
Before I say anything stupid I'll say few words for the banned friend Golos. I had fun with you, getting all of those lands and paying seven to get 3 more lands. Those were the times. I remember when you got spoiled and I got so exited. It was love at the first sight, which I thought was impossible. But my friend, you proved me wrong. I'll always remember you as my perfect lands commander and friend. Rest in Peace my comrade.

Golos, Tireless Pilgrim 12.7.2019-13.9.2021

Hello traveler! I can see that you aren't from around here. How do I know? I have been scouting these lands for many years and trust me I know when I see somebody new admiring these different landscapes that our lord and savior Child of Alara formed for us to admire. I'll be your guide because it would be dangerous to travel alone in these harsh environments.

So why lands?

  • Usually people don't interact with lands (or at least not much) so part of your game plan is always safe
  • Even if it doesn't seem like it lands actually have very diverse uses. You can interact with example: Boseiju, Who Endures or Bojuka Bog. Lands also can tutor and draw: Tolaria West or Castle Locthwain. These are just few examples and lands is full of utility lands.
  • Lands are awesome.
  • Lands is kind of a ramp deck but instead of ramping to big scary creatures you ramp and gain advantages from ramping like damage, cards and life

How does this deck win?

What infinite land drops can do


  • This deck is EXTREMELY weak against Blood Moon, Back to Basics and Ruination and others like these
  • These cards are usually more rare but when you see them they will just lose usually (especially Ruination and Armageddon effects). You could play more basic forests to minimize the harm from those effects but every card you cut for basic lands is less utility lands in the deck
  • Search hate like Opposition Agent are bigger pain than usually but these aren't back breaking and always are high priority target for everyone
  • Grave hate is annoying because sometimes you play with graveyard but it is manageable


It is no secret that this deck can contain expensive cards like Gaea's Cradle, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale and Mox Diamond

These are not needed but obviously make the deck stronger. I usually don't play with these stupidly over priced cardboards (only exception being Mox Diamond because it is too lands style card to not include) because otherwise people don't let me play with them (understandably) this is also the reason why the deck doesn't involve universal tutors like Demonic Tutor

Links to alternative color combinations for lands commander:

Muldrotha, the Gravetide

Zacama Primal Calamity Flare Lands

Maja, Bretagard Protector Self Mill

Tymna & Tana Angry Lands


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Beledros Witherbloom This elder Dragon would act as a ritual style card thanks to its untap all lands once per turn. I think it isn't worth because you could just play Turnabout, but I know that it has its place in somewhere in different build or as an Golgari commander.

4/10 It just is

Harness Infinity This kind of feels like Praetor's Counsel and because even that isn't worth it this just doesn't cut it

2/10 Again nothing interesting to say

Witherbloom Command This card could be interesting because it has 3 very relevant modes, Return land, destroy nonland cmc2 and give -3/-1. I don't need to say anything about returning land so destroying nonland with cmc 2 or less is helpful because it destroys annoying tax pieces like Cursed Totem, Damping Sphere, Winter Orb Stasis and most importantly Rest in Peace. -3/-1 mode would be used for killing mana dorks and bob mainly. I still prefer Assassin's Trophy for all around removal but this has its points.

10/10 Extremely nice 2 for 1 removal

Culling Ritual This could be really cool. This deck doesn't have lots of nonland permanents with 2cmc or less and it can act as ritual by destroying your own zombies made by Field. Also it nicely destroys most used mana rocks.

8/10 ramping sweep makes my value brain happy

Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy I am actually considering this card because I feel like this deck wants more effects that put lands from hand and unlike Budoka Gardener  Flip this does something useful when you don't want to use the land putting ability + that ability is freaking card draw.

9/10 If it isn't good then I will be building new commander for this.

Witherbloom Apprentice / Professor Onyx Both of these are combo enablers but like Toracle + Pact/Consultation it is just boring to win at instant when you can combo off for 20 minutes for shits and giggles.

7/10 infinite combo is still really good

Eureka Moment If this card put 2 lands to play then I would consider this because it would be just double Growth spiral but like this it isn't good enough

4/10 worse than Uro

Jadzi, Oracle of Arcavios// Journey to the Oracle In this deck mainly you would be playing this for the flip side but I don't think it is really necessary, the Jadzi side also is powerful but I don't think it is good enough because you still have to have mana for spell to it to do anything.

2/10 Big do nothing

Ecological Appreciation This card can be absurdly powerful. In this deck you could go x = 6 and Search Aesi, Tatyova, Dread Presence and any 3 drop like Azusa or Ramunap so you will get at least 1 that draws cards from land drops and support for it or you get 2 card draw effects. You can also play it with x = 4 to search for support/ramp creatures like Reclaimer, Lotus Cobra, Azusa/Ramunap/Witness and Stone-Seeder/Dread Presence. It has potential but when getting bigger things it is just worse Tooth and Nail but it is more flexible.

7/10 Tutor those damn creatures

The Biblioplex This is the only land that could be in this deck but I still think that it isn't good enough because land slots are really really full and Castle Locthwain always draws without any restrictions.

1/10 not for this deck

Thank you for reading my cents about lands cards about a set that isn't about lands and ahve an amazing day.

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93% Casual


Top Ranked
Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.60
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, City's Blessing, Construct 0/0 C, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Food, Timeless Witness 4/4 B, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders decks, Land Lord, Saved Decks, Lands, Cool Decks, Golos, Neat, Lands Commanders
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