God Shrine of Ashling Burn

Tiny Leaders jimmynitos


DavidBray says... #1

Oh, you so want Scythe of the Wretched and maybe deathtouch givers. Also, a few more lands perhaps.

+1 for mono-red. Take a look at my Berserkers (new T.L.) for some more ideas.

March 18, 2015 7:12 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #2

Thanks for suggestion and the upvote!

I made some modifications and include Vexing Devil too, but I'll still trying 17 lands by now.

Berserkers (new T.L.) seems pretty nice, +1.

March 18, 2015 8:54 p.m.

Ihazadeck says... #3

i think mono-red is really good, you are at a disadvantage with life totals being at 25, but it is still viable. check out my burn list Zurgo the Soft One.

May 28, 2015 3:03 a.m.

jimmynitos says... #4

Thanks for the +1! Nice deck, also :)

May 28, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Zerjack says... #5

I have a Tiny Ashling deck too, but it's missing the description at the moment, so it's private. I will give you the link later, in case you're interested.

In general I think it's lacking synergy. You're in the middle of aggro creatures and burn. And while they may compliment each other, in this case I see a lot of cards working by themselves, or with only one other.

First I'd take out Myr Retriever, you only have three artifacts. Which makes me think it could be not that useful. Also I'd replace Cosmic Larva with Ball Lightning. Flamespeaker's Will for Vandalblast. Tormenting Voice for Browbeat. Magma Spray and Spark Jolt for Lightning Bolt or Lightning Strike.

Finally I'd recommend adding Darksteel Plate, Basilisk Collar, Price of Progress, and if your budget allows it, Magus of the Moon and Sword of Fire and Ice. Oh, by the way, Blood Moon should be in your main board, it's always useful.

September 16, 2015 2:48 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #6

I replaced Ball Lightning with Cosmic Larva because Ball was not so useful, so I'll probably keep it. I dislike Browbeat because it's conditional.

Vandalblast and Lightning Strike will become part of this deck. I can't find any Lightning Bolt in my LGS, but I'll keep searching.

Some of the cards are out of my budget, unfortunately. And I'd like to keep Myr Retriever just because of those three artifacts. They're important for some reasons and recover them is always good.

Thank you very much for all the advices, Zerjack.

September 16, 2015 9:09 p.m.

Zerjack says... #7

You're welcome, you might consider Braid of Fire too, but since the deck is somewhat more creature oriented it might not be that useful.

September 16, 2015 9:25 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #8

Braid of Fire can help me with Ashling herself. I'll see what can be done with this :)

September 17, 2015 9:19 a.m.

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