cards so why not ! starts to get solid when at least 2 copies are in the graveyard, so hard to get but it's always nice to try right ?

Expansion: Use to copy a GG and get huge board, can also copy an opponent's counter spell that would negate my GG. Explosion will rarely see play but who knows

Mission briefing: surveil 2 helps getting GG in the graveyard, and it's best target is an expansion to target a GG since it exiles the spell it gives flashback to, I dont want my GG to get exiled for I need the maximum in the graveyard. And even if not targeting Expansion or GG i can always use it to flashback a discovery, get 2 more surveil and a draw,

Discovery: solid setup card that lets me surveil 2 trying to ditch some GG or expansions into the graveyard and draw 1

Search for azcanta: always nice, filters draw to get me what i need, will transform early with all the surveil and discards, and will help me get more mana when transformed and if needed, catch a GG or Expansion when ready to launch the combo

Goblin electromancer: mana ramp in some sort, enables 3 draw/discard spells on turn 3 in best cases, and gives me one colorless on the combo GG + expansion + mission briefing

Tormenting voice: in case i get 2 GG in hand, enables me to ditch one, can also ditch expansion and radical ideas to avoid wastes, also works with extra lands I don't need

Radical Idea (jump start), kinda hesitated with chart a course for this one but I like instant speed

Wall of Lost Thoughts targeting myself to mill 4, and helping me to slow the clock against aggro

Siege gang commander: So much gobelins, it would be a shame to waste such good ammunition, launch them to the face !

In the Maybeboard are cards I considered playing but i didn't really know how to make room for tell me if you think I should play one or more of them =D

hope this deck will be fun !

any tips are welcome x)


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

28 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.21
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
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