Let's play tag, gob! With the bad .hack reference out of the way, welcome to SUPER budget legacy goblins! Let me level with you for a second. This deck will NOT win a legacy matchup. Ever. In fact i'm debating dropping the best three cards in the deck just to make it modern legal. But alas, I digress. The deck at it's very core is a purely casual, "for fun" deck. Any budget suggestions are far more than welcome, but let's try to avoid the "this is bad" or "needs more piledriver and AEther vial'' type comments.
Let's get to the deck!
20x Mountains.This is budget goblins. What did you expect? Arid Mesa?!
Legion Loyalist: A one drop with haste that gives goblins an INCREDIBLE boost. Potentially giving them first strike, trample and makes your opponents tokens useless for blocking. Replaced
Raging Goblin
since it's gatecrash release.
Mogg War Marshal: I have so much personal bias for this card. A two drop that brings out a buddy when he comes out, or dies. Basically all of the token spells with a body, that technically is 3 goblins. The echo cost is almost never paid. This guy's synergy with Quest for the Goblin Lord is just dumb.
Goblin Chieftain: A 3 drop with haste that pumps our other goblins and gives them haste as well. This guy is our main Goblin Matron target.
Goblin Matron: A three drop to tutor for any goblin. Do I really have to say anything else?
Goblin Rabblemaster
: I totally overlooked this guy when he was first spoiled. He's a Goblin Assault on legs, that pumps out a token the turn he comes into play. At three mana, he helps smooth out the curve a little. He's also our wallet friendly version of Goblin Piledriver. Run at 2 because it's mainly tutored for. Might drop to 1. Great synergy with Quest for the Goblin Lord.
Krenko, Mob Boss: A four drop to double our goblin army every turn. Kind of our win con and suits the theme perfectly. Not much else to explain here The other main tutor target, so he's also at 2. Mixed feelings about how many to run.
Siege-Gang Commander: A five drop for 4 goblins. Alright. Great synergy with Krenko, Mob Boss and
Goblin Rabblemaster
. Provides good removal and basic face burns. Kind of a rare tutor target. Will probably move down to 1.
3 of both Dragon Fodder and Krenko's Command. They're the same spell, and it's here to fit the theme and are low cost spells to spit out 2 goblins. Might bump down.
Goblin War Strike and Brightstone Ritual: I REALLY hope I don't have to explain these. They literally make the deck.
Quest for the Goblin Lord: A neat T1 that provides an easy pump for all our goblins. This card kinda inspired the build, but now i'm unsure if I want to run it at ALL.
The sideboard is kind of a mess right now.
Contemplating putting in Blood Moon