Goblins Besieged

Modern Legendinc

SCORE: 67 | 167 COMMENTS | 11010 VIEWS | IN 26 FOLDERS

Legendinc says... #1

i could probably borrow two Molten-Tail Masticore s from my friends.

i just have to figure out who has them XP

January 30, 2011 11:49 p.m.

Fatsuno says... #2

Do you have any plans for sideboard cards in certain match ups? I had issues playing aggro decks vs. control mainly.

Fantastic deck though, I can't wait to play it myself. +1

January 30, 2011 11:49 p.m.

Legendinc says... #3

no, not at this moment.

i know i could possibly throw in that goblin who destroys land against U/W Control decks, as their Celestial Colonnade s have a habit of beating face.

there are other situational goblins, but i think most of the SB would be noncreature cards to help with removal.

cuz considering how fast this deck is, U/W or U/B match ups shouldn't be that hard, because for U/W Control, they'll have only a single Wall of Omens to block all the goblin rush by Turn 3. They can't play JTMS til Turn 4 and i should have done significant damage by then

as for U/B Control, they can't cast a Sea Gate Oracle till Turn 3 also, and even then it'll only be one creature blocking a lot.

however, i would have to say U/B Control isn't a favorable match up to his deck compared to U/W because of cards like Duress and Inquisition of Kozilek . the only way i can think of countering that problem is to play 1s and have them on the draw, get the combo going so they can't Duress your Kuldotha Rebirth out

January 31, 2011 12:01 a.m.

Balazer says... #4

Not quite a board wipe but it could do a number on turn 3, card:Black Sun's Zenith

January 31, 2011 1:39 a.m.

Legendinc says... #5

that's true.

that would get rid of most of my creatures. but only if I was on the draw, and my opponent had gone first in the game.

January 31, 2011 2:12 a.m.

madmanbenji says... #6

+1 dude, running something similar myself.

I highly recommend trying out 2 Molten-Tail Masticore in place of the Mox Opal Lol if need be an easy trade there

Have been doing some testing and I find the Masticore has better synergy with the deck than Koth

January 31, 2011 3:14 a.m.

Lanternkami says... #7

I really like this deck Idea, thank you for taking the time to post it, I think I am going to try and put it together for FNM this week. I really like how affordable the deck is I already have most of the cards with the exception of Koth and I may just run masticore in his place. Its nice to see a deck that doesnt need 8 fetchlands and a bunch of other expensive cards to win haha :P

January 31, 2011 8:38 a.m.

Legendinc says... #8

thank you!

yeah those fetchlands are a pain to get -_-

January 31, 2011 11:16 a.m.

kainslance2000 says... #9

ill post my deck on here, so you can see what I am running, it beats u/b and u/w control about 70% of the time.

lands 24

Valakut, the Molten Pinniacle x4

Scalding Tarn x4

Mountain x16

creatures 21

Goblin Guide x4

Ember Hauler x4

Goblin Wardriver x4

Molten-Tail Masticore x3

Inferno Titan x3

Wurmcoil Engine x3

Planeswalkers 4

Koth of the Hammer x4

Instants 8

Lightning Bolt x4

Burst Lightning x4

Sorceries 3

Arc Trail x3

Side Board Brittle Effigy x3 (most used sideboard card) Comet Storm x May switch to Red Sun Zenith when I get them)

Shatter x4

Chandra Ablaze x3 (for control match ups)

Phyrexian Revoker x3

Mainly the mainboard is hit as fast as you can, then use Koth, to get out a big hitter to finish the game off. If you play vs control you just keep playing stuff evently they will not be able to counter stuff, usually turn 4 or 5, so you can play koth or masticore, then the next turn you drop a titan or wurmcoil. That about 80% of the time is game.

for Sideboard, if its a control with blue in it, side in the revokers and ablazes, I take out the titans for abalze, and 3 Ember Haulers for the revokers, most of the time, u/w or u/b will side in flashfreeze, so getting the revoker to stick is no problem. they take out there cancel or rebuttals for it. Then just play as normal with the switchs, Ablaze makes them dump there hand and refills yours for the masticore.

One of the big things I have learned if you have a Masticore in hand in the first game and you can win with out playing it, it is wise to do so, then they think you are a normal RDW deck, and wont think of it for second game with Ablaze. its really effective that way.

January 31, 2011 1:39 p.m.

sorry that it looks weird, I had to double space everything or it would all be on the same line

January 31, 2011 1:52 p.m.

UrzasAK47 says... #11

Add Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle x2, take out two mountains...+1

January 31, 2011 3:59 p.m.

Legendinc says... #12

eh, too late game I'd be running only 18 mountains anyway, while there would be 42 other cards

there's no viable way for Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle to have a strong presence in this deck without ramp. I'm not running green so it really wouldn't work.

plus if it did get late enough in the game for me to pull of a Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle , i'll probably be playing defensive because by that time they'll have on the board threats or wiped away my offense with Day of Judgment

January 31, 2011 4:22 p.m.

that is why you need at least 3 mid or late game hitters, the best is with MBS out, inferno titan, since there is alot more of artifact hate out there now.

January 31, 2011 4:59 p.m.

Legendinc says... #14

yeah, thankfully i have two Inferno Titan s and easy accessibility to Planeswalkers

January 31, 2011 5:53 p.m.

