Goblins Besieged

Modern Legendinc

SCORE: 67 | 167 COMMENTS | 11010 VIEWS | IN 26 FOLDERS

kainslance2000 says... #1

I took first also with MBS RDW. I beat two caw blades, a valakut ramp, and a pretty decent homebrew. opened my second Tezzy, now I have a foil and nonfoil one.

March 5, 2011 11:27 a.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #3

This is almost identical to the Event deck XD

March 7, 2011 5:52 p.m.

Legendinc says... #4

lol yeah

funny thing is though, i updated this deck to its current state, exactly a day before I found out about the Event Deck.

hahah i was like "WTF WOTC IS JOCKING MY SHIZ." hahahahha

March 7, 2011 5:54 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #5

By the way, what are the Pyroclasm s in the board for?

March 7, 2011 6:11 p.m.

Legendinc says... #6

against mirror matches, and white weenie/quest/knights

when they Day of Judgment and start putting out their stuff, i Pyroclasm them right back.

works best when i have a Chimeric Mass out

March 7, 2011 6:22 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #7

oh, your max damage count is off btw.

T1: Mountain , Memnite /Ornithopter , Signal Pest

T2: Mountain , Goblin Wardriver

T3: Mountain , Kuldotha Rebirth on Memnite /Ornithopter , Goblin Bushwhacker kicked.

That's 24 Damage. ON TURN 3.

March 7, 2011 7:27 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #8

22 Damage*

March 7, 2011 7:28 p.m.

lbiedma says... #9

I wanted to ask... What will your sideboardings be? I'm a bit lost with that hehe! Great deck! +1

March 8, 2011 12:37 a.m.

Legendinc says... #10

Against mirror matches/white weenie you take out Ichor Wellspring for Perilous Myr and Spikeshot Elder for Pyroclasm

against Caw Blade/Caw Go/Control you take out Ichor Wellspring and Devastating Summons for Shatter , Crush and Jinxed Idol

March 8, 2011 12:46 a.m.

Legendinc says... #11

got the Contested War Zone s

March 12, 2011 11:09 p.m.

lbiedma says... #12

How are the Contested War Zone s working for you? I think they might sometimes mess with your synergy, since you can't play a 2nd turn Goblin Wardriver or Goblin Bushwhacker with one in play, but they are certainly awesome!

March 25, 2011 3:51 p.m.

"""Legendinc says...

5:47 p.m. on January 19, 2011

i would have to disagree on the fetchlands.

though fetchlands are awesome, and staple in many decks, in my opinion, running a fetchland in a monocolor deck is superfluous

playtesting this deck, i've found that there's not need to run fetchlands. """

I almost have to disagree. though thats what i thought about a mono deck like this, i found that it does thin the deck greatly, driving your chances for your combo to come to greater heights. you know what i mean? though this deck is super fast jsut the way it is.

March 25, 2011 4:29 p.m.

entropy101 says... #14

how do you deal with a deck that has 4 Pyroclasm or even Slagstorm it just seems like it will ruin your day and fast

April 26, 2011 11:21 a.m.

Love this deck. +1

June 8, 2011 10:49 p.m.

Legendinc says... #16

added late game win condition with Mark of Mutiny and the Shrine of Burning Rage from NPH adds in a nice touch.

August 21, 2011 12:53 a.m.

Legendinc says... #17

Gut Shot adds a nice touch to either get rid of something on the field or finish an opponent off

the best thing though, is that it doesn't disturb the mana tempo, as i can just play 2 life instead of using up a Mountain

took out Contested War Zone too much risk with all these new aggro decks, plus Teetering Peaks is better and adds offensive.

August 23, 2011 12:46 a.m.

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