Typical Legacy Vial Goblin Deck:
Lands like Wasteland,
Rishadan Port
and original duals, are just a step too far for my budget. The deck would be stronger with them, but considering I'm only doing local tourny's and legacy events, it's alright as a starting point.
Now for the deck as it stands:
Normal goblin strategy - suicidal attacks until the opponents life reaches 0, in legacy - ASAP.
We achieve this by cheating them out our bigger dudes with Goblin Lackey and Warren Instigator through combat damage. Or completely by passing counters by placing my creatures into play from Aether Vial.
Goblin Warchief
all goblins become hasty and cost less - perfect.
Goblin Chieftain
, hasty goblins and +1/+1
Goblin Matron let's us go fetch the required Goblin of choice for the situation.
Goblin Ringleader refills our hand, even if we're unlucky to turn over 4 lands or something, at least it ensures no dead draws for the next 4 turns.
Krenko, Mob Boss - Goblin Army generator.
Siege-Gang Commander comes with his own army.
Skirk Prospector
more mana if needed.
Stingscourger bounce something back to the hand, Iona or Marit Lage for example!!!
Gempalm Incinerator removal and card draw rolled in to one.
Leyline of the Void vs Reanimator
Mindbreak Trap vs combo
chalice of Void vs anything with low cost spells or 0 cost
Pyroblast for blue decks
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben - slow those non-creature spell heavy decks down.
Ethersworn Canonist for combo decks, another nice stall card.
I'm relatively inexperienced with legacy, so your help would be welcome. Suggestions for anything obvious missing where I haven't already explained it's absence.
Thanks a lot for looking over my deck, will be sure to check yours out in return.