Here is a link to my RDW deck I just posted it on here.


take a look and tell me what you think

January 31, 2011 8:56 p.m.

you might want to play just shatter, over 2 crush and 2 shatter, that one mana does not make much of a difference if you opponent has stalled you, and you need to kill something and only find the wrong artifact removal in your hand.

also Phyrexian Revoker is a really good card to stop a planeswalker, and its cheap, 2 mana for a 2/1 that stops gideon, or Jace or Garuuk (your wrost nightmare). plus it stops alot of other cards, any titan, its very rounded. The only thing it does not get are man lands. but you should be fast enough to make that a nonfactor.

January 31, 2011 9:05 p.m.

DKM says... #17

i say add 2x Teetering peeks, play bushwhacker kicked then throw down peeks as your land for the turn

January 31, 2011 11:07 p.m.

mrstealth says... #18

if you need masticore's i have 2 for trade maybe we can work something out... and i might try contested warzone instead of teetering peaks now

February 1, 2011 1:05 a.m.

preppypoof says... #19

this deck's biggest weakness is Pyroclasm (or, now, Slagstorm ). do you have any ideas on how to sideboard against that?

February 1, 2011 2:36 p.m.

preppypoof says... #20

i think Goblin Chieftain is a far better option for this deck than Goblin Wardriver . in your example in the description, you deal 14 damage by turn 3. now, replace the Goblin Wardriver with Goblin Chieftain :

turn 1: mountain, Memnite , Kuldotha Rebirth

turn 2: Goblin Bushwhacker kicked, swing for 8

turn 3: Goblin Chieftain , swing for 10. that's 18 damage by turn 3.

and from them on, all of your goblins are 2/2 instead of 1/1 card:Black Sun's Zenith fodder.

February 1, 2011 2:43 p.m.

Legendinc says... #21

i don't think its a exactly a huge threat, considering that its at sorcery speed AND it deals damage to their creatures as well, but it will disrupt this deck.

if they pull of something like Pyroclasm then it'll go in either one of two ways.

  1. I'd have to go on the defensive, using my burn spells against their offensive creatures, bidding time till i'm able to get a slew of goblins back on the board
  2. I'd have to go into my late game game plans, trying to get Koth of the Hammer out.
and if i lose in Game 1 because of a Slagstorm or Pyroclasm then I'll have to sideboard in more beefy creatures like Inferno Titan and Molten-Tail Masticore
February 1, 2011 2:49 p.m.

preppypoof says... #22

well, Pyroclasm is a card that is usually run in decks where it doesn't do crap to their own board. for example, most valakut decks run 3 pyroclasms mainboard. if you don't get a god hand, and they pyroclasm your board while you only have 1-2 cards left in hand, you're going to be seriously screwed...even if they are down to 6 life, you are going to be topdecking hoping for 2 Lightning Bolt s, because their 0/4 walls will not give a crap about your 2 power creature(s). i think that Tuktuk the Explorer would be something to consider in your sideboard for any deck that plays destruction. having played against him before, i can tell you that it's really annoying to have to kill him twice.

i like this deck, but i feel like valakut is a serious mismatch for this deck. you should at least consider having Tunnel Ignus in your sideboard, instead of that awful planeswalker. Tunnel Ignus is also nice against boros landfall. if valakut isn't very popular in your meta (it is very popular in mine), maybe you don't have to worry about it.

i agree with Molten-Tail Masticore in your sideboard, but i think Inferno Titan is going to be a dead draw when you're only running 20 lands.

February 1, 2011 3:01 p.m.

Legendinc says... #23

what you don't take into account is the possibility of creatures on their side of the field as well.

they could have a Sea Gate Oracle or a Wall of Omens or a Vampire Nighthawk by the time you've spent all three of your mountains to cast a Goblin Chieftain . in my gaming opinion, I'd rather have a clear board on my opponents side by bolting a nighthawk or oracle; I'm taking away some of my offensive, to take all of my opponents offense.

also, what i've forgotten to mention, is that you can always attack with your 3 goblin tokens during Turn 2, getting the total damage up 17 at the end of your attack in Turn 3 (unless of course they had creatures to chump block). and if you have a Lightning Bolt in hand, it'd be game, whereas you wouldn't have any land to spare if you had cast a Goblin Chieftain .

February 1, 2011 3:02 p.m.

Legendinc says... #24

nope, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle isn't popular at all in my area. i think in my personal, friend play group, there are only 2 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle in all our combined collections.

the name of the game in my town is Control, where you have U/W with their Wall of Omens and Squadron Hawk s and U/B with their Sea Gate Oracle

building this deck, i had those decks in mind, making it as fast as possible so they wouldn't be able to get any of their Titan Bombs out or JTMS. They could however get Baby Jace out, which is why I prefer to keep that one land untapped, for a bolt or a Galvanic Blast

also, with that one Mountain untapped, you the good possibility of casting a more Memnite s/Ornithopter s and another Kuldotha Rebirth before you cast Goblin Bushwhacker kicked.

its not impossible, you just need the land to do it. which is why I don't want to run Goblin Chieftain in this deck.

February 1, 2011 3:09 p.m.

preppypoof says... #25

fair enough, if control is really popular in your meta then i think it's the right call

February 1, 2011 3:44 p.m.

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