This was the tricky part of the build. There are a surprising number of costed goblins, and selecting the right ones was tough. I’m not entirely sold on these, and would consider adjustments/replacements if compelling enough reasons were offered.
•Goblin Javelineer is staying, that much I know. Haste plus dealing an extra 1 point of damage to any blocker is a great combination.
•Goblin Arsonist is another keeper. Weak creatures have a tendency to die, so when this guy inevitably falls in service of the greater good feel free to forward his parting gift.
•Goblin Sledder seemed a good fit. There is tactical advantage to be had in eliciting a block, then sacrifcing a Goblin Arsonist to trigger 1 point of damage while further buffing a different attacker to either finish off a particular blocker or else push damage through.
•Reckless Lackey ruins our perfect streak of Goblin ‘Adjective’ named creatures, but what we lose in disruption we gain in offensive capacity. He’s tank-y (…for a one mana goblin) and has built in First Strike and Haste, and we can even save some mana for later if we need to in the form of Treasure Tokens.
•Goblin Cohort is so close to being great. If he were simply a vanilla 2/2 for with no stipulation, he’d be a star. As it stands, we do run enough creatures to fulfill his criteria most of the time so he’s a formidable attacker at best, a decent blocker at worst.