Goggle Control

Standard Rasta_Viking29


Aerostar says... #1

I like the idea, but you need a finisher. I like 1 or 2 of Stormbreath Dragon, and this also sticks with the burn theme of the deck. Actually, I also really like mainboarding Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. That might be the best option for a red control finisher. Since you are going for control, you will be using your burn on opposing threats, so I think you need more than just Pyromancer's Goggles to finish the game. I think that you won't have enough burn spells to copy to the face by the time you hit turn 6.

Good luck with this, a very intriguing concept.

July 8, 2015 12:51 a.m.

GTTX says... #2

Lightning Bolt so you can dual cast it on turn 5 with the goggles :O and maybe Thunderbreak Regent

July 8, 2015 3:10 a.m.

Frog_Bomb says... #3

Howl of the Horde? It seems like this card would be powerful by itself, and obviously ridiculous with the Goggles.

July 8, 2015 4:21 a.m.

Aerostar says... #4

GTTX, Lightning Bolt isn't legal in Standard. Maybe this would be fun to brew in modern Rasta_Viking29?

July 8, 2015 4:31 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #5

Thanks guys.

Aerostar Stormbreath might end up in the deck. For now though I'd like to keep it creatureless to blank opposing removal. I think bringing creatures in from the board might be useful as opponents should be boarding out their removal. I'm kind of leaning towards Ashcloud in that role because of it's invariability. Ugin was the 61st card, I'd like to fit it in there. I think it fits the deck very well and would give me something great to flood into.

July 8, 2015 11:03 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #6

GTTX Thunderbreak might be a direction to take the deck. It isn't very resilient would probably require more creatures to get adequate value in gameplay.

I really do wish I could run Lightning Bolt but this is a Standard deck.

July 8, 2015 11:06 a.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #7

Frog_Bomb Howl of the Horde could do some crazy things surrounded by cards like these. My problem with it is that I don't really have any creatures to trigger the raid part of the spell. Maybe a more aggressive version of the deck could pull it off. Being able to turn 2 spells into 6 should be enough to win outright in most cases.

July 8, 2015 11:11 a.m.

Frog_Bomb says... #8

Rasta_Viking29, I think adding Goblinslide might be a really good option over Hordeling Outburst for exactly that reason (Note the haste). Moreover, since your entire deck is non-creature spells, I feel like Goblinslide would be more powerful over the course of the game even without raid cards.

July 8, 2015 1:02 p.m.

demonicgrizzly says... #9

Red burn control? I gotta try this.

I wonder how it would do against your typical esper control deck

July 8, 2015 6:46 p.m.

Frog_Bomb Goblinslide could be a real consideration. I'm not sure it would replace Outburst though. Outburst does a great job blocking red aggro and token decks, chumping green fatties to buy time, and can apply pressure on an empty board. Casting it with the Goggles nets you 6/6 for 3 mana spread over 6 cards making a pretty good late game play. I'll have to get some testing in with the deck before I can figure out if taking a turn off setting up Slide and then getting value from it would be feasible, both Goggles and Vault have the same hurrdle.

July 8, 2015 6:59 p.m.

Tfthoresen this deck should crush typical Esper or U/B Control. They really have no way to effectively trade cards and many of the cards they play can not interact this strategy. It should also be great against aggro due to all of the cheap answers, mainboard Anger of the Gods, and ability to close quickly after grabbing control.

It's real test will be against green midrange decks. Some creatures will be hard to deal with without having a certain card in hand. Perilous Vault will have to do some heavy lifting in order to keep them from overwhelming the board and establishing a huge tempo advantage. If this deck can navigate turns 4-6 and stick a Vault or Goggles things should swing back in our favor. Should be noted that the typical Deathmist Raptor + Den Protector duo green midrange leans on to grind is very poorly positioned against this deck.

July 8, 2015 7:10 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #12

Fascinating idea...I really like the notion of blanking removal in Game 1 and bringing in creatures on Game 2 to throw opponents further off-balance.

Ashcloud Phoenix is a solid choice, I agree. Stormbreath Dragon is a thing, obviously.

I think Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is an important mainboard 1-of. I think it may be quite feasible to remove one Perilous Vault for this card. His minus ability can effectively be a Vault anyway, and he's a viable closer. I like the new Goggles card as a finisher, too, though. Kind of a Pyromancer Ascension, almost.

+1, I think this is very interesting. I'd like to hear how it works at the FNM level when you get it built.

July 8, 2015 7:10 p.m.

ofcruelties says... #13

Even though it's a control deck, what about Monastery Swiftspear? Even in the late game it's got haste and with all the burn it's not hard to just shift gears and deal like 7 damage on one turn. And you can also do some blocking in the early game. If you bring the stormbreaths it kind of looks like a mono-red tempo deck (which is awesome).

Love the one-of shrapnel blast with the darksteel citadels. +1 from me.

July 8, 2015 11:17 p.m.

Darcis says... #14

Is it really worth it to play 4x Darksteel Citadel just for 1x Shrapnel Blast? That seems kind of clunky. Might just want to go to four Lightning Strike. I would maindeck cards like Searing Blood and Wild Slash, since they hit a huge number of threats (Rabblemaster, Boon Satyr, etc). I'd also take out the Hordeling Outburst for Thunderbreak Regent, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, or both. If people leave in their removal for game 2, that's great, because you'll only have like 4 target, and Hordeling doesn't really fit into what the deck wants to do, plus it's terrible with Anger of the Gods. I can see its justification in that it enables Stoke the Flames, but even that looks a little off in this deck.

