Goblins Besieged

Modern Legendinc

SCORE: 67 | 167 COMMENTS | 11010 VIEWS | IN 26 FOLDERS

ToneLoke says... #1

What's your opinion of Contested War Zone seems like it could have a place in this kind of deck.

January 26, 2011 11:23 p.m.

ToneLoke says... #2

What's your opinion on Contested War Zone seems like it could have a place in this kind of deck.

January 26, 2011 11:23 p.m.

Legendinc says... #3

okay, #1, FUNKY COLD MEDINA!!!

and #2, that would be interesting. perhaps i could put one or two in, but seeing how two of the major cards in this deck need two of red specific mana, (Goblin Bushwhacker & Goblin Wardriver ), i can't afford to run a playset and come up with a land card that doesn't help the flow of the deck.

January 27, 2011 12:10 a.m.

Skiller says... #4

Very good :) +1

January 27, 2011 11:22 a.m.

Legendinc says... #5


24 votes! i'm honored guys, thank you all for voting.

January 27, 2011 11:29 a.m.

sgteads says... #6

Cool! +1

January 27, 2011 3:15 p.m.

Legendinc says... #7

i soooooo cannot wait for Besieged to drop.

January 27, 2011 3:18 p.m.

hipster515 says... #8

+1 from me bro. this deck looks fun! ide maybe use basalisk collar or for late game some inferno titans

January 27, 2011 4:28 p.m.

Legendinc says... #9

that would be cool man, thanks.

i do have two Inferno Titan , those would go nicely late game with Koth of the Hammer

January 27, 2011 4:33 p.m.

Mycosynth says... #10

Hey mate :)

First off, congrats on a really cool deck. That being said, I think you will need some late game play or someway to get card draw. You're trying to swarm early with alot of medium hitters, but a single board sweeper turn 3 you lose your whole swarm.

Then you're left with 2-3 cards on your hand and a very hard match in front of you... I think :D

Anyways it still looks a whole lot of fun. Good luck with it.

January 29, 2011 4:19 p.m.

that why molten-tail masticores or even wurmcoils are really good in this deck, because if you get to 4 mana, you can cast most of the red spells in t2. I would even consider chandra ablaze, because you can run your hand down and then use her ability to make you and your opponent discard your hands, and then draw 3 each, this levels the playing field, and vs, control this will win you alot of games.

I know this to be true, because I run a deck very simular. Chandra wins me at least one game vs, control. because they must keep the board clear for them to have a chance, and after you make them counter 4-5 cards, you can safely play Koth, and then swing with a 4/4, and then next turn hopefully get a Chandra to stick, and its most of the time game.

January 29, 2011 4:52 p.m.

Legendinc says... #12


yeah at this time i can't think of any turn three 3-mana drop board sweepers in standard, as Day of Judgment is cost 4, but there is the off chance my opponent could be running multiple mana sources other than land, or ramps quickly.

what sort of late game cards should i throw in either the sideboard or even the main to help remedy situations like that?


should i drop the Mox Opal and throw in either Molten-Tail Masticore or Wurmcoil Engine ? Mox Opal is the only thing i can think of to drop from this deck in place of game winners.

January 29, 2011 7:55 p.m.

I would take out the opals, and a ornothopter, for 3 masticore's they win games by them selves. If you can pick up a 3rd Koth, that would be great, I just got one off of ebay for $20 with shipping. just look for deals on there.

January 29, 2011 8:39 p.m.

also, with alot of of u/b decks I see, they dont over extend them selves, so they hold a gravetitan or two. so if you can get Chandra to stay for one turn at least, you can make them discard there KILL creatures, and then you are free to keep on hitting with what ever you have on the board, also this stratagy with a masticore on board is a good way to get creatures in your graveyard, so you can use his 4cmc ability to deal 4 damage to whatever you need to.

I have also seen versions of this type of deck run inferno titans and the collar in the SB to give your titan deathtouch, for WW or even Elves. It is a very versital move. The titans and swap for the masticores, and then take out a rebirth, meminite, and something else that you dont feel will work to well against what they are doing. With other swarm decks you sideboard has to be able to make you change gears so even if you win game one, you can make your deck a 50/50 match up, so you can win one of the last two games.

January 29, 2011 9 p.m.

Legendinc says... #15

i think Chandra Ablaze would be good in my other deck, one of the two i use for FNM and Standard Tournaments, Flaming Vampires (incomplete).


January 29, 2011 9:29 p.m.

just think on how good its on there, how much better it would be in a deck like this, because you have no real answers for a titan.

Remember just because you dont own 8 or 6 of a card, does not mean you cant use it in two decks, I dont have 8 jace 2.0 but I have him in all tree of my decks with blue. I think chandra Ablaze, in your deck with molten-tail masticore would be great.

January 29, 2011 9:37 p.m.

Drowx says... #17

this is by far the best RDW i have in a good while.

January 30, 2011 1:26 p.m.

Legendinc says... #18

why thank you.

January 30, 2011 4:45 p.m.

Legendinc says... #19

okay, apparently my last comment before the above one didn't go through yesterday

but anyway, i'm pretty sure i can get the Chandra Ablaze s easy, my friends and I trade our Planeswalkers in and out like clockwork

the Molten-Tail Masticore s will be a different story....

January 30, 2011 4:46 p.m.

I clicked the playtest button and this happened: Play Mountain, Memnite, and two Mox Opals, tap the opals and mountain for three red mana, cast Kuldotha Rebirth and a kicked Goblin Bushwhacker = 8 damage. On the first turn. Wow.

January 30, 2011 7:15 p.m.

Legendinc says... #21

sorry, but that can't happen :(

if you played another Mox Opal while you have another on the field, they both get destroyed because of the Legend Rule

January 30, 2011 7:28 p.m.

Molten-tail Masticore's run about $10 now. If you take your time on ebay you can get them for $8ish

January 30, 2011 7:57 p.m.

You can play one mox, add the mana to your pool , play another and use it to add another. As long as you remain in the metalcraft threshold.

January 30, 2011 9:23 p.m.

sir, you are wrong. When the second mox comes into play, it checks to see if another card with the same name is in play. If there is, they go to the graveyard. You do not get priority since using the mox is not a mana source, because its a artifact not a land.

Since you dont get priority on a come into play static ability, it goes to the graveyard with out the chance to tap it for mana.

January 30, 2011 9:32 p.m.

Sorry Sorry sorry.

For some reason I thought the mox opal gets sac after its use like other mana accelerators. I guess the opal is slightly better than I gave it credit for.

Behold! The power of reading the entire card text!! Yes!

January 30, 2011 9:39 p.m.

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