
Enchantment (3)

Artifact (1)

Sorcery (4)

Making an aggressive Mardu type deck. Goblins and Minotaurs. Pretty heavy creature wise, however it does have the perk of working really well with Alesha, Who Smiles at Death mana ability. meaning I can chump block with pretty much everything.

Goblin Rabblemaster obvious choice for a goblin deck.

Collateral Damage is able to deal direct damage to my opponent if i can't get through with my creatures.

Mardu Charm for the versatility of damage, or tokens.

I've side boarded Thoughtseize. only because it provides shock value of round 2.

Ponyback Brigade is a place holder for more Mardu Strike Leader


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 5 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

18 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R, Morph 2/2 C, Warrior 1/1 W, Warrior 2/1 B
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