As far as the sideboard... I don't know, side into aggro. I have absolutely no idea what do with the side since this is basically just creatureless burn. :P Maybe Smash to Smithereens for the ever-powerful Izzet Artifact matchup? :P

July 8, 2015 11:28 p.m.

ccmaci says... #15

Cool deck, but it has 23 cards in the sideboard so...

July 8, 2015 11:49 p.m.

JakeHarlow thanks. I am going to find a way to get Ugin back in the mainboard. He brings so much to the table against midrange and when I don't need him I can pitch it to Tormenting Voice. I really only see upside to having him.

I'm hoping to play this next Friday. I own all of the cards except Vault and the Origins cards. I don't expect heavy competition trying to acquire Goggles at prerelease either.

July 9, 2015 12:29 p.m.

ofcruelties thank you sir. I think there could a tempo/aggro version that runs Monastery Swiftspear, you'd probably want to cut the Vaults. I'm not sure even with haste that it would be effective late. It's worth noting that spells copied with Goggles aren't cast, they are copied and put directly onto the stack which will not trigger Prowess.

July 9, 2015 12:35 p.m.

Darcis that's a lot of change. The whole texture of the deck would feel different. Your suggestions would lead the deck down the path of a more traditional Big Red strategy. When I first started building it Big Red was kind of the intention but as I pared it down it cam apparent that excluding green acceleration was not worth any consistency gained by being mono-colored.

Outburst and Anger actually work very well together against aggro. If you lead with Outburst the opponent will have to play more cards onto the board to attack around, then you mop up with Anger. Or you can Anger first to reset the board and then deploy the goblins. In this scenario your opponent should only have a couple cards in hand will have a hard time not falling behind and losing to card advantage.

Darksteel Citadel and Shrapnel Blast might not pull it's weight. I want to give it a shot though. You don't have to sacrifice another artifact to a copy from Goggles and 10 damage at instant speed is nuts. Typically you want a 1 to 4/5 ratio of Shrapnel Blast to artifacts and I can envision plenty of instances where I don't want to sacrifice a Vault or Goggle so I'm compensating a little. If it doesn't pan out I will play Radiant Fountain in place of them.

July 9, 2015 12:57 p.m.

Justin_Bop says... #19

This is one of the more original Origins Standard brews I have seen in a while. I'm m now going to need to make my own version of this and tinker with it. I do have a couple suggestions I feel will boost the overall competitiveness of the deck.

I think the deck needs a mana sink. Currently in the 75 I don't see a card that would be valid for this purpose (the closest cards are Ugin and Molten Vortex). An idea I had was to add a Ravaging Blaze or two so late game you can easily finish off an opponent that is low.

On top of the Ravaging Blaze I would consider adding a Mage-Ring Network (yep you heard me) to help "store away" some extra mana you may have each turn. This would make Ravaging Blaze a viable alternate win condition if you add at least two instead of a Darksteel Citadel or two.

I believe 26 lands is too much for this deck, especially without the aforementioned mana sink. Your curve tops out at 5 CMC right now, with a plethora of lower costing spells; I think your curve is low enough to go down to 24 or even 25 lands. This would allow for a few more additional burn spells to push through extra damage.

In the sideboard, I would recommend adding at least 2 Rending Volley for Dragonlord Ojutai matchups. This makes it much easier to deal with this creature, because otherwise for this deck it is a hassle to save mana for Stoke the Flames. It also has a few other valid targets too, so it is fairly versatile.

Siege Rhino is an imminent problem for this deck. IMO (depending on your meta I suppose), you should mainboarded at least 3 Roast, even possible 4 to deal with Rhino, Tasigur, or many other threats. Without these, you generally have to 2 for 1 yourself to get rid of Rhino (or you can use the Goggles I suppose).

As said above, definitely add an Ugin to the Mainboard. If he hits the battlefield, it can be an easy game over for an opponent. I love the idea of blanking your opponents removal match 1, and then boarding in creatures next match. Makes so many cards terrible in an opponents deck.

Last thing; would it be a better idea to have 4 Magmatic Insights and 2 Tormenting Voice instead of how you have it, seeing as you have so much land? I'm not sure, so it is something you can playtest with. Good luck with this at Prerelease or FNM of wherever you play it, it would be nice if you could say how the deck played sometime after you use it a lot (I'm definitely gonna be using a list like this). Nice job so far!

July 9, 2015 10:04 p.m.

IHATENAMES says... #20

How does this work PlayPyromancer's Goggles tap it for mana play another goggle sacking the one in play then playing a red spell do you copy it 2ce?

July 10, 2015 11:32 a.m.

CricketYT says... #21

July 12, 2015 11:26 a.m.

Curchanus says... #22

You need Satyr Firedancer before it rotates out

July 13, 2015 10:52 a.m.

Curchanus says... #23

Also the new flip-Chandra and Embermaw Hellion could be good here

July 13, 2015 10:54 a.m.

zamsonov says... #24

Tapping out every single turn won't give you much control if you ask me. Only 9 instants.

July 14, 2015 7 p.m.

HappySmilebn says... #25

I tested this deck with my friends and this deck is powerful, has answers for most things , but lacks something against abzan agriculture and espercontrol ( these after Origen ) the deck is very competitive to do some cuanot s adjustments side and be ready to break mindsThe only counterpart is this deck have few instant ... nice deck men! : D24 land: 4 temples (scry for control its important),4 fetches,
3 Darkstell Citadel, 2 Mage-Ring Network, 11 mountains

+2 Ravaging Blaze-2 anger of the Gods+2 Magma jet

July 15, 2015 12:09 a.m.

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