The deck is simple: RELEASE THE GOBLIN HORDE!!!
Goblin Glory Chaser: strong goblin. When renowned he will be a tough nut to crack until mid/lategame.
Foundry Street Denizen: since a lot of red creatures will enter the field with Hordeling Outburst, Dragon Fodder and Goblin Rabblemaster Denizen will be strong.
Monastery Swiftspear: great creature with haste. Although its not a goblin she is good enough. And haste/prowess makes her strong.
Collateral Damage: you will have a lot of small (token) creatures on the board. And when you attack you can sack them after the did damage. When they get blocked the blocked creature has to have at least 4 thoughness else itll die.
Two drop:
Dragon Fodder: 2 goblins at once to pump rabblemaster, piledriver and denizen.
Goblin Piledriver: Super strong. Especially against control. Even lategame its good. Against mirror you try to make him unblockable and swing for a bunch.
Lightning Strike: straight burn or nice removal. Kills everything in a mirror and a bunch of other creatures. You can swap it for Roast.
Subterranean Scout: can make all our creatures unblockable and make them swing for a lot.
Three drops:
Goblin Rabblemaster: well just rabblemaster. No need to explain.
Hordeling Outburst: 3 goblins at once to pump rabblemaster, piledriver and denizen.
Kolaghan Forerunners: can be a potential bomb. Want to test it. Can be hard to deal with if you keep dashing him. If you have something like rabblemaster on the field forerunners can become pretty scary.
Four drop:
Stoke the Flames: strong burn card and great together with Hordeling Outburst and Dragon Fodder.
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