its awesome huh?
when i found out (after my friend and mentor worked on it a bit) that my mana curve was only 2 and i was only running 18 land i was like "WHOA."
March 1, 2011 1:39 a.m.
I made a similar deck, but turned it a bit more jank combo by adding pyritic rituals. They are bad 90% of the time, but you can output some huge damage early with the right hand.
t1: mountain, mox opal (or any 0), rebirth t2: mountain, ritual, 0 drop, rebirth, kicked bushwhacker for 14 damage turn 2. t3: anything. warzone, swing in with all 7 while activating, drop a cheiftain, another bushwhacker... w/e
Its not competitive by any means, but 14 damage turn 2 was way fun.
Just thought I'd throw out I looked into the bad that is ritual XD +1, love goblins.
March 1, 2011 1:52 a.m.
Graemachine93 says... #4
some Goblin Guide s would help alot instead of Spikeshot Elder
March 3, 2011 10:05 p.m.
also, Spikeshot Elder is an amazing card when coupled with battle cry
oh hey look, 4 battle cry triggers, my Spikeshot Elder is a 5/1 and wait a minute, i have exactly 3 land open! how about i tap them and used Spikeshot Elder s ability to kill that Baneslayer Angel you were planning to block with.
March 4, 2011 3:18 a.m.
its an awesome card.
Goblin Guide gives your opponent an advantage, something you never want to do in magic.
March 4, 2011 4:05 a.m.
Goblin Guide gives you the advantage more of the time because more than half their deck isn't land and you can see what they're drawing. Also, you're beating them in the face with it. But, still, they're certainly not necessary in the deck.
March 4, 2011 4:14 a.m.
i would have put Goblin Guide
in here
if i had any lol
March 4, 2011 4:22 a.m.
theemptyquiver says... #12
I am like that too.
I only builds decks with the cards that I have.
I am very weird and particular like that. Some people do not mind proxys...but I like having the physical cards in hand to play.
March 4, 2011 4:53 a.m.
theemptyquiver says... #13
On a side note:
I'm very surprised you haven't tried to get any Slagstorm s for your sideboard over pyroclasm...
March 4, 2011 4:54 a.m.
I would concur with the Slagstorm recommendation, it's rather spectacular since it kills Sea Gate Oracle .
March 4, 2011 11:58 a.m.
you know what else kills Sea Gate Oracle ?
lol i couldn't get any Slagstorm because all my friends who did have Slagstorm let our other friend use it for his sick mono-red koth Liquimetal Coating homebrew.
also, i'd really like to keep my curve at only 2.
thanks for the suggestion though!
oh by the way, do you guys think i should put two more Chimeric Mass and one more Crush ? and if so, what should i replace?
March 4, 2011 1:26 p.m.
*In the sideboard
forgot to add that in the last part of previous comment
March 4, 2011 1:26 p.m.
theemptyquiver says... #17
slagstorm kills all sea gate oracles, and vampire nighthawks and anything else on the field at the same time.
The curve looks nice at two, but your spikeshot dude uses three, so it's not like you aren't prepared to use three mana in a pinch. plus the curve would only change when you sideboard in.
so it would be temporary and your tapped out graph would never change! :P
March 4, 2011 1:35 p.m.
I agree on Slagstorm. Kuldotha is a fast deck and can probably come back from you Slagstorming their field down.
Lightning bolt does kill anything with 3 power, but if you put slagstorm in your sideboard, you can kill ALL things with 3 power. Vampire Nighthawks especially since any black deck just sides them in and blocks all day.
And don't forget Slagstorm has two abilities. It can clear the board for a reset OR hit players. If you have them low on life but they blocked one too many goblins you can hit them with it, as well as redirect the damaged to a 3 loyalty counter planewalker such as a brainstorming jace.
It's very versatile
March 4, 2011 3:27 p.m.
cnielsen05 says... #19
I think you should use 2 more Chimeric Mass instead of 2x Ornithopter . You aren't using Contested War Zone so you have less battle cry type effects compared to a normal K-Red build, and no Goblin Guide s, Mox Opal s, or Galvanic Blast s indicates that this deck will consistently perform a little slower than the typical K-Red.
Such being the case, I think resilience to board sweepers is essential in your build. Chimeric Mass x 4 is the best answer you can get for that.
Also I see what you are trying to do with Ichor Wellspring , but 2 mana for an artifact you want to sac to Kuldotha Rebirth is too expensive, even if you get to draw two cards out of it. Panic Spellbomb does a similar job better in my opinion, because you could play it turn one then rebirth turn 2 and pay the extra red to draw a card, but in my opinion the best card for that slot would actually be Flayer Husk . It costs only 1, gives you another creature, can be used for Rebirth, or can be used to pump one of your creatures if things start to get out of hand and you need something a little bigger. Sometimes it is even relevant that it is a black creature instead of red. It will also help out if you ever intend to use your Spikeshot Elder ability, although personally I would replace him with Goblin Arsonist or something as well since its probably not often you actually get to use his ability anyway. If you cast him, you want to be attacking with him and if they have any blockers he will be a prime target. At least in the same situation with Goblin Arsonist you will get one extra damage out of him when he dies.
Hooray for Goblins and good luck with the deck!
March 4, 2011 4:33 p.m.
much like my opinion about Vampire Nighthawk , i don't really like Goblin Guide . i can't get any Goblin Guide in any case, plus i'd rather have a Turn One Rebirth rather than a Turn One Guide
contrary to what you think, this deck has been consistent enough to swing for lethal by turn 3 or turn 4, which is about the same for any Kuldotha Rebirth deck
at this moment in time, i only have 2 Chimeric Mass with the option of obtaining another one. If anything, I'll have two Chimeric Mass in the sideboard against control decks with board sweepers.
personally, i love Ichor Wellspring and unless i actually can physically obtain cards better than Ichor Wellspring (which would be, in my opinion, Mox Opal , Koth of the Hammer and Hero of Oxid Ridge i won't take it out of the deck.
it'll sit on the board for me until i draw a Kuldotha Rebirth which, more often than not, helps in numerous situations. and personally, i love drawing cards whenever its not the draw step.
March 4, 2011 5:03 p.m.
much like my opinion about Vampire Nighthawk , i don't really like Goblin Guide . i can't get any Goblin Guide in any case, plus i'd rather have a Turn One Rebirth rather than a Turn One Guide
contrary to what you think, this deck has been consistent enough to swing for lethal by turn 3 or turn 4, which is about the same for any Kuldotha Rebirth deck
at this moment in time, i only have 2 Chimeric Mass with the option of obtaining another one. If anything, I'll have two Chimeric Mass in the sideboard against control decks with board sweepers.
personally, i love Ichor Wellspring and unless i actually can physically obtain cards better than Ichor Wellspring (which would be, in my opinion, Mox Opal , Koth of the Hammer and Hero of Oxid Ridge i won't take it out of the deck.
it'll sit on the board for me until i draw a Kuldotha Rebirth which, more often than not, helps in numerous situations. and personally, i love drawing cards whenever its not the draw step.
March 4, 2011 5:04 p.m.
hahah nice.
but yeah, I went 5-1, beating a 2 Valakuts, a Mono-White Blade, and two Infect decks to claim first place.
mccracka says... #1
+1 for the price tag and the mana curve both being ridiculously low.
March 1, 2011 1:36 a.m.