A sick Mardu deck for new Standard! I think this could be one of the new top tier archetypes, especially with all of your help!
The game plan is pretty simple really, strip their hand of removal or key threats, allowing you to stick one of your threats, and pave the way for it via removal and more hand disruption.
This deck utilizes the most brutal and efficient creatures available in the format. They pressure the opponent unlike any other creature around, and if left unchecked the game will end in just a few turns.
Brain Maggot Is a utility creature, essentially being a no-life-required Thoughtseize. Its okay that it dies to everything, the point is to take their removal with it early, or a key threat late, and make them spend an entire turn killing it instead of your Goblin Rabblemaster or Butcher of the Horde. Its a perfect tempo play, as well as a way to prepare yourself for what is to come later from the opponent.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos is your one of your earliest threats, he is efficient, powerful, and can win games all by himself. He also crushes aggro and opposing rabblemaster decks. His tokens even works well with the Butcher! With that being said, I am not entirely sold on him due to his intensive mana cost being somewhat difficult to hit consistently on turn 3.
Goblin Rabblemaster is the the most brutal creatures in the deck, if left unchecked for even just a couple turns it can end your opponent all on its own. You can sac his goblins to the Butcher as well!
Butcher of the Horde is so sick! I know many people are trying to break him by abusing his abilities in a token shell, but I think he is best in a midrange deck like this. Having him swinging for 5 with lifelink Turn 4 makes is pretty hard to fall behind!
Stormbreath Dragon is the perfect creature to top out the curve. We all know and love (or hate) the power of Stormbreath. Slamming this down tapped and attacking after a Butcher and a Goblin is game over.
Sarkhan, the dragon speaker Is the perfect planeswalker in general, and is even more at home here in this deck. He is either a 5th and 6th Stormbreath, or a much needed removal spell.
is the reason to play black, the best way to ruin your opponents plans, and protect your creatures from harm.
Hero's Downfall the second reason to play black, quick and efficient, the do all-end all kill spell in today's format.
Crackling Doom probably the most epic new removal around. Pay 3 mana to remove their best threat at instant speed even if it is indestructible, and deal two damage to their face or to snipe a walker.
Murderous Cut is the best delve card that was printed in the set. I feel that 2 is the perfect number because any more and you may not be able to use your graveyard to fuel the extra copies. Keeping one mana up and destroying their best creature catches an unsuspecting opponent completely off guard.
Utter End is pretty sick if a little expensive, this will get rid of any problem you are having, any time.
Crater's Claws is a card that I personally think is great. A simple one of helps ensure that you wont draw multiples, and when you do draw it, there is always something to do with it. Whenever I have drawn this card late game, it does at least 8 or so damage and is usually enough to finish them off. If I have any of my larger creatures in play it will do plus 2 damage as well!
The board is a work in progress. Though I do know that a lot of sweepers are necessary due to the prevalence of aggro in today's format.
That's that! I am very optimistic of this built and think there are great things in store for it! Please give me any comments or criticisms you have, especially upvotes!! :D