
Legacy* BrokenZygoma

SCORE: 128 | 224 COMMENTS | 35144 VIEWS | IN 47 FOLDERS

BrokenZygoma says... #1

@krotash No I always had Lotus Cobra Instead. And It does virtually the same thing, and cost the exact same amount, but I like the +2/+2 over the 1 extra damage and no extra defense.

July 10, 2012 10:08 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #2

@krotash No I always had Lotus Cobra Instead. And It does virtually the same thing, and cost the exact same amount, but I like the +2/+2 over the 1 extra damage and no extra defense.

July 10, 2012 10:08 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #3

I think that the sideboard looks good. Hunting Grounds is awesome! especially if you're getting milled. almost makes me think you could add some Mulch instead of Explore or Rampant Growth ... but the deck is very good as is so I wouldn't really change that.

As for getting rid of Rest for the Weary , I'm a bit surprised. Swords to Plowshares I think was a great add, but personally I think the life is fantastic against aggro by keeping the game going a bit longer... but that's just me... I think maybe I'd leave out the Banefire in favor of the protection/life.. just to keep the sideboard more diversified against burn aggro and such. But that's just me. I think overall it was a good call switching out Lurking Predators and Momentous Fall for those though.

July 11, 2012 1:25 a.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #4

@CommanderFun I just added Banefire because I can be hitting that for a lot of damage very quickly. And remember, I can use Swords to Plowshares as lifegain for myself in a pinch.

July 11, 2012 4:05 a.m.

jazzy128 says... #5

Hi, i'm new here, but I really like your deck for it's cheapness and the variety of cool creatures.I've tried playtesting it against my deck:dragon-overkill-ideas and I won 10-0. I think perhaps you need some better one drops? I find the Lotus Cobra to work really good with Explore , and maybe it's worth to throw in another?Anyway, i didn't try out with your sideboard but Im sure the Swords to Plowshares would make a huge difference.

July 11, 2012 8:39 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #6

@BrokenZygoma Swords to Plowshares is awesome I agree, and I know about the giving yourself life thing... I guess I'm just trying to think of some better options than Banefire . (maybe I'm just prejudiced? Banefire used to beat me as a child or something?) ...or maybe its because I don't like the idea of spending all that mana for just ONE target when Swords to Plowshares tells me, "all you need is one so why you doing that?" how do you feel about using Earthquake or Magmaquake ? I feel that has more "protection." Or maybe a Crater Hellion or even a Wrath of God ? This is all for sideboard of course, I think your maindeck is near perfect.

OR just keep Banefire cause it really is one of better x damage spells.

I think I'm giving you the most confusing advice possible... sorry for that :/ above all else, whatever you choose, test it out and stick with what works! Feel free to ignore my confusing ideas at your leisure. :P

July 11, 2012 11:14 a.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #7

I mean I do like mass removal but I think Earthquake would really be the only other option I would go with. Magmaquake is cool because it's an instant, but I like the efficiency of XR spells better. Wrath of God does wipe the board, but I cant deal direct damage to my opponent to win the game with it.

July 11, 2012 1:08 p.m.

tedyo says... #8

look, my deck have black instead of white Optimus Primeval

July 11, 2012 8:06 p.m.

OpalineBlade says... #9

I feel that sometimes, this deck gets so rampant that I run out of cards in my hand too early... This could easily be fixed by running a playset of Harmonize , One of my all time favorite cards. Also, why not play 4 Path to Exile Instead of the swords to plowshares. You can use it to kill an opposing creature, but also, if your opponent tries to kill one of your smaller guys with a Go for the Throat or a Slagstorm , you can exile it in response with the path, and in the process, get a free land. That way, you're actually gaining card advantage. Nice deck though. +1

July 11, 2012 11:19 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #10

I run Swords to Plowshares because giving my opponent life is far better than giving him a land. I can get extra life but ramping them up isn't good. And I don't need the extra ramp. As for draw, Explore and Drumhunter is all I need. With Mayael the Anima Not having cards isn't an issue when I can get big creatures out each turn for 6 mana.

July 12, 2012 12:07 a.m.

Clusterfucker says... #11

I think some fetchlands would be good, assuming budget isn't an issue. You mentioned not being able to get your hands on a cavern of souls, which indicates budget is a consideration. However, I goldfished it a few times and mana was definitely the problem.

Also, with lotus cobra and khalni heart expedition, fetchlands would help. If you add fetchlands, I would add more cobras. However, if you don't want to, you built a better deck than I could, so I could see me being wrong here.

July 14, 2012 4:01 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #12

I've never had an issue with mana. And Its not a budget issue. I have the money, I just don't want to spend it :) If I had my way I would just run dual lands all day.

July 14, 2012 4:08 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #13

I think the mana does work as it is as well... but I do agree that adding a couple of fetch lands would increase the power of the deck for the landfall effects. Clusterfucker makes a good argument with the Khalni Heart Expedition , But I was thinking it wouldn't hurt to get 5 mana 3rd turn just for playing a Lotus Cobra 2nd turn and then land fetching on 3rd. Again, I think the mana is fine right now. Just saying that fetches aren't a bad idea because of the fun landfall stuff that so many of the cards have already in this deck. I still think this deck is awesome.

July 15, 2012 1:45 p.m.

Why don't you add sprearbreaker behemoth in the deck?

July 29, 2012 5:20 a.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #15

@user:Kyle%20Schilling Perhaps you weren't looking hard enough

July 29, 2012 2:50 p.m.

Needs another card:Green Sun's Zenith

August 1, 2012 3:03 p.m.

Shadowplay009 says... #17

what about Bonfire of the Damned ?

August 8, 2012 2:43 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #18

@Shadowplay009 I really like Bonfire of the Damned but It really relies on the Miracle a bit too much for my liking.

August 9, 2012 11:45 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #19

If you had a Natural Order , would you put that into the deck? maybe instead of card:Green Sun's Zenith? it would make it super easy to get a Godsire out.

August 26, 2012 12:39 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #20

Oh absolutely. Sad that it cost almost 30 bucks

August 26, 2012 1:22 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #21

indeed, it is sadly expensive. But I'm curious... what changes would you make if you were suddenly given all the cards that you would normally never pay for (while keeping it legacy of course... not vintage).

August 30, 2012 12:40 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #22

I'm actually working on a complete reworking of this deck. Look for it soon.

August 31, 2012 10:39 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #23

ORLY? I've always loved this one, thought about making it a couple of times. Looking forward to what u come up with!

August 31, 2012 1:04 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #24

Looking into maybe taking out card:Green Sun's Zenith and Vagrant Plowbeasts for 2 Natural Order ? Yay? Nay?

September 2, 2012 4:11 p.m.

BrokenZygoma says... #25

Opinions on the latest update?

September 2, 2012 10:10 p.m.

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