timebender says... #2
Hm, yeah that could be sort of cool, it might be a bit hard to set up though, I'd need a lot of things in my graveyard already and to get enough mana (and one blue) to get everything out on time, which can be sort of tough, I don't really have a lot of control over what goes where after I get out my welder. But if I switch back to using Intuition I'll think about it, thanks for the input!
June 13, 2015 12:37 a.m.
Yawgmoth73 says... #3
you would not need a lot of things in the grave. Just an artifact creature in grave and one in play. Myr Battlesphere in grave and let's say a Ornithopter in play. (Or any cheap artifact creature. With Intruder Alarm Out, you tap the Goblin Welder to swap the Thopter out for the Battlesphere. Since a creature came into play, your Welder untaps...and you have 4 Myrs. Swap out Battlesphere for Thopter, rinse and repeat.
June 14, 2015 8:09 a.m.
timebender says... #4
I see what you mean, but why would I want to do that? All that that ends up doing is replacing one of my myrs with an ornithopter, it doesn't repeat because the myr doesn't stay in the graveyard (and I can't react to it dying because it stops existing as a state-based action when it goes to the graveyard, there is no trigger or anything like that). Even if it could repeat, why would I? I don't want to kill all my myrs, they are way more useful to me than an ornithopter
June 14, 2015 3:15 p.m.
timebender says... #5
Thanks again for the input, but I think I'll stick with what I have for now, I'll consider putting it in if I switch back to Intuition, but as of now, for it to work well it needs a bunch of creatures in the yard and it and welder on the battlefield. I can't set it up consistently enough to make it worth a card slot.
June 14, 2015 3:23 p.m.
Yawgmoth73 says... #6
how does it not repeat? And why would you not want endless Myr tokens? Here..I'll be more precise with how this interaction would work...1. Welder, Ornithopter, and Intruder Alarm in play. One Myr Battlesphere in grave from one of your many discard spells you run.2. Tap Welder sacrificing Ornithopter to put Battesphere in play...get 4 Myrs...Intruder Alarm triggers...Welder untaps.3. Tap Welder, sacrificing Battlesphere to get Ornithopter in play...Intruder Alarm triggers...Welder untaps..4. Tap Welder, sacrificing Ornithopter to get Battlesphere in play...get 4 Myrs...Intruder Alarm triggers...Welder untaps..etc etc etc
June 16, 2015 12:28 a.m.
timebender says... #7
Oh, I see, I'm sorry I thought you wanted me to sac the myr tokens for some reason, my bad. Well, I do like it, but it's still really tough to get everything I need to make it work. I think I will put it in if I switch back to izzet, but the other reasons I had for not putting it in now still stand; it's too hard to consistently play that and welder and an artifact and get a big dude into the graveyard all at the same time to make it worth taking out cards. With how little control I have over the cards in my hand, most of the time it will just end up in the graveyard; when it doesn't, it will likely be taking the place of a card I need like a welder or a discard spell. Since I am trying to make this competitive, putting in Intruder Alarm for the very rare (though awesome) infinite combo isn't worth the drop in consistency. It might not seem like it's that much, but this deck absolutely needs to be as consistent as possible to compete in legacy, otherwise it will lose. Thanks again, though. I'll build an izzet version with alarm in and link you to it
June 16, 2015 1:34 a.m.
Monkeyking0211 says... #8
hey love the deck but i was wondering if you ever considered a version running black and red for cards like reanimator or disruption/removal
July 7, 2016 3:07 p.m.
Azraelius_oO says... #9
Nice deck ! +1 for your good idea !Maybe you could add cards like Cathartic Reunion or Tormenting Voice, instead of Goblin Lore. It could help you to choose what you discard (artifacts) instead ou droping it randomly. Probably you choose the others because you wanted to draw firt, then discard, allowing you to mill your deck until reaching a huge creature. But if you wana be sure of droping big guys, you could try to swap 3 of it :) Did you try Blightsteel Colossus ? I thought it's the best creature you can bring back from graveyard !
December 15, 2016 9:43 a.m.
timebender says... #10
Well actually blightsteel colossus can't be reanimated, though I would definitely use it if I could. I don't really like tormenting voice to be honest, it's just sort of low power, but I'll try cathartic reunion! I haven't updated this deck in a while and cathartic reunion hadn't been printed yet, but I'll give it a shot, thanks!
December 17, 2016 4:40 p.m.
timebender says... #11
I'll probably replace dangerous wager with cathartic reunion, seems like a straightforward switch most of the time, only issue is if I have just one card in hand, but that shouldn't come up too often if it's played right. Also I have considered adding black, but it's more of a budget concern than anything, the only actually expensive cards in the deck are the sideboard cards, which I've just had for a while anyway, and the wurmcoil engines which aren't that expensive. The lands to switch this to black red would be too much, but it could definitely work! More for reanimate spells than disruption though, just to help welder out. the plan is mostly just to try to race graveyard hate, and the rest of the deck/sideboard covers other kinds of decks. The threats handle removal pretty well because of goblin welder, and if they kill goblin welder then I still have my big threat
December 17, 2016 5:03 p.m.
The fragility can't really be avoided, but you can play around with your vulnerability somewhat. Adding black gives you access to Reanimate so you have another means of getting things back, not to mention the option to simply recur the Welders themselves. Black also gives you the single biggest asset your deck can have, which is cheap instant-speed graveyard feeding. Got a bunch of baddies in the bin and hoping to set yourself up for a great weld-fest, but your opponrnt has a swords/bolt/push/decay with your Welder's name on it? Just entomb Anger in response, maintain priority and weld whatever you need most back into play before the Welder eats the removal. Sure you still lose your goblin, but if it allows you to get that pivotal weld you might have already won the game.
I also run blue for ponder/brainstorm and Intuition, no counterspells. And since I run black and blue I can squeeze in Thopter Foundry/Sword of the Meek, which throws people for a loop when they see me setting up for a reanimate/welder strategy and switch over to a grindy attrition scheme. Plus Sword of the Meek is just an awesome weld target. I also use 2x Baleful Strix for the inevitable Delver matchups, it's a great weld target as well as a good body for the Sword of the Meek to attach itself to.
September 24, 2017 11:54 p.m.
Seems like Tangle Wire and/or Winter Orb wouldn't suck here. Also, a black splash for cards like Entomb, Tortured Existence, Stitcher's Supplier and/or Diabolic Intent.
June 16, 2019 2:42 p.m.
I love the idea of swapping fresh Tangle Wire's in and out of the game.
Yawgmoth73 says... #1
if you are adding blue to this in any form, it almost seems like there would be a crazy combo using Intruder Alarm and the Myr Battlesphere.
June 12, 2015 3:43 a.m.